Fixt #2186.
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
- foreach my $table (qw(partstax customertax vendortax tax)) {
- $query = qq|DELETE FROM $table
- WHERE chart_id = ?|;
- do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
- }
+ $query = qq|DELETE FROM tax
+ WHERE chart_id = ?|;
+ do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{id});
# delete chart of account record
$query = qq|DELETE FROM chart
round(rate * 100, 2) AS rate,
- chart_id,
- (id IN (SELECT tax_id
+ chart_id,
+ (id IN (SELECT tax_id
FROM acc_trans)) AS tax_already_used
FROM tax
WHERE id = ? |;
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
-# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
-package SL::DB::CustomerTax;
-use strict;
-use SL::DB::MetaSetup::CustomerTax;
-# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.
use SL::DB::CustomVariableConfig;
use SL::DB::CustomVariableValidity;
use SL::DB::Customer;
-use SL::DB::CustomerTax;
use SL::DB::Datev;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::OrderItem;
use SL::DB::Part;
use SL::DB::PartsGroup;
-use SL::DB::PartsTax;
use SL::DB::PaymentTerm;
use SL::DB::PeriodicInvoice;
use SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig;
use SL::DB::UnitsLanguage;
use SL::DB::VC;
use SL::DB::Vendor;
-use SL::DB::VendorTax;
use SL::DB::Warehouse;
custom_variable_configs => 'custom_variable_config',
custom_variables => 'custom_variable',
custom_variables_validity => 'custom_variable_validity',
- customertax => 'customer_tax',
datev => 'datev',
defaults => 'default',
delivery_orders => 'delivery_order',
oe => 'order',
parts => 'part',
partsgroup => 'parts_group',
- partstax => 'parts_tax',
payment_terms => 'payment_term',
periodic_invoices => 'periodic_invoice',
periodic_invoices_configs => 'periodic_invoices_config',
units => 'unit',
units_language => 'units_language',
vendor => 'vendor',
- vendortax => 'vendor_tax',
my (%lxoffice_tables_to_packages, %lxoffice_tables_to_manager_packages, %lxoffice_packages_to_tables);
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated. Do not modify it; it will be overwritten
-# by automatically.
-package SL::DB::CustomerTax;
-use strict;
-use base qw(SL::DB::Object);
- table => 'customertax',
- columns => [
- customer_id => { type => 'integer' },
- chart_id => { type => 'integer' },
- itime => { type => 'timestamp', default => 'now()' },
- mtime => { type => 'timestamp' },
- id => { type => 'serial', not_null => 1 },
- ],
- primary_key_columns => [ 'id' ],
- allow_inline_column_values => 1,
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated. Do not modify it; it will be overwritten
-# by automatically.
-package SL::DB::PartsTax;
-use strict;
-use base qw(SL::DB::Object);
- table => 'partstax',
- columns => [
- parts_id => { type => 'integer' },
- chart_id => { type => 'integer' },
- itime => { type => 'timestamp', default => 'now()' },
- mtime => { type => 'timestamp' },
- id => { type => 'serial', not_null => 1 },
- ],
- primary_key_columns => [ 'id' ],
- allow_inline_column_values => 1,
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated. Do not modify it; it will be overwritten
-# by automatically.
-package SL::DB::VendorTax;
-use strict;
-use base qw(SL::DB::Object);
- table => 'vendortax',
- columns => [
- vendor_id => { type => 'integer' },
- chart_id => { type => 'integer' },
- itime => { type => 'timestamp', default => 'now()' },
- mtime => { type => 'timestamp' },
- id => { type => 'serial', not_null => 1 },
- ],
- primary_key_columns => [ 'id' ],
- allow_inline_column_values => 1,
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
-# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
-package SL::DB::PartsTax;
-use strict;
-use SL::DB::MetaSetup::PartsTax;
-# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.
+++ /dev/null
-# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
-# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
-package SL::DB::VendorTax;
-use strict;
-use SL::DB::MetaSetup::VendorTax;
-# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.
- # now get accno for taxes
- $query =
- qq|SELECT c.accno
- FROM chart c, partstax pt
- WHERE (pt.chart_id = AND (pt.parts_id = ?)|;
- $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($form->{id}));
- while (my ($key) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
- $form->{amount}{$key} = $key;
- }
- $sth->finish;
# is it an orphan
my @referencing_tables = qw(invoice orderitems inventory rmaitems);
my %column_map = ( );
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM assembly WHERE id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
- # delete tax records
- do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM partstax WHERE parts_id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
# delete translations
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM translation WHERE parts_id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
- # insert taxes
- foreach my $item (split(/ /, $form->{taxaccounts})) {
- if ($form->{"IC_tax_$item"}) {
- $query =
- qq|INSERT INTO partstax (parts_id, chart_id)
- VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
- @values = (conv_i($form->{id}), $item);
- do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
- }
- }
# add assembly records
if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
my %columns = ( "assembly" => "id", "parts" => "id" );
- for my $table (qw(prices partstax makemodel inventory assembly translation parts)) {
+ for my $table (qw(prices makemodel inventory assembly translation parts)) {
my $column = defined($columns{$table}) ? $columns{$table} : "parts_id";
do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM $table WHERE $column = ?|, @values);
# allocated >= 0
# add entry for inventory, this one is for the sold item
$query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, taxkey, tax_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id= ?
AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id= ?
AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT chart_link FROM chart WHERE id = ?))|;
- @values = ($ref->{trans_id}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $linetotal, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate},
+ @values = ($ref->{trans_id}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $linetotal, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{inventory_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate},
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# add expense
$query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, taxkey, tax_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id= ?
- AND startdate <= ?
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id= ?
- AND startdate <= ?
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT chart_link FROM chart WHERE id = ?))|;
@values = ($ref->{trans_id}, $ref->{expense_accno_id}, ($linetotal * -1), $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{expense_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{expense_accno_id}, $ref->{transdate},
$query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, taxkey, project_id, tax_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?,
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
@values = ($trans_id, $accno, $form->{amount}{$trans_id}{$accno},
if ($form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{ $form->{AP} } != 0) {
$query = qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, taxkey, project_id, tax_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?,
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), $form->{AP}, $amount,
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, gldate, source, memo, taxkey, project_id, tax_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), $accno, $form->{"paid_$i"}, $form->{"datepaid_$i"},
my $i = 0;
while (my $ptr = $stw->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
- # if ($customertax{$ref->{accno}}) {
if (($ptr->{accno} eq "") && ($ptr->{rate} == 0)) {
$ptr->{accno} = $i;
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?,
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?,
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?,
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, gldate, source, memo, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, cleared, fx_transaction, tax_id, taxkey, project_id, chart_link)
VALUES (?, (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?), ?, ?, '0', '1',
- (SELECT tax_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT tax_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
- (SELECT taxkey_id
- FROM taxkeys
- WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND startdate <= ?
+ (SELECT taxkey_id
+ FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id= (SELECT id
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE accno = ?)
+ AND startdate <= ?
ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1),
(SELECT link FROM chart WHERE accno = ?))|;
my $i = 0;
while (my $ptr = $stw->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc')) {
- # if ($customertax{$ref->{accno}})
if (($ptr->{accno} eq "") && ($ptr->{rate} == 0)) {
$ptr->{accno} = $i;
FROM acc_trans acc
INNER JOIN chart c ON (acc.chart_id = AND LIKE '%AR_paid%')
WHERE 1=1 $inwhere AND acc.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
- / (SELECT amount FROM ar WHERE id = ac.trans_id)
- ELSE 0
+ / (SELECT amount FROM ar WHERE id = ac.trans_id)
+ ELSE 0
/* ar amount is zero, or we are checking with a non-ar-transaction, so we return 0 in both cases as multiplicator of ac.amount */
) AS amount, c.$category
my $sortorder = join ', ', $form->sort_columns(qw(transdate invnumber name));
$sortorder = $form->{sort} if ($form->{sort} && grep({ $_ eq $form->{sort} } qw(id transdate invnumber name netamount tax)));
- my $query = '';
- if ($form->{report} !~ /nontaxable/) {
- $query =
+ my $query =
qq|SELECT, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate, a.invnumber,, a.netamount,
ac.amount * $ml AS tax
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN $table n ON ( = a.${table}_id)
JOIN ${table}tax t ON (t.${table}_id =
JOIN invoice i ON (i.trans_id =
- JOIN partstax p ON (p.parts_id = i.parts_id)
AND (a.invoice = '1')
ORDER BY $sortorder|;
- } else {
- # only gather up non-taxable transactions
- $query =
- qq|SELECT, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate, a.invnumber,, a.netamount
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN ${arap} a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON ( = a.${table}_id)
- $where
- AND (a.invoice = '0')
- AND (a.netamount = a.amount)
- SELECT, '1' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate, a.invnumber,, i.sellprice * i.qty AS netamount
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN ${arap} a ON ( = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON ( = a.${table}_id)
- JOIN invoice i ON (i.trans_id =
- $where
- AND (a.invoice = '1')
- AND (
- a.${table}_id NOT IN (SELECT ${table}_id FROM ${table}tax t (${table}_id))
- OR
- i.parts_id NOT IN (SELECT parts_id FROM partstax p (parts_id))
- )
- GROUP BY, a.invnumber, $transdate,, i.sellprice, i.qty
- ORDER by $sortorder|;
- }
$form->{TR} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);
# $locale->text('Receipts')
# $locale->text('Payments')
# $locale->text('Project Transactions')
-# $locale->text('Non-taxable Sales')
-# $locale->text('Non-taxable Purchases')
# $locale->text('Business evaluation')
# $form->parse_html_template('rp/html_report_susa')
ap_aging => $::locale->text('Search AP Aging'),
tax_collected => $::locale->text('Tax collected'),
tax_paid => $::locale->text('Tax paid'),
- nontaxable_sales => $::locale->text('Non-taxable Sales'),
- nontaxable_purchases => $::locale->text('Non-taxable Purchases'),
receipts => $::locale->text('Receipts'),
payments => $::locale->text('Payments'),
projects => $::locale->text('Project Transactions'),
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => 'Es wurde noch kein Lieferant ausgewählt.',
'No warehouse has been created yet or the quantity of the bins is not configured yet.' => 'Es wurde noch kein Lager angelegt, bzw. die dazugehörigen Lagerplätze sind noch nicht konfiguriert.',
'No.' => 'Position',
- 'Non-taxable Purchases' => 'Nicht zu versteuernde Einkäufe',
- 'Non-taxable Sales' => 'Nicht zu versteuernde Verkäufe',
'None' => 'Kein',
'Not Discountable' => 'Nicht rabattierfähig',
'Not delivered' => 'Nicht geliefert',
--- /dev/null
+-- @tag: delete_customertax_vendortax_partstax
+-- @description: Alte Tabellen löschen
+-- @depends: release_3_0_0
+-- @charset: utf-8
+DROP TABLE customertax;
+DROP TABLE vendortax;
+DROP TABLE partstax;
[%- END %]
-[%- IF 0 # is_nontaxable %]
- <input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_tax_report>
- <input type=hidden name=db value=[% db %]>
- <input type=hidden name=sort value=transdate>
- <input type=hidden name=report value='[% report %]'>
- <tr>
- <th align=right>[% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
- <td>[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]</td>
- <th align=right>[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]</th>
- <td>[% L.date_tag('todate', todate) %]</td>
- </tr>
-[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
- <tr>
- <th align=right>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
- <td colspan=3>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><input name="l_id" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
- <td>[% 'ID' | $T8 %]</td>
- <td><input name="l_invnumber" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
- <td>[% 'Invoice' | $T8 %]</td>
- <td><input name="l_transdate" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
- <td>[% 'Date' | $T8 %]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><input name="l_name" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
- <td>
- [% LxERP.t8('Customer') IF db == 'ar' %]
- [% LxERP.t8('Vendor') IF db == 'ap' %]
- </td>
- <td><input name="l_netamount" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
- <td>[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</td>
- <td><input name="l_amount" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
- <td>[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><input name="l_subtotal" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
- <td>[% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-[%- END %]
<hr size=3 noshade>