exchangerate => undef,
is_sales => $self->can('customer') && $self->customer,
is_invoice => (ref($self) =~ /Invoice/) || $params{invoice},
+ items => { },
_get_exchangerate($self, \%data, %params);
$data->{invoicediff} += $sellprice * $item->qty * $data->{exchangerate} / $item->price_factor - $linetotal if $self->taxincluded;
+ my $linetotal_cost = 0;
if (!$linetotal) {
$item->marge_total( 0);
} else {
my $lastcost = ! ($item->lastcost * 1) ? ($part->lastcost || 0) : $item->lastcost;
- my $linetotal_cost = _round($lastcost * $item->qty / $item->marge_price_factor, 2);
+ $linetotal_cost = _round($lastcost * $item->qty / $item->marge_price_factor, 2);
$item->marge_total( $linetotal - $linetotal_cost);
$item->marge_percent($item->marge_total * 100 / $linetotal);
$data->{last_incex_chart_id} = $chart->id if $data->{is_sales};
+ $data->{items}->{ $item->id } = {
+ linetotal => $linetotal,
+ linetotal_cost => $linetotal_cost,
+ sellprice => $sellprice,
+ tax_amount => $tax_amount,
+ taxkey => $taxkey,
+ };
_dbg("CALCULATE! ${idx} i.qty " . $item->qty . " i.sellprice " . $item->sellprice . " sellprice $sellprice num_dec $num_dec taxamount $tax_amount " .
"i.linetotal $linetotal netamount " . $self->netamount . " marge_total " . $item->marge_total . " marge_percent " . $item->marge_percent);
The exchangerate used for the calculation.
+=item C<items>
+A hashref. For each line item this hashref contains an entry with
+additional values that have been calculated for that item but that
+aren't stored in the item object itself. These include C<linetotal>,
+C<linetotal_cost>, C<sellprice>, C<tax_amount> and C<taxkey>.
+The items are hashed by their IDs.