: $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() ? purchase_order_type()
: '';
+ # check for direct delivery
+ # copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
+ my $custom_shipto;
+ if ( $::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()
+ && $::form->{use_shipto} && $self->order->shipto) {
+ $custom_shipto = $self->order->shipto->clone('SL::DB::Order');
+ }
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = delete $::form->{id};
$item->{new_fake_id} = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
+ if ($::form->{type} eq sales_order_type() && $destination_type eq purchase_order_type()) {
+ if ($::form->{use_shipto}) {
+ $self->order->custom_shipto($custom_shipto) if $custom_shipto;
+ } else {
+ # remove any custom shipto if not wanted
+ $self->order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => []));
+ }
+ }
# change form type
$::form->{type} = $destination_type;
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
- submit => [ '#order_form', { action => "Order/purchase_order" } ],
- only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
+ call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_order_check_for_direct_delivery' ],
+ only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
action => [
t8('Save and Delivery Order'),
+ ns.purchase_order_check_for_direct_delivery = function() {
+ if ($('#type').val() != 'sales_order') {
+ kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
+ }
+ var empty = true;
+ var shipto;
+ if ($('#order_shipto_id').val() !== '') {
+ empty = false;
+ shipto = $('#order_shipto_id option:selected').text();
+ } else {
+ $('#shipto_inputs [id^="shipto"]').each(function(idx, elt) {
+ if (!empty) return true;
+ if (/^shipto_to_copy/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
+ if (/^shiptocp_gender/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
+ if (/^shiptocvar_/.test($(elt).prop('id'))) return true;
+ if ($(elt).val() !== '') {
+ empty = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ var shipto_elements = [];
+ $([$('#shiptoname').val(), $('#shiptostreet').val(), $('#shiptozipcode').val(), $('#shiptocity').val()]).each(function(idx, elt) {
+ if (elt !== '') shipto_elements.push(elt);
+ });
+ shipto = shipto_elements.join('; ');
+ }
+ var use_it = false;
+ if (!empty) {
+ ns.direct_delivery_dialog(shipto);
+ } else {
+ kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
+ }
+ };
+ ns.direct_delivery_callback = function(accepted) {
+ $('#direct-delivery-dialog').dialog('close');
+ if (accepted) {
+ $('<input type="hidden" name="use_shipto">').appendTo('#order_form').val('1');
+ }
+ kivi.submit_form_with_action($('#order_form'), 'Order/purchase_order');
+ };
+ ns.direct_delivery_dialog = function(shipto) {
+ $('#direct-delivery-dialog').remove();
+ var text1 = kivi.t8('You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:');
+ var text2 = kivi.t8('Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?');
+ var html = '<div id="direct-delivery-dialog"><p>' + text1 + '</p><p>' + shipto + '</p><p>' + text2 + '</p>';
+ html = html + '<hr><p>';
+ html = html + '<input type="button" value="' + kivi.t8('Yes') + '" size="30" onclick="kivi.Order.direct_delivery_callback(true)">';
+ html = html + ' ';
+ html = html + '<input type="button" value="' + kivi.t8('No') + '" size="30" onclick="kivi.Order.direct_delivery_callback(false)">';
+ html = html + '</p></div>';
+ $(html).hide().appendTo('#order_form');
+ kivi.popup_dialog({id: 'direct-delivery-dialog',
+ dialog: {title: kivi.t8('Carry over shipping address'),
+ height: 300,
+ width: 500 }});
+ };
$(function() {
"Assign invoice":"Rechnung zuweisen",
"Basic settings actions":"Aktionen zu Grundeinstellungen",
+"Carry over shipping address":"Lieferadresse übernehmen",
"Chart picker":"Kontenauswahl",
"Copy requirement spec":"Pflichtenheft kopieren",
"Do you really want to save?":"Möchten Sie wirklich speichern?",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"Wollen Sie den Beleg wirklich per Mail verschicken?",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"Möchten Sie wirklich diese Dateien an die Quelle zurückgeben?",
+"Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?":"Möchten Sie diese Lieferadresse in den neuen Lieferantenauftrag übernehmen, damit der Händler die Waren direkt an Ihren Kunden liefern kann?",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"Soll die Kontonummer \"#1\" zu \"#2\" und den Name \"#3\" zu \"#4\" geändert werden?",
"Download picture":"Bild herunterladen",
"Due Date missing!":"Fälligkeitsdatum fehlt!",
"Wrong time format (#1)":"Falsches Zeitformat (#1)",
"You have changed the currency or exchange rate. Please check prices.":"Die Währung oder der Wechselkurs hat sich geändert. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Preise.",
+"You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:":"Sie haben die folgende Lieferadresse eingegeben oder ausgewählt:",
"filename has not uploadable characters ":"Bitte Dateinamen ändern. Er hat für den Upload nicht verwendbare Sonderzeichen ",
"filesize too big: ":"Datei zu groß: ",
"flat-rate position":"Pauschalposition",
"Assign invoice":"",
"Basic settings actions":"",
+"Carry over shipping address":"",
"Chart picker":"",
"Copy requirement spec":"",
"Do you really want to save?":"",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"",
+"Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?":"",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"",
"Download picture":"",
"Due Date missing!":"",
"Wrong time format (#1)":"",
"You have changed the currency or exchange rate. Please check prices.":"",
+"You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:":"",
"filename has not uploadable characters ":"",
"filesize too big: ":"",
"flat-rate position":"",