use lib 't';
-use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part new_assembly);
+use SL::Dev::Part qw(new_part new_assembly new_service);
use SL::Dev::Inventory qw(create_warehouse_and_bins set_stock);
use SL::Dev::Record qw(create_sales_order);
-my ($wh, $bin1, $bin2, $assembly1, $part1, $part2, $wh_moon, $bin_moon);
+my ($wh, $bin1, $bin2, $assembly1, $assembly_service, $part1, $part2, $wh_moon, $bin_moon, $service1);
+my @contents;
$::form->{l_warehouse_to} = 'Y';
local $::instance_conf->data->{produce_assembly_same_warehouse} = 1;
-my @contents = WH->get_warehouse_journal(sort => 'date');
+@contents = WH->get_warehouse_journal(sort => 'date');
[ ignore(), ignore(),
"Comments for assembly productions are ok"
# try to produce something for our lunar warehouse, but parts are only available on earth
dies_ok(sub {
}, "producing with insufficient allocations dies");
+# assembly with service default tests (services won't be consumed)
+local $::locale = Locale->new('en');
+ part => $part1,
+ qty => 12,
+ bin => $bin2,
+ part => $part2,
+ qty => 6.34,
+ bin => $bin2,
+ part => $assembly_service,
+ qty => 1,
+ auto_allocate => 1,
+ # where to put it
+ bin => $bin1,
+is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_stock(part => $assembly_service), "1.00000", 'produce with auto allocation works');
+is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_stock(part => $part1), "0.00000", 'and consumes...');
+is(SL::Helper::Inventory::get_stock(part => $part2), "0.00000", '..the materials');
+# check comments and warehouses
+$::form->{l_comment} = 'Y';
+$::form->{l_warehouse_from} = 'Y';
+$::form->{l_warehouse_to} = 'Y';
+local $::instance_conf->data->{produce_assembly_same_warehouse} = 1;
+@contents = WH->get_warehouse_journal(sort => 'date');
+ [ ignore(), ignore(),
+ superhashof({
+ 'comment' => 'Used for assembly '. $assembly_service->partnumber .' Ein Erzeugnis mit Dienstleistungen',
+ 'warehouse_from' => 'Warehouse'
+ }),
+ superhashof({
+ 'comment' => 'Used for assembly '. $assembly_service->partnumber .' Ein Erzeugnis mit Dienstleistungen',
+ 'warehouse_from' => 'Warehouse'
+ }),
+ superhashof({
+ 'part_type' => 'assembly',
+ 'warehouse_to' => 'Warehouse'
+ }),
+ ],
+ "Comments for assembly with service productions are ok"
+# assembly with service non default tests (services will be consumed)
# bestbefore tests
$assembly1 = new_assembly(number_of_parts => 2)->save;
($part1, $part2) = map { $_->part } $assembly1->assemblies;
+ my $service1 = new_service(partnumber => "service number 1",
+ description => "We really need this service",
+ )->save;
+ my $assembly_items;
+ push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $part1->id,
+ qty => 12,
+ position => 1,
+ ));
+ push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $part2->id,
+ qty => 6.34,
+ position => 2,
+ ));
+ push( @{$assembly_items}, SL::DB::Assembly->new(parts_id => $service1->id,
+ qty => 1.2,
+ position => 3,
+ ));
+ $assembly_service = new_assembly(description => 'Ein Erzeugnis mit Dienstleistungen',
+ assembly_items => $assembly_items
+ )->save;