return eval "use $module $version; 1";
+sub check_kpsewhich {
+ my $exit = system("which kpsewhich > /dev/null");
+ return $exit > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+sub template_dirs {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ opendir my $dh, $path || die "can't open $path";
+ my @templates = sort grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir $dh;
+ close $dh;
+ return @templates;
+sub classes_from_latex {
+ my ($path, $class) = @_;
+ open my $pipe, q#egrep -rs '^[\ \t]*# . "$class' $path". q# | sed 's/ //g' | awk -F '{' '{print $2}' | awk -F '}' '{print $1}' |#;
+ my @cls = <$pipe>;
+ close $pipe;
+ # can't use uniq here
+ my %class_hash = map { $_ => 1 } map { s/\n//; $_ } split ',', join ',', @cls;
+ return sort keys %class_hash;
my %conditional_dependencies;
sub check_for_conditional_dependencies {
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ANSIColor;
+our $master_templates;
unshift @INC, "modules/override"; # Use our own versions of various modules (e.g. YAML).
push @INC, "modules/fallback"; # Only use our own versions of modules if there's no system version.
+ # this is a default dir. may be wrong in your installation, change it then
+ $master_templates = './templates/print/';
use SL::InstallationCheck;
"a|all" => \ $check{a},
"o|optional!" => \ $check{o},
"d|devel!" => \ $check{d},
+ "l|latex!" => \ $check{l},
"r|required!" => \ $check{r},
"h|help" => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2) },
"c|color!" => \ ( my $c = 1 ),
# if notihing is requested check "required"
$check{r} = 1 unless defined $check{a} ||
+ defined $check{l} ||
defined $check{o} ||
defined $check{d};
$| = 1;
if ($check{r}) {
+ print_header('Checking Required Modules');
check_module($_, required => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::required_modules;
if ($check{o}) {
+ print_header('Checking Optional Modules');
check_module($_, optional => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::optional_modules;
if ($check{d}) {
+ print_header('Checking Developer Modules');
check_module($_, devel => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::developer_modules;
+if ($check{l}) {
+ check_latex();
+sub check_latex {
+ my ($res) = check_kpsewhich();
+ print_result("Looking for LaTeX kpsewhich", $res ? ('ok', 'green') : ('NOT ok', 'red'));
+ if ($res) {
+ check_template_dir($_) for SL::InstallationCheck::template_dirs($master_templates);
+ }
+sub check_template_dir {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my $path = $master_templates . $dir;
+ print_header("Checking LaTeX Dependencies for Master Templates '$dir'");
+ kpsewhich($path, 'cls', $_) for SL::InstallationCheck::classes_from_latex($path, '\documentclass');
+ kpsewhich($path, 'sty', $_) for SL::InstallationCheck::classes_from_latex($path, '\usepackage');
+our $mastertemplate_path = './templates/print/';
+sub check_kpsewhich {
+ return 1 if SL::InstallationCheck::check_kpsewhich();
+ print STDERR <<EOL if $v;
+ Can't find kpsewhich, is there a proper installed LaTeX?
+ On Debian you may run "aptitude install texlive-base-bin"
+ return 0;
+sub kpsewhich {
+ my ($dw, $type, $package) = @_;
+ $package =~ s/[^-_0-9A-Za-z]//g;
+ my $type_desc = $type eq 'cls' ? 'document class' : 'package';
+ my $exit = system(qq|TEXINPUTS=".:$dw:" kpsewhich $package.$type > /dev/null|);
+ my $res = $exit > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ print_result("Looking for LaTeX $type_desc $package", $res);
+ if (!$res) {
+ print STDERR <<EOL if $v;
+ LaTeX $type_desc $package could not be loaded.
+ On Debian you may find the needed *.deb package with:
+ apt-file search $package.$type
+ Maybe you need to install apt-file first by:
+ aptitude install apt-file && apt-file update
+ }
sub check_module {
my ($module, %role) = @_;
+sub print_header {
+ print $/;
+ print "$_[0]:", $/;
Check dependencys. List all perl modules needed by Lx-Office, probes for them,
-and warns if one is not available.
+and warns if one is not available. List all LaTeX document classes and
+packages needed by Lx-Office master templates, probes for them, and warns if
+one is not available.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item C<--no-devel>
-Dont't probe for perl developer dependancies. (Usefull in combination with --all)
+Don't probe for perl developer dependancies. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-h, --help>
=item C<--no-optional>
-Dont't probe for optional perl modules. (Usefull in combination with --all)
+Don't probe for optional perl modules. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-r, --required>
=item C<--no-required>
-Dont't probe for required perl modules. (Usefull in combination with --all)
+Don't probe for required perl modules. (Useful in combination with --all)
+=item C<-l. --latex>
+Probe for LaTeX documentclasses and packages in master templates.
+=item C<--no-latex>
+Don't probe for LaTeX document classes and packages in master templates. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-v. --verbose>