use parent qw(Exporter);
use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT = qw(html_tag input_tag hidden_tag javascript man_days_tag name_to_id select_tag checkbox_tag button_tag submit_tag ajax_submit_tag stringify_attributes restricted_html);
+our @EXPORT = qw(html_tag input_tag hidden_tag javascript man_days_tag name_to_id select_tag checkbox_tag button_tag submit_tag ajax_submit_tag stringify_attributes restricted_html link);
use Carp;
return $html_restricter->process($value);
+sub link {
+ my ($self, $href, $content, %params) = @_;
+ $href ||= '#';
+ return $self->html_tag('a', $content, %params, href => $href);
The attribute C<size> can be used to set the text input's size. It
defaults to 5.
+=item C<hidden_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
+Creates a HTML 'input type=hidden' tag named C<$name> with the value
+C<$value> and with arbitrary HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The
+tag's C<id> defaults to C<name_to_id($name)>.
+=item C<checkbox_tag $name, %attributes>
+Creates a HTML 'input type=checkbox' tag named C<$name> with arbitrary
+HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The tag's C<id> defaults to
+C<name_to_id($name)>. The tag's C<value> defaults to C<1>.
+If C<%attributes> contains a key C<label> then a HTML 'label' tag is
+created with said C<label>. No attribute named C<label> is created in
+that case.
+If C<%attributes> contains a key C<checkall> then the value is taken as a
+JQuery selector and clicking this checkbox will also toggle all checkboxes
+matching the selector.
=item C<select_tag $name, \@collection, %attributes>
Creates an HTML 'select' tag named C<$name> with the contents of one
sub button_tag { return _call_presenter('button_tag', @_); }
sub submit_tag { return _call_presenter('submit_tag', @_); }
sub ajax_submit_tag { return _call_presenter('ajax_submit_tag', @_); }
+sub link { return _call_presenter('link', @_); }
sub _set_id_attribute {
my ($attributes, $name, $unique) = @_;
return $self->html_tag('li', $content, @slurp);
-sub link {
- my ($self, $href, $content, %params) = _hashify(3, @_);
- $href ||= '#';
- return $self->html_tag('a', $content, %params, href => $href);
sub yes_no_tag {
my ($self, $name, $value, %attributes) = _hashify(3, @_);
=item * C<input_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
+=item * C<hidden_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
+=item * C<checkbox_tag $name, %attributes>
=item * C<select_tag $name, \@collection, %attributes>
+=item * C<link $href, $content, %attributes>
Available high-level functions implemented in this module:
which entry is selected. The C<%attributes> are passed through to
-=item C<hidden_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
-Creates a HTML 'input type=hidden' tag named C<$name> with the value
-C<$value> and with arbitrary HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The
-tag's C<id> defaults to C<name_to_id($name)>.
=item C<textarea_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
Creates a HTML 'textarea' tag named C<$name> with the content
C<$value> and with arbitrary HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The
tag's C<id> defaults to C<name_to_id($name)>.
-=item C<checkbox_tag $name, %attributes>
-Creates a HTML 'input type=checkbox' tag named C<$name> with arbitrary
-HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The tag's C<id> defaults to
-C<name_to_id($name)>. The tag's C<value> defaults to C<1>.
-If C<%attributes> contains a key C<label> then a HTML 'label' tag is
-created with said C<label>. No attribute named C<label> is created in
-that case.
-If C<%attributes> contains a key C<checkall> then the value is taken as a
-JQuery selector and clicking this checkbox will also toggle all checkboxes
-matching the selector.
=item C<date_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
Creates a date input field, with an attached javascript that will open a