$subwhere .= " AND (transdate >= $fromdate)";
$glwhere = " AND (ac.transdate >= $fromdate)";
$prwhere = " AND (a.transdate >= $fromdate)";
+ $inwhere = " AND (acc.transdate >= $fromdate)";
} else {
$where .= " AND (ac.transdate >= $fromdate)";
$subwhere .= " AND (transdate <= $todate)";
$where .= " AND (ac.transdate <= $todate)";
$prwhere .= " AND (a.transdate <= $todate)";
+ $inwhere .= " AND (acc.transdate <= $todate)";
if ($department_id) {
$project = qq| AND (ac.project_id = | . conv_i($form->{project_id}) . qq|) |;
+# GUV patch by Ronny Rentner (Bug 1190)
+# GUV IST-Versteuerung
+# Alle tatsaechlichen _Zahlungseingaenge_
+# im Zeitraum erfassen
+# (Teilzahlungen werden prozentual auf verschiedene Steuern aufgeteilt)
if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
$query =
+ SELECT SUM( ac.amount *
+ (SELECT SUM(acc.amount) * -1
+ FROM acc_trans acc
+ INNER JOIN chart c ON (acc.chart_id = c.id AND c.link LIKE '%AR_paid%')
+ WHERE 1=1 $inwhere AND acc.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
+ / (SELECT amount FROM ar WHERE id = ac.trans_id)
+ ) AS amount, c.pos_eur
+ FROM acc_trans ac
+ LEFT JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
+ LEFT JOIN ar ON (ar.id = ac.trans_id)
+ LEFT JOIN taxkeys tk ON (tk.id = (
+ SELECT id FROM taxkeys
+ WHERE chart_id = ac.chart_id
+ AND startdate <= COALESCE(ar.deliverydate,ar.transdate)
+ ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1
+ )
+ )
+ WHERE ac.trans_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT trans_id FROM acc_trans WHERE 1=1 $subwhere)
+ GROUP BY c.pos_eur
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
FROM acc_trans ac
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
AND ac.trans_id IN ( SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id) WHERE (link LIKE '%AR_paid%') $subwhere)
GROUP BY c.$category
SELECT SUM(ac.amount * chart_category_to_sgn(c.category)) AS amount, c.$category
my $accno;
my $ref;
- my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) {
+ foreach my $ref (selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query)) {
if ($category eq "pos_bwa") {
if ($last_period) {
$form->{ $ref->{$category} }{kumm} += $ref->{amount};
$form->{ $ref->{$category} } += $ref->{amount};
- $sth->finish;
$where .=
qq| AND(ac.trans_id IN (SELECT id FROM ar WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM ap WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM gl WHERE transdate>= $fromdate AND transdate<= $todate)) AND (NOT ac.ob_transaction OR ac.ob_transaction IS NULL) AND (NOT ac.cb_transaction OR ac.cb_transaction IS NULL) |;
$saldowhere .= qq| AND(ac.trans_id IN (SELECT id FROM ar WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM ap WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM gl WHERE transdate>= $fromdate AND transdate<= $todate)) AND (NOT ac.cb_transaction OR ac.cb_transaction IS NULL) |;
$sumwhere .= qq| AND(ac.trans_id IN (SELECT id FROM ar WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM ap WHERE datepaid>= $fromdate AND datepaid<= $todate UNION SELECT id FROM gl WHERE transdate>= $fromdate AND transdate<= $todate)) AND (NOT ac.ob_transaction OR ac.ob_transaction IS NULL) AND (NOT ac.cb_transaction OR ac.cb_transaction IS NULL) |;
} else {
$where .= $tofrom . " AND (NOT ac.ob_transaction OR ac.ob_transaction IS NULL) AND (NOT ac.cb_transaction OR ac.cb_transaction IS NULL)";