sub submit_tag {
- return shift->input_tag(@_, type => 'submit', class => 'submit');
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ my %attributes = _hashify(@_);
+ $attributes{onclick} = "if (confirm('" . delete($attributes{confirm}) . "')) return true; else return false;" if $attributes{confirm};
+ return $self->input_tag($name, $value, %attributes, type => 'submit', class => 'submit');
sub options_for_select {
value C<$value> and with arbitrary HTML attributes from C<%attributes>. The
tag's C<id> defaults to C<name_to_id($name)>.
+If C<$attributes{confirm}> is set then a JavaScript popup dialog will
+be added via the C<onclick> handler asking the question given with
+C<$attributes{confirm}>. If request is only submitted if the user
+clicks the dialog's ok/yes button.
=item C<textarea_tag $name, $value, %attributes>
Creates a HTML 'textarea' tag named C<$name> with the content