-// ttOrgImportHelper - this class is a future replacement for ttImportHelper.
-// Currently, it is work in progress.
-// When done, it should handle import of complex groups consisting of other groups.
+// ttOrgImportHelper class is used to import organization data from an XML file
+// prepared by ttOrgExportHelper and consisting of nested groups with their info.
class ttOrgImportHelper {
var $errors = null; // Errors go here. Set in constructor by reference.
var $schema_version = null; // Database schema version from XML file we import from.
- var $conflicting_entities = null; // A comma-separated list of entity names we cannot import.
+ var $conflicting_logins = null; // A comma-separated list of logins we cannot import.
var $canImport = true; // False if we cannot import data due to a conflict such as login collision.
var $firstPass = true; // True during first pass through the file.
var $org_id = null; // Organization id (same as top group_id).
var $current_group_id = null; // Current group id during parsing.
var $current_parent_group_id = null; // Current parent group id during parsing.
- // Set when we create a new group.
var $top_role_id = 0; // Top role id.
// Entity maps for current group. They map XML ids with database ids.
$this->top_role_id = ttRoleHelper::getRoleByRank(512, 0);
- // startElement - callback handler for opening tag of an XML element in the file.
+ // startElement - callback handler for opening tags in XML.
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
global $i18n;
- // First pass. We only check user logins for potential collisions with existing.
+ // First pass through the file determines if we can import data.
+ // We require 2 things:
+ // 1) Database schema version must be set. This ensures we have a compatible file.
+ // 2) No login coillisions are allowed.
if ($this->firstPass) {
if ($name == 'ORG' && $this->canImport) {
if ($attrs['SCHEMA'] == null) {
+ // In first pass we check user logins for potential collisions with existing.
if ($name == 'USER' && $this->canImport) {
$login = $attrs['LOGIN'];
if ('' != $attrs['STATUS'] && ttUserHelper::getUserByLogin($login)) {
// We have a login collision. Append colliding login to a list of things we cannot import.
- $this->conflicting_entities .= ($this->conflicting_entities ? ", $login" : $login);
+ $this->conflicting_logins .= ($this->conflicting_logins ? ", $login" : $login);
+ // The above is printed in error message with all found colliding logins.
// Set parent group to create subgroups with this group as parent at next entry here.
$this->current_parent_group_id = $this->current_group_id;
+ return;
if ($name == 'ROLES') {
$this->currentGroupRoleMap = array();
// Role map is reconstructed after processing <role> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'ROLE') {
// We get here when processing <role> tags for the current group.
$role_id = ttRoleHelper::insert(array(
- 'group_id' => $this->current_group_id,
- 'org_id' => $this->org_id,
- 'name' => $attrs['NAME'],
- 'description' => $attrs['DESCRIPTION'],
- 'rank' => $attrs['RANK'],
- 'rights' => $attrs['RIGHTS'],
- 'status' => $attrs['STATUS']));
+ 'group_id' => $this->current_group_id,
+ 'org_id' => $this->org_id,
+ 'name' => $attrs['NAME'],
+ 'description' => $attrs['DESCRIPTION'],
+ 'rank' => $attrs['RANK'],
+ 'rights' => $attrs['RIGHTS'],
+ 'status' => $attrs['STATUS']));
if ($role_id) {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupRoleMap[$attrs['ID']] = $role_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'TASKS') {
$this->currentGroupTaskMap = array();
// Task map is reconstructed after processing <task> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'TASK') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupTaskMap[$attrs['ID']] = $task_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'PROJECTS') {
$this->currentGroupProjectMap = array();
// Project map is reconstructed after processing <project> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupProjectMap[$attrs['ID']] = $project_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'CLIENTS') {
$this->currentGroupClientMap = array();
// Client map is reconstructed after processing <client> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'CLIENT') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupClientMap[$attrs['ID']] = $client_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'USERS') {
$this->currentGroupUserMap = array();
// User map is reconstructed after processing <user> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'USER') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupUserMap[$attrs['ID']] = $user_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'USER_PROJECT_BIND') {
'status' => $attrs['STATUS']))) {
+ return;
if ($name == 'INVOICES') {
$this->currentGroupInvoiceMap = array();
// Invoice map is reconstructed after processing <invoice> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'INVOICE') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupInvoiceMap[$attrs['ID']] = $invoice_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'LOG') {
$this->currentGroupLogMap = array();
// Log map is reconstructed after processing <log_item> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'LOG_ITEM') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupLogMap[$attrs['ID']] = $log_item_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELDS') {
$this->currentGroupCustomFieldMap = array();
// Custom field map is reconstructed after processing <custom_field> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupCustomFieldMap[$attrs['ID']] = $custom_field_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTIONS') {
$this->currentGroupCustomFieldOptionMap = array();
// Custom field option map is reconstructed after processing <custom_field_option> elements in XML. See below.
+ return;
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTION') {
// Add a mapping.
$this->currentGroupCustomFieldOptionMap[$attrs['ID']] = $custom_field_option_id;
} else $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_LOG_ENTRY') {
'status' => $attrs['STATUS']))) {
+ return;
if ($name == 'EXPENSE_ITEM') {
'paid' => $attrs['PAID'],
'status' => $attrs['STATUS']));
if (!$expense_item_id) $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
if ($name == 'MONTHLY_QUOTA') {
$attrs['MINUTES'])) {
+ return;
if ($name == 'FAV_REPORT') {
'group_by3' => $attrs['GROUP_BY3'],
'chtotalsonly' => (int) $attrs['SHOW_TOTALS_ONLY']));
if (!$fav_report_id) $this->errors->add($i18n->get('error.db'));
+ return;
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'startElement', false);
// We need to parse the file 2 times:
- // 1) First pass: determine if import is possible - there must be no login collisions.
- // 2) Second pass: if we can import, then do import in a second pass.
- // This is different from earlier approach for single group import, where we could
- // do both things in one pass because user info was in the beginning of XML file.
- // Now, with subgroups, users can be located anywhere in the file.
+ // 1) First pass: determine if import is possible.
+ // 2) Second pass: import data, one tag at a time.
- // Read and parse the content of the file. During parsing, startElement, endElement, and dataElement functions are called.
+ // Read and parse the content of the file. During parsing, startElement is called back for each tag.
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
while ($data = fread($file, 4096)) {
if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, feof($file))) {
- if ($this->conflicting_entities) {
+ if ($this->conflicting_logins) {
$this->canImport = false;
- $this->errors->add(sprintf($i18n->get('error.cannot_import'), $this->conflicting_entities));
+ $this->errors->add(sprintf($i18n->get('error.cannot_import'), $this->conflicting_logins));
$this->firstPass = false; // We are done with 1st pass.
xml_set_object($parser, $this);
xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'startElement', false);
- // Read and parse the content of the file. During parsing, startElement, endElement, and dataElement functions are called.
+ // Read and parse the content of the file. During parsing, startElement is called back for each tag.
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
while ($data = fread($file, 4096)) {
if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, feof($file))) {