update invoice set fxsellprice=fxsellpriceold;
alter table invoice drop column fxsellpriceold;
-alter table invoice add column ordnumber text;
-alter table invoice add column transdate text;
-alter table invoice add column cusordnumber text;
--TABLE oe
alter table oe rename column amount to amountold;
alter table oe add column amount numeric(15,5);
update orderitems set sellprice=sellpriceold;
alter table orderitems drop column sellpriceold;
-alter table orderitems add column ordnumber text;
-alter table orderitems add column transdate text;
-alter table orderitems add column cusordnumber text;
--TABLE parts
alter table parts rename column listprice to listpriceold;
alter table parts add column listprice numeric(15,5);
update defaults set version = '2.1.2', audittrail = 't';
+-- add fields for ordnumber/transdate/cusordnumber in invoice/orderitems (r690 cleanup)
+alter table orderitems add column ordnumber text;
+alter table orderitems add column transdate text;
+alter table orderitems add column cusordnumber text;
+alter table invoice add column ordnumber text;
+alter table invoice add column transdate text;
+alter table invoice add column cusordnumber text;