- }
+ };
+ k.ActionBarAccesskeys = {
+ known_keys: {
+ 'enter': 13,
+ 'esc': 27,
+ },
+ actions: {},
+ bound_targets: {},
+ add_accesskey: function (target, keystring, action) {
+ if (target === undefined) {
+ target = 'document';
+ }
+ if (!(target in this.actions))
+ this.actions[target] = {};
+ this.actions[target][keystring] = action;
+ },
+ bind_targets: function(){
+ for (var target in this.actions) {
+ if (target in this.bound_targets) continue;
+ $(target).on('keypress', null, { 'target': target }, this.handle_accesskey);
+ this.bound_targets[target] = 1;
+ }
+ },
+ handle_accesskey: function(e,t) {
+ var target = e.data.target;
+ var key = e.which;
+ var accesskey = '';
+ if (e.ctrlKey) accesskey += 'crtl+'
+ if (e.altKey) accesskey += 'alt+'
+ accesskey += e.which;
+ // special case. HTML elements that make legitimate use of enter will also trigger the enter accesskey.
+ // so. if accesskey is '13' and the event source is one of these (currently only textarea) ignore it.
+ // higher level widgets will usually prevent their key events from bubbling if used.
+ if (accesskey == 13 && e.target.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') return true;
+ if ((target in k.ActionBarAccesskeys.actions) && (accesskey in k.ActionBarAccesskeys.actions[target])) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ k.ActionBarAccesskeys.actions[target][accesskey].click();
+ // and another special case.
+ // if the form contains submit buttons the default action will click them instead.
+ // prevent that
+ if (accesskey == 13) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
k.ActionBarAction = function(e) {
var data = $(e).data('action');
+ if (data.accesskey) {
+ if (data.submit) {
+ k.ActionBarAccesskeys.add_accesskey(data.submit[0], data.accesskey, $(e));
+ }
+ if (data.call) {
+ k.ActionBarAccesskeys.add_accesskey(undefined, data.accesskey, $(e));
+ }
+ }
if (data.call || data.submit) {
$(e).click(function(event) {
var $hidden, key, func, check;
$('div.layout-actionbar-combobox').each(function(_, e) {
$(e).data('combobox', new kivi.ActionBarCombobox(e));
- $(document).click(function() {
+ $(document).click(function() {
+ kivi.ActionBarAccesskeys.bind_targets();