"controls.per_at" => 'od počátku',
"controls.per_ty" => 'letos',
-"label.fields" => 'zobrazit pole',
-"label.group_title" => 'seskupit podle',
"label.inv_str" => 'faktura',
"label.set_empl" => 'výběr uživatelů',
"label.sel_all" => 'vybrat všechno',
"label.sel_none" => 'zrušit výběr',
"label.disable" => 'zakázat',
"label.enable" => 'povolit',
-"label.hrs" => 'hodin',
"label.sel_none" => 'すべて解除',
"label.disable" => '使用中止',
"label.enable" => '使用可能',
-"label.hrs" => '時間',
"label.sel_none" => '모두 해제',
"label.disable" => '무력화',
"label.enable" => '가능화',
-"label.hrs" => '시간',
// Login form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/login.php.
'form.login.forgot_password' => 'Glemt passordet?',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.login.about' =>'Anuko <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_2.htm" target="_blank">Time Tracker</a> is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.',
+'form.login.about' =>'Anuko <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_2.htm" target="_blank">Time Tracker</a> er et enkelt, brukervennlig tidsregistreringssystem basert på åpen kildekode.',
// Resetting Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_reset.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
// "label.sel_none" => 'velg ingen',
// "label.disable" => 'slå av',
// "label.enable" => 'slå på',
-// "label.hrs" => 'timer',
-// login hello text
-// "login.hello.text" => "Anuko Time Tracker er et enkelt, brukervennlig tidsregistreringssystem basert på åpen kildekode.",
// 'label.client' => 'Client',
// 'label.clients' => 'Clients',
// 'label.option' => 'Option',
-// 'label.invoice' => 'Invoice',
+'label.invoice' => 'Factura',
'label.project' => 'Proiect',
'label.projects' => 'Proiecte',
// TODO: translate the following.
'label.edit' => 'Editează',
'label.delete' => 'Șterge',
'label.configure' => 'Configureaza',
+'label.select_all' => 'Selecteaza tot',
+'label.select_none' => 'Deselecteaza tot',
// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'label.select_all' => 'Select all',
-// 'label.select_none' => 'Deselect all',
// 'label.day_view' => 'Day view',
// 'label.week_view' => 'Week view',
// 'label.id' => 'ID',
// 'title.reports' => 'Reports',
// 'title.report' => 'Report',
// 'title.send_report' => 'Sending Report',
-// 'title.invoice' => 'Invoice',
+'title.invoice' => 'Factura',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.send_invoice' => 'Sending Invoice',
// 'title.charts' => 'Charts',
'title.projects' => 'Proiecte',
// 'title.add_task' => 'Adding Task',
// 'title.edit_task' => 'Editing Task',
// 'title.delete_task' => 'Deleting Task',
-// 'title.users' => 'Users',
-// 'title.add_user' => 'Adding User',
-// 'title.edit_user' => 'Editing User',
-// 'title.delete_user' => 'Deleting User',
+'title.users' => 'Utilizatori',
+'title.add_user' => 'Adaugare utilizator', // TODO: is this correct?
+'title.edit_user' => 'Editare utilizator', // TODO: is this correct?
+'title.delete_user' => 'Stergere utilizator', // TODO: is this correct?
// 'title.clients' => 'Clients',
// 'title.add_client' => 'Adding Client',
// 'title.edit_client' => 'Editing Client',
// 'title.delete_client' => 'Deleting Client',
-// 'title.invoices' => 'Invoices',
+'title.invoices' => 'Facturi',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.add_invoice' => 'Adding Invoice',
// 'title.view_invoice' => 'Viewing Invoice',
// 'title.delete_invoice' => 'Deleting Invoice',
// 'dropdown.selected_year' => 'year',
// 'dropdown.all_time' => 'all time',
'dropdown.projects' => 'proiecte',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'dropdown.tasks' => 'tasks',
// 'dropdown.clients' => 'clients',
// 'dropdown.select' => '--- select ---',
// 'dropdown.select_invoice' => '--- select invoice ---',
-// 'dropdown.status_active' => 'active',
-// 'dropdown.status_inactive' => 'inactive',
+'dropdown.status_active' => 'activ',
+'dropdown.status_inactive' => 'inactiv',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'dropdown.delete'=>'delete',
// 'dropdown.do_not_delete'=>'do not delete',
// 'dropdown.paid' => 'paid',
"controls.per_lm" => 'luna trecuta',
"controls.per_tw" => 'saptamana curenta',
"controls.per_lw" => 'saptamana trecuta',
-"label.inv_str" => 'factura',
-"label.set_empl" => 'alege utilizatori',
-"label.sel_all" => 'selecteaza tot',
-"label.sel_none" => 'deselecteaza tot',
-"label.disable" => 'inactiv',
-"label.enable" => 'activ',
"controls.per_td" => 'bugün',
"controls.per_at" => 'tüm zamanlar',
-"label.group_title" => 'gruplandırma kıstası',
"label.set_empl" => 'kullanıcıları seç',
"label.sel_all" => 'tümünü seç',
"label.sel_none" => 'hiçbirini seçme',
// Login form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/login.php.
'form.login.forgot_password' => '忘记密码?',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.login.about' =>'Anuko <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_2.htm" target="_blank">Time Tracker</a> is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.',
+'form.login.about' =>'Anuko <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_2.htm" target="_blank">Time Tracker</a> 是一种简单、易用、开放源代码的实时跟踪系统。',
// Resetting Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_reset.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
"controls.per_td" => '今天',
"controls.per_at" => '全部时间',
"controls.per_ty" => '今年',
-"controls.sel_period" => '--- 选择时间段 ---',
"label.inv_str" => '发票',
"label.set_empl" => '选择用户',
"label.sel_none" => '全部不选',
"label.disable" => '禁用',
"label.enable" => '启用',
-"label.hrs" => '小时',
-// login hello text
- "login.hello.text" => "anuko时间跟踪器是一种简单、易用、开放源代码的实时跟踪系统。",
// This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project.
// Error messages.
-// TODO: All error messages should be complete sentences with a period (full stop) in the end. Put them there.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.',
// 'error.sys' => 'System error.',
-'error.db' => '資料庫錯誤',
-'error.field' => '不正確的"{0}"資料',
-'error.empty' => '欄目"{0}"為空',
-'error.not_equal' => '欄目"{0}"不等於欄目"{1}"',
+'error.db' => '資料庫錯誤。',
+'error.field' => '不正確的"{0}"資料。',
+'error.empty' => '欄目"{0}"為空。',
+'error.not_equal' => '欄目"{0}"不等於欄目"{1}"。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-'error.project' => '選擇項目',
+'error.project' => '選擇項目。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
-'error.client' => '選擇客戶',
+'error.client' => '選擇客戶。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
-'error.auth' => '不正確的用戶名或密碼',
-'error.user_exists' => '該使用者登錄資訊已經存在',
-'error.project_exists' => '該專案名稱已經存在',
+'error.auth' => '不正確的用戶名或密碼。',
+'error.user_exists' => '該使用者登錄資訊已經存在。',
+'error.project_exists' => '該專案名稱已經存在。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.',
// 'error.client_exists' => 'Client with this name already exists.',
// 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.',
// 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.',
-'error.no_login' => '沒有該登錄資訊的使用者',
+'error.no_login' => '沒有該登錄資訊的使用者。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.no_teams' => 'Your database is empty. Login as admin and create a new team.',
-'error.upload' => '上傳文件出錯',
+'error.upload' => '上傳文件出錯。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.range_locked' => 'Date range is locked.',
-'error.mail_send' => '發送郵件時出錯',
-'error.no_email' => '沒有電子郵件與該用戶名關聯',
+'error.mail_send' => '發送郵件時出錯。',
+'error.no_email' => '沒有電子郵件與該用戶名關聯。',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Uncompleted entry already exists. Close or delete it.',
// 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Go to uncompleted entry.',
"label.sel_none" => '全部不選',
"label.disable" => '禁用',
"label.enable" => '啟用',
-"label.hrs" => '小時',
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_4.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.credits}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_5.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.license}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_7.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.improve}</a>