// ttImportHelper - this class is used to import team data from a file.
class ttImportHelper {
var $errors = null; // Errors go here. Set in constructor by reference.
var $currentElement = array(); // Current element of the XML file we are parsing.
- var $currentTag = ''; // XML tag of the current element.
+ var $currentTag = ''; // XML tag of the current element.
var $canImport = true; // False if we cannot import data due to a login collision.
var $teamData = array(); // Array of team data such as team name, etc.
var $team_id = null; // New team id we are importing. It is created during the import operation.
var $users = array(); // Array of arrays of user properties.
// The following arrays are maps between entity ids in the file versus the database.
// In the file they are sequential (1,2,3...) while in the database the entities have different ids.
var $userMap = array(); // User ids.
var $taskMap = array(); // Task ids.
var $clientMap = array(); // Client ids.
var $invoiceMap = array(); // Invoice ids.
var $customFieldMap = array(); // Custom field ids.
var $customFieldOptionMap = array(); // Custop field option ids.
var $logMap = array(); // Time log ids.
// Constructor.
function ttImportHelper(&$errors) {
$this->errors = &$errors;
// In this function we assign passed in attributes to currentElement.
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
if ($name == 'TEAM'
- || $name == 'USER'
- || $name == 'TASK'
- || $name == 'PROJECT'
+ || $name == 'USER'
+ || $name == 'TASK'
+ || $name == 'PROJECT'
|| $name == 'CLIENT'
|| $name == 'INVOICE'
- || $name == 'LOG_ITEM'
- || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD'
- || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTION'
- || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_LOG_ENTRY'
- || $name == 'INVOICE_HEADER'
- || $name == 'USER_PROJECT_BIND'
- || $name == 'EXPENSE_ITEM'
- || $name == 'FAV_REPORT') {
- $this->currentElement = $attrs;
- }
- $this->currentTag = $name;
+ || $name == 'LOG_ITEM'
+ || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD'
+ || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTION'
+ || $name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_LOG_ENTRY'
+ || $name == 'INVOICE_HEADER'
+ || $name == 'USER_PROJECT_BIND'
+ || $name == 'EXPENSE_ITEM'
+ || $name == 'FAV_REPORT') {
+ $this->currentElement = $attrs;
+ }
+ $this->currentTag = $name;
// endElement - callback handler for the closing tag of an XML element.
// When we are here, currentElement is an array of the element attributes (as set in startElement).
// Here we do the actual import of data into the database.
- function endElement($parser, $name) {
+ function endElement($parser, $name) {
if ($name == 'TEAM') {
$this->teamData = $this->currentElement;
// Now teamData is an array of team properties. We'll use it later to create a team.
// Now we can create a team.
if ($this->canImport) {
$team_id = ttTeamHelper::insert(array(
$user_id = ttUserHelper::insert(array(
'team_id' => $this->team_id,
'role' => $user_item['ROLE'],
- 'client_id' => $user_item['CLIENT_ID'], // Note: NOT mapped value, replaced in CLIENT handler.
+ 'client_id' => $user_item['CLIENT_ID'], // Note: NOT mapped value, replaced in CLIENT handler.
'name' => $user_item['NAME'],
'login' => $user_item['LOGIN'],
'password' => $user_item['PASSWORD'],
- if ($name == 'TASK' && $this->canImport) {
+ if ($name == 'TASK' && $this->canImport) {
$this->taskMap[$this->currentElement['ID']] =
'team_id' => $this->team_id,
if ($name == 'CLIENT' && $this->canImport) {
// Prepare a list of project ids.
if ($this->currentElement['PROJECTS']) {
if ($this->currentElement['ID'] != $this->clientMap[$this->currentElement['ID']])
ttClientHelper::setMappedClient($this->team_id, $this->currentElement['ID'], $this->clientMap[$this->currentElement['ID']]);
- if ($name == 'INVOICE' && $this->canImport) {
+ if ($name == 'INVOICE' && $this->canImport) {
$this->invoiceMap[$this->currentElement['ID']] =
'team_id' => $this->team_id,
'discount' => $this->currentElement['DISCOUNT'],
'status' => $this->currentElement['STATUS']));
if ($name == 'LOG_ITEM' && $this->canImport) {
$this->logMap[$this->currentElement['ID']] =
'billable' => $this->currentElement['BILLABLE'],
'status' => $this->currentElement['STATUS']));
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD' && $this->canImport) {
$this->customFieldMap[$this->currentElement['ID']] =
'required' => $this->currentElement['REQUIRED'],
'status' => $this->currentElement['STATUS']));
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTION' && $this->canImport) {
$this->customFieldOptionMap[$this->currentElement['ID']] =
'field_id' => $this->customFieldMap[$this->currentElement['FIELD_ID']],
'value' => $this->currentElement['VALUE']));
if ($name == 'CUSTOM_FIELD_LOG_ENTRY' && $this->canImport) {
'log_id' => $this->logMap[$this->currentElement['LOG_ID']],
'value' => $this->currentElement['VALUE'],
'status' => $this->currentElement['STATUS']));
if ($name == 'EXPENSE_ITEM' && $this->canImport) {
'date' => $this->currentElement['DATE'],
'cost' => $this->currentElement['COST'],
'invoice_id' => $this->invoiceMap[$this->currentElement['INVOICE_ID']],
'status' => $this->currentElement['STATUS']));
- }
+ }
if ($name == 'FAV_REPORT' && $this->canImport) {
$user_list = '';
if (strlen($this->currentElement['USERS']) > 0) {
$arr = explode(',', $this->currentElement['USERS']);
- foreach ($arr as $v)
- $user_list .= (strlen($user_list) == 0 ? '' : ',').$this->userMap[$v];
+ foreach ($arr as $v)
+ $user_list .= (strlen($user_list) == 0 ? '' : ',').$this->userMap[$v];
'name' => $this->currentElement['NAME'],
'chcf_1' => $this->currentElement['SHOW_CUSTOM_FIELD_1'],
'group_by' => $this->currentElement['GROUP_BY'],
'chtotalsonly' => $this->currentElement['SHOW_TOTALS_ONLY']));
- //'sortby' => $this->currentElement['SORT_BY'],
- //'chemptydays' => $this->currentElement['SHOW_EMPTY_DAYS']));
$this->currentTag = '';
- // importXml - uncomresses the file, reads and parses its content. During parsing,
+ // importXml - uncompresses the file, reads and parses its content. During parsing,
// startElement, endElement, and dataElement functions are called as many times as necessary.
// Actual import occurs in the endElement handler.
function importXml() {
- // Do we have a compressed file?
- $compressed = false;
- $file_ext = substr($_FILES['xmlfile']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['xmlfile']['name'], '.') + 1);
+ // Do we have a compressed file?
+ $compressed = false;
+ $file_ext = substr($_FILES['xmlfile']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['xmlfile']['name'], '.') + 1);
if (in_array($file_ext, array('bz','tbz','bz2','tbz2'))) {
$compressed = true;
// Create a temporary file.
- $dirName = dirname(TEMPLATE_DIR . '_c/.');
+ $dirName = dirname(TEMPLATE_DIR . '_c/.');
$filename = tempnam($dirName, 'import_');
// If the file is compressed - uncompress it.
if ($compressed) {
if (!$this->uncompress($_FILES['xmlfile']['tmp_name'], $filename)) {
- $this->errors->add($GLOBALS['I18N']->getKey('error.sys'));
- return;
+ $this->errors->add($GLOBALS['I18N']->getKey('error.sys'));
+ return;
} else {
$file = fopen($filename, 'r');
while ($data = fread($file, 4096)) {
if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, feof($file))) {
- $this->errors->add(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
- xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)),
- xml_get_current_line_number($parser)));
- }
- if (!$this->canImport) {
- $this->errors->add($GLOBALS['I18N']->getKey('error.user_exists'));
- break;
- }
- }
- xml_parser_free($parser);
- if ($file) fclose($file);
- unlink($filename);
+ $this->errors->add(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
+ xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)),
+ xml_get_current_line_number($parser)));
+ }
+ if (!$this->canImport) {
+ $this->errors->add($GLOBALS['I18N']->getKey('error.user_exists'));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_parser_free($parser);
+ if ($file) fclose($file);
+ unlink($filename);
// uncompress - uncompresses the content of the $in file into the $out file.
// Do we have the uncompress function?
if (!function_exists('bzopen'))
return false;
// Initial checks of file names and permissions.
if (!file_exists($in) || !is_readable ($in))
return false;