# my $data = {
# record_ids => [ 123, 124, 127, ],
# printer_id => 4711,
+# copy_printer_id => 4711,
+# transdate => $today || $custom_transdate,
# num_created => 0,
# num_printed => 0,
# invoice_ids => [ 234, 235, ],
$number = $sales_delivery_order->donumber;
if (!$db->do_transaction(sub {
- $invoice = $sales_delivery_order->convert_to_invoice(item_filter => \&delivery_order_item_filter, queue_sort => 1) || die $db->error;
- # $delivery_order->post_save_sanity_check; # just a hint at e8521eee (#90 od)
+ $invoice = $sales_delivery_order->convert_to_invoice(sub { $data->{transdate} ? ('attributes' => { transdate => $data->{transdate} }) :
+ undef }->() ) || die $db->error;
})) {
die $db->error;
sub print_pdfs {
my ($self) = @_;
- my $job_obj = $self->{job_obj};
- my $data = $job_obj->data_as_hash;
- my $printer_id = $data->{printer_id};
+ my $job_obj = $self->{job_obj};
+ my $data = $job_obj->data_as_hash;
+ my $printer_id = $data->{printer_id};
+ my $copy_printer_id = $data->{copy_printer_id};
return if !$printer_id;
- my $printer = SL::DB::Printer->new(id => $printer_id)->load;
- my $command = SL::Template::create(type => 'ShellCommand', form => Form->new(''))->parse($printer->printer_command);
my $out;
- if (!open $out, '|-', $command) {
- push @{ $data->{print_errors} }, { message => $::locale->text('Could not execute printer command: #1', $!) };
- $job_obj->update_attributes(data_as_hash => $data);
- return;
+ foreach my $local_printer_id ($printer_id, $copy_printer_id) {
+ next unless $local_printer_id;
+ my $printer = SL::DB::Printer->new(id => $local_printer_id)->load;
+ my $command = SL::Template::create(type => 'ShellCommand', form => Form->new(''))->parse($printer->printer_command);
+ if (!open $out, '|-', $command) {
+ push @{ $data->{print_errors} }, { message => $::locale->text('Could not execute printer command: #1', $!) };
+ $job_obj->update_attributes(data_as_hash => $data);
+ return;
+ }
+ binmode $out;
+ print $out $self->{merged_pdf};
+ close $out;
- binmode $out;
- print $out $self->{merged_pdf};
- close $out;
sub run {
record_ids => [ map { $_->id } @records[0..$num - 1] ],
printer_id => $::form->{printer_id},
+ copy_printer_id => $::form->{copy_printer_id},
+ transdate => $::form->{transdate} || undef,
status => SL::BackgroundJob::MassRecordCreationAndPrinting->WAITING_FOR_EXECUTION(),
num_created => 0,
num_printed => 0,
Converts the source objects (DeliveryOrder) to destination objects (Invoice).
On success objects will be saved.
+If param C<data->{transdate}> is set, this will be the transdate. No safety checks are done.
+The original conversion from order to delivery order had a post_save_sanity_check
+C<$delivery_order-E<gt>post_save_sanity_check; # just a hint at e8521eee (#90 od)>
+The params of convert_to_invoice are created on the fly with a anonym sub, as a alternative check
+ perlsecret Enterprise ()x!!
=item C<convert_invoices_to_pdf>
=item C<print_pdfs>
-Sent the pdf to the printer command (if checked).
+Sent the pdf to the printer command.
+If param C<data->{copy_printer_id}> is set, the pdf will be sent to a second printer command.
Currently the calculation from the gui (form) differs from the calculation via convert (PTC).
Furthermore mass conversion with foreign currencies could lead to problems (daily rate check).
+=head1 TODO
+It would be great to extend this Job for general background printing. The original project
+code converted sales order to delivery orders (84e7c540) this could be merged in unstable.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
- 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(invoice_models invoice_ids sales_delivery_order_models printers default_printer_id) ],
+ 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(invoice_models invoice_ids sales_delivery_order_models printers default_printer_id today) ],
- my @records = @{ $self->sales_delivery_order_models->get };
+ my @records = @{ $self->sales_delivery_order_models->get };
my $num = min(scalar(@records), $::form->{number_of_invoices} // scalar(@records));
my $job = SL::DB::BackgroundJob->new(
record_ids => [ map { $_->id } @records[0..$num - 1] ],
printer_id => $::form->{printer_id},
+ copy_printer_id => $::form->{copy_printer_id},
+ transdate => $::form->{transdate},
status => SL::BackgroundJob::MassRecordCreationAndPrinting->WAITING_FOR_EXECUTION(),
num_created => 0,
num_printed => 0,
sub init_printers { SL::DB::Manager::Printer->get_all_sorted }
sub init_invoice_ids { [] }
+sub init_today { DateTime->today_local }
sub init_sales_delivery_order_models {
my ($self) = @_;
Gets a list of (empty) invoice ids
+=item C<init_today>
+Gets the current day. Currently used in custom code.
+Has to be initialised (get_set_init) and can be used as default for
+a date tag like C<[% L.date_tag("transdate", SELF.today, id=transdate) %]>.
=item C<init_sales_delivery_order_models>
Calls _init_sales_delivery_order_models with a param
=item C<init_default_printer_id>
-Gets the default printer for sales_invoices. Maybe this function is not used, but
-might be useful in the next version (working in client project).
+Gets the default printer for sales_invoices. Currently this function is not called, but
+might be useful in the next version.Calling template code and Controller already expect a default:
+C<L.select_tag("", printers, title_key="description", default=SELF.default_printer_id, id="cpa_printer_id") %]>
=item C<setup>
was taken from one client project (mosu) with some extra (maybe not standard compliant) customized
stuff (using cvars for extra filters and a very compressed Controller for linking (ODSalesOrder.pm)).
-Filtering needs to be extended for Delivery Order Number (Natural Sort).
-A second printer (copy) needs to be implemented.
-Both todos are marked in the template code.
=head1 AUTHOR