static function getFavItems($report) {
global $user;
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$group_by_option = $report['group_by'];
$convertTo12Hour = ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format) && ($report['show_start'] || $report['show_end']);
// Prepare a query for time items in tt_log table.
$fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query.
array_push($fields, ' as id');
if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient() || in_array('ex', explode(',', $user->plugins)))
$left_joins .= " left join tt_users u on ( = l.user_id)";
if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option)
- $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = l.project_id)";
+ $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = l.project_id)";
if ($report['show_task'] || 'task' == $group_by_option)
- $left_joins .= " left join tt_tasks t on ( = l.task_id)";
+ $left_joins .= " left join tt_tasks t on ( = l.task_id)";
if ($include_cf_1) {
if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
$left_joins .= " left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1)";
if ($includeCost && MODE_TIME != $user->tracking_mode)
$left_joins .= " left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id)";
$where = ttReportHelper::getFavWhere($report);
- // Construct sql query for tt_log items.
+ // Construct sql query for tt_log items.
$sql = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_log l $left_joins $where";
// If we don't have expense items (such as when the Expenses plugin is desabled), the above is all sql we need,
// with an exception of sorting part, that is added in the end.
// However, when we have expenses, we need to do a union with a separate query for expense items from tt_expense_items table.
if ($report['show_cost'] && in_array('ex', explode(',', $user->plugins))) { // if ex(penses) plugin is enabled
$fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query.
array_push($fields, '');
array_push($fields, '2 as type'); // Type 2 is for tt_expense_items entries.
// Add invoice name if it is selected.
if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice'])
array_push($fields, ' as invoice');
// Prepare sql query part for left joins.
$left_joins = null;
if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient())
if ($report['show_client'] || 'client' == $group_by_option)
$left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on ( = ei.client_id)";
if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option)
- $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = ei.project_id)";
+ $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = ei.project_id)";
if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice'])
$left_joins .= " left join tt_invoices i on ( = ei.invoice_id and i.status = 1)";
$where = ttReportHelper::getFavExpenseWhere($report);
// Construct sql query for expense items.
$sql_for_expense_items = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_expense_items ei $left_joins $where";
// Construct a union.
$sql = "($sql) union all ($sql_for_expense_items)";
// Determine sort part.
$sort_part = ' order by ';
if ($group_by_option == null || 'no_grouping' == $group_by_option || 'date' == $group_by_option) // TODO: fix DB for NULL values in group_by field.
if ($report['show_start'])
$sort_part .= ', unformatted_start';
$sort_part .= ', id';
$sql .= $sort_part;
// By now we are ready with sql.
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
- if ($convertTo12Hour) {
- if($val['start'] != '')
- $val['start'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['start']);
- if($val['finish'] != '')
- $val['finish'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['finish']);
+ if ($convertTo12Hour) {
+ if($val['start'] != '')
+ $val['start'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['start']);
+ if($val['finish'] != '')
+ $val['finish'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['finish']);
+ }
+ if (isset($val['cost'])) {
+ if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
+ $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']);
+ }
+ if (isset($val['expense'])) {
+ if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
+ $val['expense'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expense']);
+ }
+ if ('no_grouping' != $group_by_option) {
+ $val['grouped_by'] = $val[$group_by_option];
+ if ('date' == $group_by_option) {
+ // This is needed to get the date in user date format.
+ $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['grouped_by']);
+ $val['grouped_by'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format);
+ unset($o_date);
- if (isset($val['cost'])) {
- if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
- $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']);
- }
- if (isset($val['expense'])) {
- if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
- $val['expense'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expense']);
- }
- if ('no_grouping' != $group_by_option) {
- $val['grouped_by'] = $val[$group_by_option];
- if ('date' == $group_by_option) {
- // This is needed to get the date in user date format.
- $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['grouped_by']);
- $val['grouped_by'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format);
- unset($o_date);
- }
- }
- // This is needed to get the date in user date format.
- $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['date']);
- $val['date'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format);
- unset($o_date);
- $row = $val;
- $report_items[] = $row;
- } else
- die($res->getMessage());
+ // This is needed to get the date in user date format.
+ $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['date']);
+ $val['date'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format);
+ unset($o_date);
+ $row = $val;
+ $report_items[] = $row;
+ }
+ } else
+ die($res->getMessage());
return $report_items;
// getSubtotals calculates report items subtotals when a report is grouped by.
// Without expenses, it's a simple select with group by.
// With expenses, it becomes a select with group by from a combined set of records obtained with "union all".