use strict;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use SL::Util qw(_hashify);
+my ($ymd_parser, $ymdhms_parser);
sub new_local {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
return $class->new(hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0, time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone, %params);
return $self;
+sub from_ymd {
+ my ($class, $ymd_string) = @_;
+ if (!$ymd_parser) {
+ $ymd_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%Y-%m-%d',
+ locale => 'de_DE',
+ time_zone => 'local'
+ );
+ }
+ return $ymd_parser->parse_datetime($ymd_string // '');
+sub from_ymdhms {
+ my ($class, $ymdhms_string) = @_;
+ if (!$ymdhms_parser) {
+ $ymdhms_parser = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
+ pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
+ locale => 'de_DE',
+ time_zone => 'local'
+ );
+ }
+ $ymdhms_string //= '';
+ $ymdhms_string =~ s{ }{T};
+ return $ymdhms_parser->parse_datetime($ymdhms_string);
The legacy name C<from_lxoffice> is still supported.
+=item C<from_ymd $string>
+Parses a date string in the ISO 8601 format C<YYYY-MM-DD> and returns
+an instance of L<DateTime>. The time is set to midnight (00:00:00).
+=item C<from_ymdhms $string>
+Parses a date/time string in the ISO 8601 format
+C<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS> (a space instead of C<T> is also supported) and
+returns an instance of L<DateTime>.
=item C<end_of_month>
Sets the object to the last day of object's month at midnight. Returns
-use Test::More tests => 50;
+use Test::More tests => 60;
use lib 't';
use DateTime;
use_ok 'SL::Helper::DateTime';
+my $local_tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'local');
+my $mon_012345 = DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 6, day => 23, hour => 1, minute => 23, second => 45, time_zone => $local_tz);
sub mon { DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 6, day => 23) }
sub tue { DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 6, day => 24) }
sub wed { DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 6, day => 25) }
is sat->add_businessdays(days => 1), sat->add(days => 2), "1 day after sut is mon";
is sun->add_businessdays(days => -1), sun->add(days => -2), "1 day before sun is fri";
is sat->add_businessdays(days => -1), sat->add(days => -1), "1 day before sut is fri";
+# parsing YYYY-MM-DD formatted strings
+is(DateTime->from_ymd(), undef, "no argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymd(''), undef, "empty argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymd('chunky bacon'), undef, "invalid argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymd('2014-06-23'), $mon_012345->clone->truncate(to => 'day'), "2014-06-23 is parsed correctly");
+is(DateTime->from_ymd('2014-06-23')->strftime('%H%M%S'), '000000', "2014-06-23 is parsed correctly");
+# parsing YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS formatted strings
+is(DateTime->from_ymdhms(), undef, "no argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymdhms(''), undef, "empty argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymdhms('chunky bacon'), undef, "invalid argument results in undef");
+is(DateTime->from_ymdhms('2014-06-23T01:23:45'), $mon_012345, "2014-06-23T01:23:45 is parsed correctly");
+is(DateTime->from_ymdhms('2014-06-23 01:23:45'), $mon_012345, "2014-06-23 01:23:45 is parsed correctly");