$form->{forex} = $form->{exchangerate};
$exchangerate = $form->{exchangerate} ? $form->{exchangerate} : 1;
+ # expected keys: AR, AR_paid, AR_tax, AR_amount
foreach my $key (keys %{ $form->{AR_links} }) {
$j = 0;
$k = 0;
$form->{"paid_project_id_$j"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{project_id};
- } else {
+ } else { # e.g. AR_amount, AR, AR_tax
$akey = $key;
- $akey =~ s/AR_//;
+ $akey =~ s/AR_//; # e.g. tax, amount, AR, used to store form key tax_$i, amount_$i, ...
- if ($key eq "AR_tax" || $key eq "AP_tax") {
+ if ($key eq "AR_tax" || $key eq "AP_tax") { # AR_tax
$form->{"${key}_$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}"} = "$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}--$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{description}";
+ # determine the rounded tax amounts for each account, e.g. tax_1776
$form->{"${akey}_$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}"} = $form->round_amount($form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{amount} / $exchangerate, 2);
+ # check e.g. $form->{1776_rate}, does this make sense for AR_tax charts? Is this ever valid? If it was, totaltax would be calculated twice
if ($form->{"$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}_rate"} > 0) {
$totaltax += $form->{"${akey}_$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}"};
$taxrate += $form->{"$form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i-1]->{accno}_rate"};
$index = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{index};
- $form->{"tax_$index"} = $form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{amount};
+ $form->{"tax_$index"} = $form->round_amount($form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{amount} / $exchangerate, 2); # convert the tax_$i amounts
+ # currently totaltax is the sum of rounded tax amounts, is this correct?
$totaltax += $form->{"tax_$index"};
- } else {
+ } else { # e.g. AR_amount, AR
$form->{"${akey}_$k"} = $form->round_amount($form->{acc_trans}{$key}->[$i - 1]->{amount} / $exchangerate, 2);