-function time_to_decimal($a) {
+// time_to_decimal converts a time string such as 1:15 to its decimal representation such as 1.25 or 1,25.
+function time_to_decimal($val) {
global $user;
- $tmp = explode(":", $a);
- if($tmp[1]{0}=="0") $tmp[1] = $tmp[1]{1};
+ $parts = explode(':', $val); // parts[0] is hours, parts[1] is minutes.
- $m = round($tmp[1]*100/60);
+ $minutePercent = round($parts[1]*100/60); // Integer value (0-98) of percent of minutes portion in the hour.
+ if($minutePercent < 10) $minutePercent = '0'.$minutePercent; // Pad small values with a 0 to always have 2 digits.
- if($m<10) $m = "0".$m;
- $time = $tmp[0].$user->decimal_mark.$m;
- return $time;
+ $decimalTime = $parts[0].$user->decimal_mark.$minutePercent; // Construct decimal representation of time value.
+ return $decimalTime;
function sec_to_time_fmt_hm($sec)
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