use Support::Files;
-use Test::More tests => scalar @Support::Files::testitems * 2;
+use Test::More tests => scalar @Support::Files::testitems * 3;
my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems; # get the files to test.
+# note, the html checker is not really thorough.
+# in particular it will not find standard tags with parameters.
+# the estimate wether a file is dirty or not is still pretty helpful, as it will catch most of the closing tags.
+# if you are in doubt about a specific file, you still have to check it manually.
+my $tags = qr/b|i|u|h[1-6]|a href.*|input|form|br|textarea|table|tr|td|th|body|head|html|p|button|select|option|script/;
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ my $found_html_count = 0;
+ my $found_html = '';
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ if (! open (FILE, $file)) {
+ ok(0,"could not open $file --WARNING");
+ next;
+ }
+ while (my $file_line = <FILE>) {
+ if ($file_line =~ m/(<\/?$tags>)/) {
+ $found_html_count++;
+ $found_html .= $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close (FILE);
+ if (!$found_html_count) {
+ ok(1,"$file does not contain HTML");
+ } else {
+ TODO: { local $TODO = q(Templating is not final.);
+ ok(0,"$file contains at least $found_html_count html tags.");
+ }
+ }
exit 0;