// The following arrays are maps between entity ids in the file versus the database.
// We write to the file sequentially (1,2,3...) while in the database the entities have different ids.
- var $userMap = array(); // User ids.
- var $roleMap = array(); // Role ids.
- var $taskMap = array(); // Task ids.
- var $clientMap = array(); // Client ids.
+ var $userMap = array(); // User ids.
+ var $roleMap = array(); // Role ids.
+ var $taskMap = array(); // Task ids.
+ var $projectMap = array(); // Project ids.
+ var $clientMap = array(); // Client ids.
// Constructor.
function __construct($group_id, $file, $indentation) {
return false;
+ // getProjects - obtains all projects defined for group.
+ function getProjects() {
+ global $user;
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ $result = array();
+ $sql = "select * from tt_projects where group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id";
+ $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
+ $result = array();
+ if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+ while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
+ $result[] = $val;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// writeData writes group data into file.
function writeData() {
foreach ($tasks as $key=>$task_item)
$this->taskMap[$task_item['id']] = $key + 1;
+ // Prepare project map.
+ $projects = $this->getProjects();
+ foreach ($projects as $key=>$project_item)
+ $this->projectMap[$project_item['id']] = $key + 1;
// Prepare client map.
$clients = ttTeamHelper::getAllClients($this->group_id, true);
foreach ($clients as $key=>$client_item)
fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." </tasks>\n");
+ // Write projects.
+ fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." <projects>\n");
+ foreach ($projects as $project_item) {
+ if($project_item['tasks']){
+ $tasks = explode(',', $project_item['tasks']);
+ $tasks_mapped = array();
+ foreach ($tasks as $item)
+ $tasks_mapped[] = $this->taskMap[$item];
+ $tasks_str = implode(',', $tasks_mapped);
+ }
+ $project_part = $this->indentation.' '."<project id=\"".$this->projectMap[$project_item['id']]."\"";
+ $project_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($project_item['name'])."\"";
+ $project_part .= " description=\"".htmlentities($project_item['description'])."\"";
+ $project_part .= " tasks=\"".$tasks_str."\"";
+ $project_part .= " status=\"".$project_item['status']."\"";
+ $project_part .= "></project>\n";
+ fwrite($this->file, $project_part);
+ }
+ fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." </projects>\n");
// Write users.
fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." <users>\n");
foreach ($users as $user_item) {