// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Temps',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Informes',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'menu.time' => 'Time',
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Sestavy',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tid',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Udgifter',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapporter',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Gruppe',
'menu.plugins' => 'Erweiterungen',
'menu.time' => 'Zeiten',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Kosten',
'menu.reports' => 'Berichte',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.subgroups' => 'Subgroups',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Time',
+'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Reports',
'menu.timesheets' => 'Timesheets',
'form.timesheet_view.disapprove_body' => "Your timesheet %s was not approved.<p>%s",
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
+'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tiempo',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Reportes',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Grupp',
'menu.plugins' => 'Lisad',
'menu.time' => 'Ajaarvestus',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Kulud',
'menu.reports' => 'Raportid',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'پلاگین ها',
'menu.time' => 'زمان',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'هزينه ها',
'menu.reports' => 'گزارشات',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Lisäosat',
'menu.time' => 'Tunnit',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Kulut',
'menu.reports' => 'Raportit',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Temps',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Dépenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapports',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Ομάδα',
'menu.plugins' => 'Πρόσθετα',
'menu.time' => 'Χρόνος',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Έξοδα',
'menu.reports' => 'Αναφορές',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.plugins' => 'תוספים',
'menu.time' => 'זמן',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'דוחות',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Munkaidő',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Riportok',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Gruppo',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugin',
'menu.time' => 'Tempo',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Spese',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapporti',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => '時間',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'レポート',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => '시간',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => '보고서',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Groep',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tijden',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Kosten',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapporten',
'menu.timesheets' => 'Tijdenoverzichten',
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tid',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapporter',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Moduły',
'menu.time' => 'Czas',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Wydatki',
'menu.reports' => 'Raporty',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tempo',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Gastos',
'menu.reports' => 'Relatórios',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Tempo',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Relatórios',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Timpul',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapoarte',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Группа',
'menu.plugins' => 'Плагины',
'menu.time' => 'Время',
+'menu.week' => 'Неделя',
'menu.expenses' => 'Расходы',
'menu.reports' => 'Отчёты',
'menu.timesheets' => 'Табели',
'form.timesheet_view.disapprove_body' => "Ваш табель %s не одобрен.<p>%s",
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
+'form.display_options.menu' => 'Меню',
'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Комментарий в отдельном ряду',
'menu.plugins' => 'Moduly',
'menu.time' => 'Časový záznam',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Zostavy',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'menu.time' => 'Time',
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Poročila',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
'menu.plugins' => 'Dodaci',
'menu.time' => 'Vreme',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Troškovi',
'menu.reports' => 'Izveštaji',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
'menu.group' => 'Grupp',
'menu.plugins' => 'Tillägg',
'menu.time' => 'Tider',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => 'Kostnader',
'menu.reports' => 'Rapporter',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => 'Zaman',
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Raporlar',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'menu.time' => '时间记录',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
'menu.expenses' => '费用',
'menu.reports' => '报告',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
// 'menu.group' => 'Group',
// 'menu.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'menu.time' => 'Time',
+// 'menu.week' => 'Week',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => '報告',
// TODO: translate the following.
// Display Options form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/display_options.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.display_options.menu' => 'Menu',
// 'form.display_options.note_on_separate_row' => 'Note on separate row',
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
+{if $show_week_menu}
+ <tr><td> </td></tr>
+ <tr><td class="sectionHeaderNoBorder">{$i18n.form.display_options.menu}</td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><label for="menu_week">{$i18n.label.week_view}:</label></td>
+ <td nowrap>{$forms.displayOptionsForm.menu_week.control} <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_35.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.label.what_is_it}</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td class="sectionHeaderNoBorder">{$i18n.title.time}</td></tr>
<td><label for="time_note_on_separate_row">{$i18n.form.display_options.note_on_separate_row}:</label></td>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_4.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.credits}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_5.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.license}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_7.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.improve}</a>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#d9d9d9" nowrap height="17" background="images/subm_bg.gif">
{if $user->exists() && ($user->can('track_own_time') || $user->can('track_time'))}
<a class="mainMenu" href="time.php">{$i18n.menu.time}</a>
+ {if $user->isPluginEnabled('wv') && $user->getConfigOption('menu_week')}
+ <a class="mainMenu" href="week.php">{$i18n.menu.week}</a>
+ {/if}
{if $user->exists() && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex') && ($user->can('track_own_expenses') || $user->can('track_expenses'))}
<a class="mainMenu" href="expenses.php">{$i18n.menu.expenses}</a>
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
-{if $user->isPluginEnabled('wv')}
+{if $show_navigation}
<td align="center" colspan=2">
<a href="time.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.day_view}</a> / <a href="week.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.week_view}</a>
<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+{if $show_navigation}
<td align="center" colspan=2">
<a href="time.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.day_view}</a> / <a href="week.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.week_view}</a>
<td valign="top">
$config = new ttConfigHelper($user->getConfig());
if ($request->isPost()) {
- $cl_time_note_on_separate_row = trim($request->getParameter('time_note_on_separate_row'));
- $cl_report_note_on_separate_row = trim($request->getParameter('report_note_on_separate_row'));
+ $cl_menu_week = $request->getParameter('menu_week');
+ $cl_time_note_on_separate_row = $request->getParameter('time_note_on_separate_row');
+ $cl_report_note_on_separate_row = $request->getParameter('report_note_on_separate_row');
} else {
+ $cl_menu_week = $config->getDefinedValue('menu_week');
$cl_time_note_on_separate_row = $config->getDefinedValue('time_note_on_separate_row');
$cl_report_note_on_separate_row = $config->getDefinedValue('report_note_on_separate_row');
$form = new Form('displayOptionsForm');
+// Menu.
+// Time page.
// $form->addInput(array('type'=>'checkbox','name'=>'time_client','value'=>$cl_time_client));
// $form->addInput(array('type'=>'checkbox','name'=>'time_cf_1','value'=>$cl_time_cf_1));
// $form->addInput(array('type'=>'checkbox','name'=>'time_project','value'=>$cl_time_project));
if ($request->isPost()){
if ($err->no()) {
// Update config.
+ $config->setDefinedValue('menu_week', $cl_menu_week);
$config->setDefinedValue('time_note_on_separate_row', $cl_time_note_on_separate_row);
$config->setDefinedValue('report_note_on_separate_row', $cl_report_note_on_separate_row);
if ($user->updateGroup(array('config' => $config->getConfig()))) {
$smarty->assign('forms', array($form->getName()=>$form->toArray()));
+$smarty->assign('show_week_menu', $user->isPluginEnabled('wv'));
$smarty->assign('title', $i18n->get('title.display_options'));
$smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'display_options.tpl');
$smarty->assign('week_total', $week_total);
$smarty->assign('day_total', ttTimeHelper::getTimeForDay($cl_date));
$smarty->assign('time_records', $timeRecords);
+$smarty->assign('show_navigation', $user->isPluginEnabled('wv') && !$user->getConfigOption('menu_week'));
$smarty->assign('show_client', $showClient);
$smarty->assign('show_cf_1', $user->isPluginEnabled('cf'));
$smarty->assign('show_project', $showProject);
$smarty->assign('onload', 'onLoad="fillDropdowns()"');
$smarty->assign('timestring', $startDate->toString($user->date_format).' - '.$endDate->toString($user->date_format));
$smarty->assign('time_records', $records);
+$smarty->assign('show_navigation', !$user->getConfigOption('menu_week'));
$smarty->assign('show_files', $showFiles);
$smarty->assign('title', $i18n->get('title.time'));
$smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'week.tpl');