sub handle_cvars {
my ($self, $entry) = @_;
+ my $object = $entry->{object_to_save} || $entry->{object};
+ return unless $object->can('cvars_by_config');
my %type_to_column = ( text => 'text_value',
textfield => 'text_value',
select => 'text_value',
number => 'number_value_as_number',
bool => 'bool_value' );
+ # autovivify all cvars (cvars_by_config will do that for us)
my @cvars;
my %changed_cvars;
foreach my $config (@{ $self->all_cvar_configs }) {
# merge existing with new cvars. swap every existing with the imported one, push the rest
- if (@cvars) {
- my $object = $entry->{object_to_save} || $entry->{object};
- my @orig_cvars = $object->custom_variables;
- for (@orig_cvars) {
- $_ = $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name } if $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name };
- delete $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name };
- }
- push @orig_cvars, values %changed_cvars;
- $object->custom_variables(\@orig_cvars);
+ my @orig_cvars = @{ $object->cvars_by_config };
+ for (@orig_cvars) {
+ $_ = $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name } if $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name };
+ delete $changed_cvars{ $_->config->name };
+ push @orig_cvars, values %changed_cvars;
+ $object->custom_variables(\@orig_cvars);
sub init_profile {