'label.totals_only' => 'Kun Total',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Fejl',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Login',
'title.groups' => 'Teams', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Nur Gesamtstunden',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Fehler',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Anmelden',
'title.groups' => 'Gruppen',
// 'label.totals_only' => 'Totals only',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'خطا',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'ورود',
'title.groups' => 'تیم ها', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Vain yhteissummat',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Virhe',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Kirjautuminen',
'title.groups' => 'Tiimit', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Totaux uniquement',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Erreur',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Connexion',
'title.groups' => 'Équipes', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Σύνολα μόνο',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Σφάλμα',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Σύνδεση',
'title.groups' => 'Ομάδες',
'labl.totals_only' => 'סיכומים בלבד',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'שגיאה',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'כניסה',
'title.groups' => 'צוותים', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
// page is about and is "consistent" from page to page, meaning that correct grammar is used everywhere.
// Compare with English file to see how it is done there and do Italian titles similarly.
// Specifically: Eliminazione vs Elimina - we probably want nouns in titles.
+'title.error' => 'Errore',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Login',
'title.groups' => 'Gruppi',
'label.totals_only' => 'Alleen totalen',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Fout',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Aanmelden',
'title.groups' => 'Groepen',
'label.totals_only' => 'Tylko sumy',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Błąd',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Logowanie',
'title.groups' => 'Zespoły', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Somente totais',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Erro',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Login',
'title.groups' => 'Equipes', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
// Form titles.
'title.error' => 'Ошибка',
-'title.success' => 'УÑ\81пеÑ\88наÑ\8f опеÑ\80аÑ\86иÑ\8f',
+'title.success' => 'УÑ\81пеÑ\85',
'title.login' => 'Вход в систему',
'title.groups' => 'Группы',
'title.subgroups' => 'Подгруппы',
'label.totals_only' => 'Iba celkové',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Chyba',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Prihlásenie',
'title.groups' => 'Tímy', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Samo zbirno',
// Form titles.
+'title.error' => 'Greška',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Prijava',
'title.groups' => 'Timovi', // TODO: change "teams" to "groups".
'label.totals_only' => 'Visa endast summeringar',
// Rubriker för formulär
+'title.error' => 'Fel',
// TODO: Translate the following.
-// 'title.error' => 'Error',
// 'title.success' => 'Success',
'title.login' => 'Logga in',
'title.groups' => 'Grupper',