# recalculate prices and taxes
-# Using the PriceTaxCalclulator. Store linetotals in the item objects.
+# Using the PriceTaxCalculator. Store linetotals in the item objects.
sub _recalc {
my ($self) = @_;
of work. Also the code should be more readable, more reliable and
better to maintain.
-=head2 key features
+=head2 Key Features
-=over 2
+=over 4
=item *
One input row, so that input happens every time at the same place.
=item *
Use of pickers where possible.
=item *
Possibility to enter more than one item at once.
=item *
Save order only on "save" (and "save and delivery order"-workflow). No
-hidden save on "print" or "email".
+hidden save on "print" or "email".
=item *
Item list in a scrollable area, so that the workflow buttons stay at
the bottom.
=item *
Reordering item rows with drag and drop is possible. Sorting item rows is
possible (by partnumber, description, qty, sellprice and discount for now).
=item *
-No "update" is necessary. All entries and calculations are managed
-with ajax-calls and the page does only reload on "save".
+No C<update> is necessary. All entries and calculations are managed
+with ajax-calls and the page does only reload on C<save>.
=item *
User can see changes immediately, because of the use of java script
and ajax.
=head1 CODE
-=head2 layout
+=head2 Layout
-=over 2
+=over 4
-=item *
-SL/Controller/Order.pm: the controller
+=item * C<SL/Controller/Order.pm>
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/form.html: main form
+the controller
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html: main tab for basic_data
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/form.html>
-This is the only tab here for now. "linked records" and "webdav" tabs are reused
-from generic code.
+main form
-=over 3
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html>
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_item_input.html: the input line for items
+Main tab for basic_data.
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_row.html: one row for already entered items
+This is the only tab here for now. "linked records" and "webdav" tabs are
+reused from generic code.
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_tax_row.html: displaying tax information
+=over 4
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_dialog.html: dialog for entering more
-than one item at once
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_item_input.html>
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_result.html: results for the filter in
-the multi items dialog
+The input line for items
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog.html: dialog for selecting
-price and discount sources
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_row.html>
-=item *
-template/webpages/order/tabs/_email_dialog.html: email dialog
+One row for already entered items
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_tax_row.html>
-=item *
-js/kivi.Order.js: java script functions
+Displaying tax information
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_dialog.html>
-=head1 TODO
+Dialog for entering more than one item at once
-=over 2
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_result.html>
-=item *
+Results for the filter in the multi items dialog
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog.html>
+Dialog for selecting price and discount sources
-=item *
+=item * C<template/webpages/order/tabs/_email_dialog.html>
+Email dialog
=item *
-customer/vendor details ('D'-button)
+js/kivi.Order.js: java script functions
-=item *
+=head1 TODO
-credit limit
+=over 4
+=item * testing
-=item *
+=item * currency
-more workflows (save as new / invoice)
+=item * customer/vendor details ('D'-button)
+=item * credit limit
-=item *
+=item * more workflows (save as new / invoice)
-price sources: little symbols showing better price / better discount
+=item * price sources: little symbols showing better price / better discount
+=item * custom shipto address
-=item *
+=item * periodic invoices
-custom shipto address
+=item * more details on second row (marge, ...)
+=item * language / part translations
-=item *
+=item * access rights
-periodic invoices
+=item * preset salesman from customer
+=item * display weights
-=item *
+=item * force project if enabled in client config
-more details on second row (marge, ...)
-=item *
+=over 4
-language / part translations
+=item *
+C<position> is not displayed until an order is saved
=item *
-access rights
+Customer discount is not displayed as a valid discount in price source popup
+(this might be a bug in price sources)
+=item *
+No indication that double click expands second row, no exand all button
=item *
-preset salesman from customer
+Implementation of second row with a tbody for every item is not supported by
+our css.
+=item *
+As a consequence row striping does not currently work
=item *
-display weights
+Inline creation of parts is not currently supported
+=item *
+Table header is not sticky in the scrolling area.
=item *
-force project if enabled in client config
+Sorting does not include C<position>, neither does reordering.
+=item *
+C<show_smulti_items_dialog> does not use the currently inserted string for filtering.