use parent qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(pay_invoice);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(skonto_date skonto_charts amount_less_skonto within_skonto_period percent_skonto reference_account reference_amount open_amount open_percent remaining_skonto_days skonto_amount check_skonto_configuration valid_skonto_amount get_payment_suggestions validate_payment_type open_sepa_transfer_amount get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction exchangerate forex _skonto_charts_and_tax_correction);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(skonto_date amount_less_skonto within_skonto_period percent_skonto reference_account reference_amount open_amount open_percent remaining_skonto_days skonto_amount check_skonto_configuration valid_skonto_amount get_payment_suggestions validate_payment_type open_sepa_transfer_amount get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction exchangerate forex _skonto_charts_and_tax_correction);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
return @skonto_charts;
-sub skonto_charts {
- my $self = shift;
- # TODO: use param for amount, may also want to calculate skonto_amounts by
- # passing percentage in the future
- my $amount = shift || $self->skonto_amount;
- croak "no amount passed to skonto_charts" unless abs(_round($amount)) >= 0.01;
- # TODO: check whether there are negative values in invoice / acc_trans ... credited items
- # don't check whether skonto applies, because user may want to override this
- # return undef unless $self->percent_skonto;
- my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
- my $mult = $is_sales ? 1 : -1; # multiplier for getting the right sign
- my @skonto_charts; # resulting array with all income/expense accounts that have to be corrected
- # calculate effective skonto (percentage) in difference_as_skonto mode
- # only works if there are no negative acc_trans values
- my $effective_skonto_rate = $amount ? $amount / $self->amount : 0;
- # checks:
- my $total_skonto_amount = 0;
- my $total_rounding_error = 0;
- my $reference_ARAP_amount = 0;
- # my $transactions = $self->transactions;
- foreach my $transaction (@{ $self->transactions }) {
- # find all transactions with an AR_amount or AP_amount link
- $transaction->{chartlinks} = { map { $_ => 1 } split(m/:/, $transaction->{chart_link}) };
- # second condition is that we can determine an automatic Skonto account for each AR_amount entry
- if ( ( $is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AR_amount} ) or ( !$is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AP_amount}) ) {
- # $reference_ARAP_amount += $transaction->{amount} * $mult;
- # quick hack that works around problem of non-unique tax keys in SKR04
- # ? use tax_id in acc_trans
- my $tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->get_first( where => [id => $transaction->{tax_id}]);
- croak "no tax for taxkey " . $transaction->{taxkey} unless ref $tax;
- if ( $is_sales ) {
- die t8('no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3', $transaction->{taxkey} , $tax->taxdescription , $tax->rate*100) unless ref $tax->skonto_sales_chart;
- } else {
- die t8('no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3', $transaction->{taxkey} , $tax->taxdescription , $tax->rate*100) unless ref $tax->skonto_purchase_chart;
- };
- my $skonto_amount_unrounded;
- my $skonto_percent_abs = $self->amount ? abs($transaction->amount * (1 + $tax->rate) * 100 / $self->amount) : 0;
- my $transaction_amount = abs($transaction->{amount} * (1 + $tax->rate));
- my $transaction_skonto_percent = abs($transaction_amount/$self->amount); # abs($transaction->{amount} * (1 + $tax->rate));
- $skonto_amount_unrounded = abs($amount * $transaction_skonto_percent);
- my $skonto_amount_rounded = _round($skonto_amount_unrounded);
- my $rounding_error = $skonto_amount_unrounded - $skonto_amount_rounded;
- my $rounded_rounding_error = _round($rounding_error);
- $total_rounding_error += $rounding_error;
- $total_skonto_amount += $skonto_amount_rounded;
- my $rec = {
- # skonto_percent_abs: relative part of amount + tax to the total invoice amount
- 'skonto_percent_abs' => $skonto_percent_abs,
- 'chart_id' => $is_sales ? $tax->skonto_sales_chart->id : $tax->skonto_purchase_chart->id,
- 'skonto_amount' => $skonto_amount_rounded,
- # 'rounding_error' => $rounding_error,
- # 'rounded_rounding_error' => $rounded_rounding_error,
- };
- push @skonto_charts, $rec;
- }
- }
- # if the rounded sum of all rounding_errors reaches 0.01 this sum is
- # subtracted from the largest skonto_amount
- my $rounded_total_rounding_error = abs(_round($total_rounding_error));
- if ( $rounded_total_rounding_error > 0 ) {
- my $highest_amount_pos = 0;
- my $highest_amount = 0;
- my $i = -1;
- foreach my $ref ( @skonto_charts ) {
- $i++;
- if ( $ref->{skonto_amount} > $highest_amount ) {
- $highest_amount = $ref->{skonto_amount};
- $highest_amount_pos = $i;
- };
- };
- $skonto_charts[$i]->{skonto_amount} -= $rounded_total_rounding_error;
- };
- return @skonto_charts;
sub within_skonto_period {
my $self = shift;
my $dateref = shift || DateTime->now->truncate( to => 'day' );