$mapped_projects[] = $this->currentGroupProjectMap[$id];
- $client_id = ttClientHelper::insert(array(
+ $client_id = $this->insertClient(array(
'group_id' => $this->current_group_id,
'org_id' => $this->org_id,
'name' => $attrs['NAME'],
return $last_id;
+ // The insertClient function inserts a new client as well as client to project binds.
+ private function insertClient($fields)
+ {
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ $group_id = (int) $fields['group_id'];
+ $org_id = (int) $fields['org_id'];
+ $name = $fields['name'];
+ $address = $fields['address'];
+ $tax = $fields['tax'];
+ $projects = $fields['projects'];
+ if ($projects)
+ $comma_separated = implode(',', $projects); // This is a comma-separated list of associated projects ids.
+ $status = $fields['status'];
+ $tax = str_replace(',', '.', $tax);
+ if ($tax == '') $tax = 0;
+ $sql = "insert into tt_clients (group_id, org_id, name, address, tax, projects, status)".
+ " values ($group_id, $org_id, ".$mdb2->quote($name).", ".$mdb2->quote($address).", $tax, ".$mdb2->quote($comma_separated).", ".$mdb2->quote($status).")";
+ $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
+ if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
+ return false;
+ $last_id = 0;
+ $sql = "select last_insert_id() as last_insert_id";
+ $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
+ $val = $res->fetchRow();
+ $last_id = $val['last_insert_id'];
+ if (count($projects) > 0)
+ foreach ($projects as $p_id) {
+ $sql = "insert into tt_client_project_binds (client_id, project_id, group_id, org_id) values($last_id, $p_id, $group_id, $org_id)";
+ $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
+ if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $last_id;
+ }
// insertFavReport - inserts a favorite report in database.
private function insertFavReport($fields) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
// insertNotification function inserts a new notification into database.
- static function insertNotification($fields)
+ private function insertNotification($fields)
$mdb2 = getConnection();