+sub _get_dunning_configs {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $dbh, $key) = @_;
+ $key = "all_dunning_configs" unless ($key);
+ my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM dunning_config ORDER BY dunning_level|;
+ $self->{$key} = selectall_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query);
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
sub get_lists {
$self->_get_business_types($dbh, $params{"business_types"});
+ if ($params{"dunning_configs"}) {
+ $self->_get_dunning_configs($dbh, $params{"dunning_configs"});
+ }
d.description AS department,
e.name AS employee
FROM $arap a
- JOIN $table c ON (a.${table}_id = c.id)
+ LEFT JOIN $table c ON (a.${table}_id = c.id)
LEFT JOIN employee e ON (e.id = a.employee_id)
LEFT JOIN department d ON (d.id = a.department_id)
WHERE a.id = ?|;
# now get the account numbers
$query = qq|SELECT c.accno, c.description, c.link, c.taxkey_id, tk.tax_id
- FROM chart c, taxkeys tk
+ FROM chart c
+ LEFT JOIN taxkeys tk ON (tk.chart_id = c.id)
WHERE c.link LIKE ?
- AND ( tk.chart_id = c.id OR c.link LIKE '%_tax%')
- AND (NOT tk.chart_id = c.id OR NOT c.link LIKE '%_tax%')
AND (tk.id = (SELECT id FROM taxkeys WHERE taxkeys.chart_id = c.id AND startdate <= $transdate ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 1)
OR c.link LIKE '%_tax%')
ORDER BY c.accno|;
+ dump_query(0, "wuff", $query, '%$module%');
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
do_statement($self, $sth, $query, "%$module%");
# Setup "formname" selection
+ $form->get_lists("printers" => "ALL_PRINTERS",
+ "languages" => "ALL_LANGUAGES",
+ "dunning_configs" => "ALL_DUNNING_CONFIGS");
my %formname_setup =
- "balance_sheet" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Balance Sheet'), "html" => 1 },
- "bin_list" => $locale->text('Bin List'),
- "bwa" => { "translation" => $locale->text('BWA'), "html" => 1 },
- "check" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Check'), "html" => 1 },
- "credit_note" => $locale->text('Credit Note'),
- "income_statement" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Income Statement'), "html" => 1 },
- "invoice" => $locale->text('Invoice'),
- "packing_list" => $locale->text('Packing List'),
- "pick_list" => $locale->text('Pick List'),
- "proforma" => $locale->text('Proforma Invoice'),
- "purchase_order" => $locale->text('Purchase Order'),
- "receipt" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Receipt'), "tex" => 1 },
- "request_quotation" => $locale->text('RFQ'),
- "sales_order" => $locale->text('Confirmation'),
- "sales_quotation" => $locale->text('Quotation'),
- "statement" => $locale->text('Statement'),
- "storno_invoice" => $locale->text('Storno Invoice'),
- "storno_packing_list" => $locale->text('Storno Packing List'),
- "ustva-2004" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2004"), "tex" => 1 },
- "ustva-2005" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2005"), "tex" => 1 },
- "ustva-2006" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2006"), "tex" => 1 },
- "ustva-2007" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2007"), "tex" => 1 },
- "ustva" => $locale->text("USTVA"),
- "zahlungserinnerung" => $locale->text('Payment Reminder'),
+ "balance_sheet" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Balance Sheet'), "html" => 1 },
+ "bin_list" => $locale->text('Bin List'),
+ "bwa" => { "translation" => $locale->text('BWA'), "html" => 1 },
+ "check" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Check'), "html" => 1 },
+ "credit_note" => $locale->text('Credit Note'),
+ "income_statement" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Income Statement'), "html" => 1 },
+ "invoice" => $locale->text('Invoice'),
+ "packing_list" => $locale->text('Packing List'),
+ "pick_list" => $locale->text('Pick List'),
+ "proforma" => $locale->text('Proforma Invoice'),
+ "purchase_order" => $locale->text('Purchase Order'),
+ "receipt" => { "translation" => $locale->text('Receipt'), "tex" => 1 },
+ "request_quotation" => $locale->text('RFQ'),
+ "sales_order" => $locale->text('Confirmation'),
+ "sales_quotation" => $locale->text('Quotation'),
+ "statement" => $locale->text('Statement'),
+ "storno_invoice" => $locale->text('Storno Invoice'),
+ "storno_packing_list" => $locale->text('Storno Packing List'),
+ "ustva-2004" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2004"), "tex" => 1 },
+ "ustva-2005" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2005"), "tex" => 1 },
+ "ustva-2006" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2006"), "tex" => 1 },
+ "ustva-2007" => { "translation" => $locale->text("USTVA 2007"), "tex" => 1 },
+ "ustva" => $locale->text("USTVA"),
my (@values, $file, $setup);
"default" => $file eq $form->{"formname"} });
+ # "zahlungserinnerung" => $locale->text('Payment Reminder'),
+ foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{"ALL_DUNNING_CONFIGS"} }) {
+ next if !$ref->{"template"};
+ push(@values,
+ { "value" => $ref->{"template"},
+ "label" => $locale->text('Payment Reminder') . ": " . $ref->{"dunning_description"},
+ "default" => $ref->{"template"} eq $form->{"formname"} });
+ }
@values = sort({ $a->{"label"} cmp $b->{"label"} } @values);
$options{"FORMNAME"} = [ @values ];
# Setup "language" selection
- $form->get_lists("printers" => "ALL_PRINTERS",
- "languages" => "ALL_LANGUAGES");
@values = ( { "value" => "", "label" => "", "default" => 0 } );
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{"ALL_LANGUAGES"} }) {