// The getInvoiceByName looks up an invoice by name.
static function getInvoiceByName($invoice_name) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
global $user;
$sql = "select id from tt_invoices where team_id = $user->team_id and name = ".$mdb2->quote($invoice_name)." and status = 1";
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$val = $res->fetchRow();
return false;
+ // The isPaid determines if an invoice is paid by looking at the paid status of its items.
+ // If any non-paid item is found, the entire invoice is considered not paid.
+ // Therefore, the paid status of the invoice is a calculated value.
+ // This is because we maintain the paid status on individual item level.
+ static function isPaid($invoice_id) {
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ global $user;
+ $sql = "select count(*) as count from tt_log where invoice_id = $invoice_id and status = 1 and paid < 1";
+ $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
+ if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+ $val = $res->fetchRow();
+ if ($val['count'] > 0)
+ return false; // A non-paid time item exists.
+ }
+ $sql = "select count(*) as count from tt_expense_items where invoice_id = $invoice_id and status = 1 and paid < 1";
+ $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
+ if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+ $val = $res->fetchRow();
+ if ($val['count'] > 0)
+ return false; // A non-paid expense item exists.
+ else
+ return true; // All time and expense items in invoice are paid.
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// The getInvoiceItems retrieves tt_log items associated with the invoice.
static function getInvoiceItems($invoice_id) {
global $user;
$sql = "select l.date as date, 1 as type, u.name as user_name, p.name as project_name,
t.name as task_name, l.comment as note,
time_format(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration,
- cast(l.billable * u.rate * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2)) as cost from tt_log l
+ cast(l.billable * u.rate * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2)) as cost,
+ l.paid as paid from tt_log l
inner join tt_users u on (l.user_id = u.id)
left join tt_projects p on (p.id = l.project_id)
left join tt_tasks t on (t.id = l.task_id)
$sql = "select l.date as date, 1 as type, u.name as user_name, p.name as project_name,
t.name as task_name, l.comment as note,
time_format(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration,
- cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2)) as cost from tt_log l
+ cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2)) as cost,
+ l.paid as paid from tt_log l
inner join tt_users u on (l.user_id = u.id)
left join tt_projects p on (p.id = l.project_id)
left join tt_tasks t on (t.id = l.task_id)
if ($user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) {
$sql_for_expense_items = "select ei.date as date, 2 as type, u.name as user_name, p.name as project_name,
null as task_name, ei.name as note,
- null as duration, ei.cost as cost from tt_expense_items ei
+ null as duration, ei.cost as cost,
+ ei.paid as paid from tt_expense_items ei
inner join tt_users u on (ei.user_id = u.id)
left join tt_projects p on (p.id = ei.project_id)
where ei.invoice_id = $invoice_id and ei.status = 1";
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.invoice}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.client}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.date}</td>
+ {if $user->isPluginEnabled('ps')}
+ <td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.paid}</td>
+ {/if}
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.view}</td>
{if !$user->isClient()}
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.delete}</td>
+ {if $user->isPluginEnabled('ps')}
+ <td>{if $invoice.paid}{$i18n.label.yes}{else}{$i18n.label.no}{/if}</td>
+ {/if}
<td><a href="invoice_view.php?id={$invoice.id}">{$i18n.label.view}</a></td>
{if !$user->isClient()}
<td><a href="invoice_delete.php?id={$invoice.id}">{$i18n.label.delete}</a></td>