return string;
-function check_right_number_format(input_name) {
- var decpoint = kivi._number_format.decimalSep;
- var thpoint = kivi._number_format.thousandSep;
- var test_val = input_name.value;
- if(thpoint && thpoint == ','){
- test_val = test_val.replace(/,/g, '');
- }
- if(thpoint && thpoint == '.'){
- test_val = test_val.replace(/\./g, '');
- }
- if(thpoint && thpoint == "'"){
- test_val = test_val.replace(/\'/g, '');
- }
- if(decpoint && decpoint == ','){
- test_val = test_val.replace(/,/g, '.');
- }
- var forbidden = test_val.match(/[^\s\d\(\)\-\+\*\/\.]/g);
- if (forbidden && forbidden.length > 0 ){
- return annotate(input_name, kivi.t8('wrongformat'), kivi.myconfig.numberformat);
- }
- try{
- eval(test_val);
- }catch(err){
- return annotate(input_name, kivi.t8('wrongformat'), kivi.myconfig.numberformat);
- }
- return annotate(input_name);
-function check_right_date_format(input_name) {
- if(input_name.value == "") {
- annotate(input_name);
- return true;
- }
- var dateFormat = kivi.myconfig.dateformat;
- var seperator = kivi._date_format.sep;
- if ( ( input_name.value.match(/^\d+$/ ) ) && !(dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3) ) {
- // date shortcuts for entering date without separator for three date styles, e.g.
- // 31122014 -> 12.04.2014
- // 12312014 -> 12/31/2014
- // 31122014 -> 31/12/2014
- if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{8}$/)) {
- input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2" + seperator + "$3")
- } else if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{6}$/)) {
- // 120414 -> 12.04.2014
- input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2" + seperator + "$3")
- } else if (input_name.value.match(/^\d{4}$/)) {
- // 1204 -> 12.04.2014
- var today = new Date();
- var year = today.getYear();
- if (year < 999) year += 1900;
- input_name.value = input_name.value.replace(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$1" + seperator + "$2");
- input_name.value = input_name.value + seperator + year;
- } else if ( input_name.value.match(/^\d{1,2}$/ ) ) {
- // assume the entry is the day of the current month and current year
- var today = new Date();
- var day = input_name.value;
- var month = today.getMonth() + 1;
- var year = today.getYear();
- if( day.length == 1 && day < 10) {
- day='0'+day;
- };
- if(month<10) {
- month='0'+month;
- };
- if (year < 999) year += 1900;
- if ( dateFormat.lastIndexOf("d") == 1) {
- input_name.value = day + seperator + month + seperator + year;
- } else {
- input_name.value = month + seperator + day + seperator + year;
- }
- };
- }
- var matching = new RegExp(dateFormat.replace(/\w/g, '\\d') + "\$","ig");
- if(!(dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3) && !matching.test(input_name.value)) {
- matching = new RegExp(dateFormat.replace(/\w/g, '\\d') + '\\d\\d\$', "ig");
- if(!matching.test(input_name.value)) {
- return annotate(input_name, kivi.t8('Falsches Datumsformat!'), kivi.myconfig.dateformat);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (dateFormat.lastIndexOf("y") == 3 && !matching.test(input_name.value)) {
- return annotate(input_name, kivi.t8('Falsches Datumsformat!'), kivi.myconfig.dateformat);
- }
- }
- return annotate(input_name);
-function annotate(input_name, error, expected) {
- var $e = $(input_name);
- if (error) {
- $e.addClass('kivi-validator-invalid');
- var tooltip = error + ' (' + expected + ')';
- if ($e.hasClass('tooltipstered'))
- $e.tooltipster('destroy');
- $e.tooltipster({
- content: tooltip,
- theme: 'tooltipster-light',
- });
- $e.tooltipster('show');
- } else {
- $e.removeClass('kivi-validator-invalid');
- if ($e.hasClass('tooltipstered'))
- $e.tooltipster('destroy');
- }
function get_input_value(input_name) {
var the_input = document.getElementsByName(input_name);
if (the_input && the_input[0])