sub _init {
my $self = shift;
- $self->{"source"} = shift;
- $self->{"form"} = shift;
- $self->{"myconfig"} = shift;
- $self->{"userspath"} = shift;
+ $self->{source} = shift;
+ $self->{form} = shift;
+ $self->{myconfig} = shift;
+ $self->{userspath} = shift;
- $self->{"error"} = undef;
+ $self->{error} = undef;
+ $self->set_tag_style('<%', '%>');
+sub set_tag_style {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tag_start = shift;
+ my $tag_end = shift;
+ $self->{tag_start} = $tag_start;
+ $self->{tag_end} = $tag_end;
+ $self->{tag_start_qm} = quotemeta $tag_start;
+ $self->{tag_end_qm} = quotemeta $tag_end;
sub cleanup {
my $form = $self->{"form"};
- while ($text =~ /<\%(.*?)\%>/) {
+ while ($text =~ /$self->{tag_start_qm}(.+?)$self->{tag_end_qm}/) {
+ my ($tag_pos, $tag_len) = ($-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]);
my ($var, @options) = split(/\s+/, $1);
my $value = $form->{$var};
+ $main::lxdebug->message(0, "REPL var: $1");
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@indices); $i++) {
last unless (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
$value = $value->[$indices[$i]];
$value = $self->format_string($value) unless (grep(/^NOESCAPE$/, @options));
- substr($text, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]) = $value;
+ substr($text, $tag_pos, $tag_len) = $value;
return $text;
# and <%lastpage%>
my $psum = $form->format_amount($self->{"myconfig"}, $sum, 2);
- $pb =~ s/<%sumcarriedforward%>/$psum/g;
- $pb =~ s/<%lastpage%>/$current_page/g;
+ $pb =~ s/$self->{tag_start_qm}sumcarriedforward$self->{tag_end_qm}/$psum/g;
+ $pb =~ s/$self->{tag_start_qm}lastpage$self->{tag_end_qm}/$current_page/g;
my $new_text = $self->parse_block($pb, (@indices, $i));
return undef unless (defined($new_text));
sub find_end {
my ($self, $text, $pos, $var, $not) = @_;
+ my $tag_start_len = length $self->{tag_start};
my $depth = 1;
$pos = 0 unless ($pos);
while ($pos < length($text)) {
- next if (substr($text, $pos - 1, 2) ne '<%');
+ next if (substr($text, $pos - 1, length($self->{tag_start})) ne $self->{tag_start});
+ my $keyword_pos = $pos - 1 + $tag_start_len;
- if ((substr($text, $pos + 1, 2) eq 'if') || (substr($text, $pos + 1, 3) eq 'for')) {
+ if ((substr($text, $keyword_pos, 2) eq 'if') || (substr($text, $keyword_pos, 3) eq 'for')) {
- } elsif ((substr($text, $pos + 1, 4) eq 'else') && (1 == $depth)) {
+ } elsif ((substr($text, $keyword_pos, 4) eq 'else') && (1 == $depth)) {
if (!$var) {
- $self->{"error"} = '<%else%> outside of <%if%> / <%ifnot%>.';
+ $self->{"error"} =
+ "$self->{tag_start}else$self->{tag_end} outside of "
+ . "$self->{tag_start}if$self->{tag_end} / "
+ . "$self->{tag_start}ifnot$self->{tag_end}.";
return undef;
my $block = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1);
substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) = "";
- $text =~ s!^<\%[^\%]+\%>!!;
- $text = '<%if' . ($not ? " " : "not ") . $var . '%>' . $text;
+ $text =~ s!^$self->{tag_start_qm}.+?$self->{tag_end_qm}!!;
+ $text = $self->{tag_start} . 'if' . ($not ? " " : "not ") . $var . $self->{tag_end} . $text;
return ($block, $text);
- } elsif (substr($text, $pos + 1, 3) eq 'end') {
+ } elsif (substr($text, $keyword_pos, 3) eq 'end') {
if ($depth == 0) {
my $block = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1);
substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) = "";
- $text =~ s!^<\%[^\%]+\%>!!;
+ $text =~ s!^$self->{tag_start_qm}.+?$self->{tag_end_qm}!!;
return ($block, $text);
my $new_contents = "";
while ($contents ne "") {
- my $pos_if = index($contents, '<%if');
- my $pos_foreach = index($contents, '<%foreach');
+ my $pos_if = index($contents, $self->{tag_start} . 'if');
+ my $pos_foreach = index($contents, $self->{tag_start} . 'foreach');
if ((-1 == $pos_if) && (-1 == $pos_foreach)) {
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars($contents, @indices);
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach), @indices);
substr($contents, 0, $pos_foreach) = "";
- if ($contents !~ m|^<\%foreach (.*?)\%>|) {
- $self->{"error"} = "Malformed <\%foreach\%>.";
+ if ($contents !~ m|^$self->{tag_start_qm}foreach (.+?)$self->{tag_end_qm}|) {
+ $self->{"error"} = "Malformed $self->{tag_start}foreach$self->{tag_end}.";
return undef;
my $block;
($block, $contents) = $self->find_end($contents);
if (!$block) {
- $self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%foreach\%>." unless ($self->{"error"});
+ $self->{"error"} = "Unclosed $self->{tag_start}foreach$self->{tag_end}." unless ($self->{"error"});
return undef;
$new_contents .= $self->substitute_vars(substr($contents, 0, $pos_if), @indices);
substr($contents, 0, $pos_if) = "";
- if ($contents !~ m|^<\%if\s*(not)?\s+(.*?)\%>|) {
- $self->{"error"} = "Malformed <\%if\%>.";
+ if ($contents !~ m|^$self->{tag_start_qm}if\s*(not)?\s+(.*?)$self->{tag_end_qm}|) {
+ $self->{"error"} = "Malformed $self->{tag_start}if$self->{tag_end}.";
return undef;
($block, $contents) = $self->find_end($contents, 0, $var, $not);
if (!$block) {
- $self->{"error"} = "Unclosed <\%if${not}\%>." unless ($self->{"error"});
+ $self->{"error"} = "Unclosed $self->{tag_start}if${not}$self->{tag_end}." unless ($self->{"error"});
return undef;
return $new_contents;
+sub parse_first_line {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $line = shift || "";
+ if ($line =~ m/([^\s]+)set-tag-style([^\s]+)/) {
+ if ($1 eq $2) {
+ $self->{error} = "The tag start and end markers must not be equal.";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $self->set_tag_style($1, $2);
+ }
+ return 1;
sub parse {
my $self = $_[0];
local *OUT = $_[1];
$self->{"error"} = "$!";
return 0;
- @_ = <IN>;
+ my @lines = <IN>;
- my $contents = join("", @_);
+ return 0 if (!$self->parse_first_line($lines[0]));
+ my $contents = join("", @lines);
# detect pagebreak block and its parameters
- if ($contents =~ /<%pagebreak\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*%>(.*?)<%end(\s*pagebreak)?%>/s) {
+ if ($contents =~ /$self->{tag_start_qm}pagebreak\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$self->{tag_end_qm}(.*?)$self->{tag_start_qm}end(\s*pagebreak)?$self->{tag_end_qm}/s) {
$self->{"chars_per_line"} = $1;
$self->{"lines_on_first_page"} = $2;
$self->{"lines_on_second_page"} = $3;