+# update item input row when a part ist picked
+sub action_update_item_input_row {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ delete $::form->{add_item}->{$_} for qw(create_part_type sellprice_as_number discount_as_percent);
+ my $form_attr = $::form->{add_item};
+ return unless $form_attr->{parts_id};
+ my $record = $self->order;
+ my $item = SL::DB::OrderItem->new(%$form_attr);
+ my $part = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $::form->{add_item}->{parts_id})->load;
+ my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $item, record => $record);
+ $item->unit($part->unit);
+ my $price_src;
+ if ( $part->is_assortment ) {
+ # add assortment items with price 0, as the components carry the price
+ $price_src = $price_source->price_from_source("");
+ $price_src->price(0);
+ } elsif (defined $item->sellprice) {
+ $price_src = $price_source->price_from_source("");
+ $price_src->price($item->sellprice);
+ } else {
+ $price_src = $price_source->best_price
+ ? $price_source->best_price
+ : $price_source->price_from_source("");
+ $price_src->price($::form->round_amount($price_src->price / $record->exchangerate, 5)) if $record->exchangerate;
+ $price_src->price(0) if !$price_source->best_price;
+ }
+ my $discount_src;
+ if (defined $item->discount) {
+ $discount_src = $price_source->discount_from_source("");
+ $discount_src->discount($item->discount);
+ } else {
+ $discount_src = $price_source->best_discount
+ ? $price_source->best_discount
+ : $price_source->discount_from_source("");
+ $discount_src->discount(0) if !$price_source->best_discount;
+ }
+ $self->js
+ ->val ('#add_item_unit', $item->unit)
+ ->val ('#add_item_description', $part->description)
+ ->val ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', '')
+ ->attr ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', 'placeholder', $price_src->price_as_number)
+ ->attr ('#add_item_sellprice_as_number', 'title', $price_src->source_description)
+ ->val ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', '')
+ ->attr ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', 'placeholder', $discount_src->discount_as_percent)
+ ->attr ('#add_item_discount_as_percent', 'title', $discount_src->source_description)
+ ->render;
# add an item row for a new item entered in the input row
sub action_add_item {
my ($self) = @_;
->val('.add_item_input', '')
+ ->attr('.add_item_input', 'placeholder', '')
+ ->attr('.add_item_input', 'title', '')
=item *
-Customer discount is not displayed as a valid discount in price source popup
-(this might be a bug in price sources)
-(I cannot reproduce this (Bernd))
-=item *
No indication that <shift>-up/down expands/collapses second row.
=item *
-Inline creation of parts is not currently supported
-=item *
Table header is not sticky in the scrolling area.
=item *
=item *
-Possibility to select PriceSources in input row?
-=item *
This controller uses a (changed) copy of the template for the PriceSource
dialog. Maybe there could be used one code source.
return insert_before_item_id;
+ ns.update_item_input_row = function() {
+ if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
+ var data = $('#order_form').serializeArray();
+ data.push({ name: 'action', value: 'Order/update_item_input_row' });
+ $.post("controller.pl", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
+ };
ns.add_item = function() {
if ($('#add_item_parts_id').val() === '') return;
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
- if ($('#type').val() == 'sales_order' || $('#type').val() == 'sales_quotation' ) {
- $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_sellprice_as_number').val(kivi.format_amount(o.sellprice, -2)) });
- } else {
- $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_sellprice_as_number').val(kivi.format_amount(o.lastcost, -2)) });
- }
- $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_description').val(o.description) });
- $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_unit').val(o.unit) });
+ $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function() {
+ kivi.Order.update_item_input_row();
+ });
$('.add_item_input').keydown(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
[%- SET PARAM_KEY = SELF.cv == "customer" ? 'with_customer_partnumber' : 'with_makemodel' -%]
[%- SET PARAM_VAL = SELF.search_cvpartnumber -%]
[% P.part.picker('add_item.parts_id', SELF.created_part, style='width: 300px', class="add_item_input",
- fat_set_item=1,
[% L.input_tag('add_item.qty_as_number', '', size = 5, class="add_item_input numeric") %]
[% L.hidden_tag('add_item.unit', SELF.created_part.unit, class="add_item_input") %]
- [%- SET price = LxERP.format_amount(((SELF.type == 'sales_quotation' || SELF.type == 'sales_order') ? SELF.created_part.sellprice : SELF.created_part.lastcost), -2) -%]
- <td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.sellprice_as_number', price, size = 10, class="add_item_input numeric") %]</td>
- <td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.discount_as_percent', '', size = 5, class="add_item_input numeric") %]</td>
+ [%- SET price = '' %]
+ [%- IF SELF.created_part %]
+ [%- SET price = LxERP.format_amount(((SELF.type == 'sales_quotation' || SELF.type == 'sales_order') ? SELF.created_part.sellprice : SELF.created_part.lastcost), -2) -%]
+ [%- END %]
+ <td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.sellprice_as_number', price, size = 10, class="add_item_input numeric tooltipster-html") %]</td>
+ <td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.discount_as_percent', '', size = 5, class="add_item_input numeric tooltipster-html") %]</td>
<td>[% L.button_tag('kivi.Order.add_item()', LxERP.t8('Add part')) %]</td>