# column flags:
# l_partnumber l_description l_listprice l_sellprice l_lastcost l_priceupdate l_weight l_unit l_rop l_image l_drawing l_microfiche l_partsgroup
+# l_warehouse l_bin
# exclusives:
# itemstatus = active | onhand | short | obsolete | orphaned
# joining filters:
# make model - makemodel
# serialnumber transdatefrom transdateto - invoice/orderitems
+# warehouse - warehouse
+# bin - bin
# binary flags:
# bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted - aggreg joins with invoices/orders
# onhand - as above, but masking the simple itemstatus results (doh!)
# warehouse onhand
# search by overrides of description
+# soldtotal drops option default warehouse and bin
+# soldtotal can not work if there are no documents checked
# disabled sanity checks and changes:
# - searchitems = assembly will no longer disable bought
my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
+ # sanity backend check
+ croak "Cannot combine soldtotal with default bin or default warehouse" if ($form->{l_soldtotal} && ($form->{l_bin} || $form->{l_warehouse}));
$form->{parts} = +{ };
$form->{soldtotal} = undef if $form->{l_soldtotal}; # security fix. top100 insists on putting strings in there...
my @like_filters = (@simple_filters, @invoice_oi_filters);
my @all_columns = (@simple_filters, @makemodel_filters, @apoe_filters, @project_filters, qw(serialnumber));
my @simple_l_switches = (@all_columns, qw(notes listprice sellprice lastcost priceupdate weight unit rop image shop insertdate));
+ my %no_simple_l_switches = (warehouse => 'wh.description as warehouse', bin => 'bin.description as bin');
my @oe_flags = qw(bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted);
my @qsooqr_flags = qw(invnumber ordnumber quonumber trans_id name module qty);
my @deliverydate_flags = qw(deliverydate);
) AS cv ON cv.id = apoe.customer_id OR cv.id = apoe.vendor_id|,
mv => 'LEFT JOIN vendor AS mv ON mv.id = mm.make',
project => 'LEFT JOIN project AS pj ON pj.id = COALESCE(ioi.project_id, apoe.globalproject_id)',
+ warehouse => 'LEFT JOIN warehouse AS wh ON wh.id = p.warehouse_id',
+ bin => 'LEFT JOIN bin ON bin.id = p.bin_id',
- my @join_order = qw(partsgroup makemodel mv invoice_oi apoe cv pfac project);
+ my @join_order = qw(partsgroup makemodel mv invoice_oi apoe cv pfac project warehouse bin);
my %table_prefix = (
deliverydate => 'apoe.', serialnumber => 'ioi.',
$joins_needed{cv} = 1 if $bsooqr;
$joins_needed{apoe} = 1 if $joins_needed{project} || $joins_needed{cv} || grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @apoe_filters;
$joins_needed{invoice_oi} = 1 if $joins_needed{project} || $joins_needed{apoe} || grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @invoice_oi_filters;
+ $joins_needed{bin} = 1 if $form->{l_bin};
+ $joins_needed{warehouse} = 1 if $form->{l_warehouse};
# special case for description search.
# up in the simple filter section the description filter got interpreted as something like: WHERE description ILIKE '%$form->{description}%'
my $where_clause = join ' AND ', map { "($_)" } @where_tokens;
my $group_clause = @group_tokens ? ' GROUP BY ' . join ', ', map { $token_builder->($_) } @group_tokens : '';
+ # key of %no_simple_l_switch is the logical l_switch.
+ # the assigned value is the 'not so simple
+ # select token'
+ my $no_simple_select_clause;
+ foreach my $no_simple_l_switch (keys %no_simple_l_switches) {
+ next unless $form->{"l_${no_simple_l_switch}"};
+ $no_simple_select_clause .= ', '. $no_simple_l_switches{$no_simple_l_switch};
+ }
+ $select_clause .= $no_simple_select_clause;
my %oe_flag_to_cvar = (
bought => 'invoice',
sold => 'invoice',
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Articles');
my %column_defs = (
- 'bin' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Bin'), },
'deliverydate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('deliverydate'), },
'description' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part Description'), },
'notes' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Notes'), },
'type_and_classific' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Type'), },
'projectnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Project Number'), },
'projectdescription' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Project Description'), },
+ 'warehouse' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Default Warehouse'), },
+ 'bin' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Default Bin'), },
$revers = $form->{revers};
if ($form->{l_service} && !$form->{l_assembly} && !$form->{l_part}) {
- # remove bin, weight and rop from list
- map { $form->{"l_$_"} = "" } qw(bin weight rop);
+ # remove warehouse, bin, weight and rop from list
+ map { $form->{"l_$_"} = "" } qw(bin weight rop warehouse);
$form->{l_onhand} = "";
flash('warning', $::locale->text('Soldtotal does not make sense without any bsooqr options'));
+ if ($form->{l_soldtotal} && ($form->{l_warehouse} || $form->{l_bin})) {
+ delete $form->{"l_$_"} for qw(bin warehouse);
+ flash('warning', $::locale->text('Sorry, I am too stupid to figure out the default warehouse/bin and the sold qty. I drop the default warehouse/bin option.'));
+ }
if ($form->{l_name} && !$bsooqr_mode) {
delete $form->{l_name};
IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
my @columns = qw(
- partnumber type_and_classific description notes partsgroup bin onhand rop soldtotal unit listprice
+ partnumber type_and_classific description notes partsgroup warehouse bin
+ onhand rop soldtotal unit listprice
linetotallistprice sellprice linetotalsellprice lastcost linetotallastcost
priceupdate weight image drawing microfiche invnumber ordnumber quonumber
transdate name serialnumber deliverydate ean projectnumber projectdescription
my $callback = build_std_url('action=generate_report', grep { $form->{$_} } @hidden_variables);
my @sort_full = qw(partnumber description onhand soldtotal deliverydate insertdate shop);
- my @sort_no_revers = qw(partsgroup bin priceupdate invnumber ordnumber quonumber name image drawing serialnumber);
+ my @sort_no_revers = qw(partsgroup priceupdate invnumber ordnumber quonumber name image drawing serialnumber);
foreach my $col (@sort_full) {
$column_defs{$col}->{link} = join '&', $callback, "sort=$col", map { "$_=" . E($form->{$_}) } qw(revers lastsort);
- SEPA-XML: alle Sonderzeichen filtern
- SEPA-Export: Export wieder rückgängig machen, falls noch Status offen
+ - Stammdaten -> Berichte -> Artikel: Standardlager und Lagerplatz optional anzeigen
2017-07-17 - Release 3.5.0
'Sold order items' => 'Verkaufte Auftragsartikel',
'Soldtotal does not make sense without any bsooqr options' => 'Option "Menge in gewählten Belegen" ohne gewählte Belege wird ignoriert.',
'Solution' => 'Lösung',
+ 'Sorry, I am too stupid to figure out the default warehouse/bin and the sold qty. I drop the default warehouse/bin option.' => 'Entschuldigung, ich bin nicht in der Lage Standard-Lager und die Menge in gewählten Belegen gleichzeitig anzuzeigen. Ich lass die Standard-Lager weg.',
'Sort By' => 'Sortiert nach',
'Source' => 'Beleg',
'Source BIC' => 'Quell-BIC',