use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(max first);
-use List::MoreUtils qw(none pairwise);
+use List::MoreUtils qw(none pairwise first_index);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Spec;
my $item = SL::DB::OrderItem->new;
- my $part = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $form_attr->{parts_id})->load;
- my $cv_method = $self->cv;
- my $cv_discount = $self->order->$cv_method? $self->order->$cv_method->discount : 0.0;
+ my $part = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $form_attr->{parts_id})->load;
- my $price = $item->sellprice;
- $price ||= ($self->order->$cv_method && $self->order->$cv_method->klass)
- ? (SL::DB::Manager::Price->find_by(parts_id => $part->id, pricegroup_id => $self->order->$cv_method->klass)->price || $part->sellprice)
- : $part->sellprice;
+ my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $item, record => $self->order);
+ my $price_src;
+ if ($item->sellprice) {
+ $price_src = $price_source->price_from_source("");
+ $price_src->price($item->sellprice);
+ } else {
+ $price_src = $price_source->best_price
+ ? $price_source->best_price
+ : $price_source->price_from_source("");
+ $price_src->price(0) if !$price_source->best_price;
+ }
+ # bb: not sure but: maybe there should be a $price_source->discount_from_source
+ # which can alse return an empty_discout if source is "".
+ my $discount;
+ my $discount_src;
+ if ($item->discount) {
+ $discount = $item->discount;
+ } else {
+ $discount = $price_source->best_discount
+ ? $price_source->best_discount->discount
+ : 0;
+ $discount_src = $price_source->best_discount->source if $price_source->best_discount;
+ }
my %new_attr;
- $new_attr{part} = $part;
- $new_attr{description} = $part->description if ! $item->description;
- $new_attr{qty} = 1.0 if ! $item->qty;
- $new_attr{unit} = $part->unit;
- $new_attr{sellprice} = $price;
- $new_attr{discount} = $cv_discount if ! $item->discount;
+ $new_attr{part} = $part;
+ $new_attr{description} = $part->description if ! $item->description;
+ $new_attr{qty} = 1.0 if ! $item->qty;
+ $new_attr{sellprice} = $price_src->price;
+ $new_attr{discount} = $discount;
+ $new_attr{active_price_source} = $price_src;
+ $new_attr{active_discount_source} = $discount_src;
# add_custom_variables adds cvars to an orderitem with no cvars for saving, but
# they cannot be retrieved via custom_variables until the order/orderitem is
+sub action_price_popup {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $::form->{item_id} } @{ $::form->{orderitem_ids} };
+ my $item = $self->order->items->[$idx];
+ $self->render_price_dialog($item);
sub _js_redisplay_linetotals {
my ($self) = @_;
+sub render_price_dialog {
+ my ($self, $record_item) = @_;
+ my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $record_item, record => $self->order);
+ $self->js
+ ->run(
+ '',
+ t8('Available Prices'),
+ $self->render('order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog', { output => 0 }, price_source => $price_source)
+ )
+ ->reinit_widgets;
+# if (@errors) {
+# $self->js->text('#dialog_flash_error_content', join ' ', @errors);
+# $self->js->show('#dialog_flash_error');
+# }
+ $self->js->render;
sub _make_order {
my ($self) = @_;
return $order;
sub _recalc {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($item->id) {
# load data from orderitems (db)
my $db_item = SL::DB::OrderItem->new(id => $item->id)->load;
- $item->$_($db_item->$_) for qw(active_discount_source active_price_source longdescription);
+ $item->$_($db_item->$_) for qw(longdescription);
} else {
# set data from part (or other sources)
- #$item->active_price_source('');
- #$item->active_discount_source('');
# autovivify all cvars that are not in the form (cvars_by_config can do it).
$self->{current_employee_id} = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
+ foreach my $item (@{$self->order->items}) {
+ my $price_source = SL::PriceSource->new(record_item => $item, record => $self->order);
+ my $price_src = $price_source->price_from_source($item->active_price_source);
+ $item->active_price_source($price_src);
+ my $discount_src;
+ $discount_src = $price_source->price_from_source($item->active_discount_source)->source if $item->active_discount_source;
+ $item->active_discount_source($discount_src);
+ }
$::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(ckeditor/ckeditor ckeditor/adapters/jquery);
<tr valign="top" class="listrow">
<td>[% L.part_picker('add_item.parts_id', '', fat_set_item=1, style='width: 300px', class="add_item_input") %]</td>
<td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.description', '', class="add_item_input") %]</td>
- <td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.qty_as_number', '', size = 5, style='text-align:right', class="add_item_input") %]</td>
+ <td>
+ [% L.input_tag('add_item.qty_as_number', '', size = 5, style='text-align:right', class="add_item_input") %]
+ [% L.hidden_tag('add_item.unit', ''class="add_item_input") %]
+ </td>
<td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.sellprice_as_number', '', size = 10, style='text-align:right', class="add_item_input") %]</td>
<td>[% L.input_tag('add_item.discount_as_percent', '', size = 5, style='text-align:right', class="add_item_input") %]</td>
<td>[% L.button_tag('add_item()', LxERP.t8('Add part')) %]</td>
--- /dev/null
+[%- USE T8 %]
+[%- USE HTML %]
+[%- USE L %]
+[%- USE LxERP %]
+[% SET best_price = price_source.best_price %]
+[% SET best_discount = price_source.best_discount %]
+ <h2>[% 'Prices' | $T8 %]</h2>
+ <table>
+ <tr class='listheading'>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>[% 'Price Source' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Price' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Best Price' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Details' | $T8 %]</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='listrow'>
+[%- IF price_source.record_item.active_price_source %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_price_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'\', \'' _ LxERP.t8('None (PriceSource)') _ '\')', LxERP.t8('Select')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSE %]
+ <td><b>[% 'Selected' | $T8 %]</b></td>
+[%- END %]
+ <td>[% 'None (PriceSource)' | $T8 %]</td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ [%- FOREACH price IN price_source.available_prices %]
+ <tr class='listrow'>
+[%- IF price_source.record_item.active_price_source != price.source %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_price_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'' _ price.source _ '\', \'' _ price.source_description _ '\', \'' _ LxERP.format_amount(price.price, -2) _ '\')', LxERP.t8('Select')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSIF price_source.record_item.sellprice * 1 != price.price * 1 %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_price_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'' _ price.source _ '\', \'' _ price.source_description _ '\', \'' _ LxERP.format_amount(price.price, -2) _ '\')', LxERP.t8('Update Price')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSE %]
+ <td><b>[% 'Selected' | $T8 %]</b></td>
+[% END %]
+ <td>[% price.source_description | html %]</td>
+ <td>[% price.price_as_number %]</td>
+[% IF price.source == best_price.source %]
+ <td align='center'>•</td>
+[% ELSE %]
+ <td></td>
+[% END %]
+ <td>[% price.description | html %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [%- END %]
+ </table>
+ <h2>[% 'Discounts' | $T8 %]</h2>
+ <table>
+ <tr class='listheading'>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>[% 'Price Source' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Discount' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Best Discount' | $T8 %]</th>
+ <th>[% 'Details' | $T8 %]</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='listrow'>
+[%- IF price_source.record_item.active_discount_source %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_discount_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'\')', LxERP.t8('Select')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSE %]
+ <td><b>[% 'Selected' | $T8 %]</b></td>
+[%- END %]
+ <td>[% 'None (PriceSource Discount)' | $T8 %]</td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ [%- FOREACH price IN price_source.available_discounts %]
+ <tr class='listrow'>
+[%- IF price_source.record_item.active_discount_source != price.source %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_discount_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'' _ price.source _ '\', \'' _ price.discount_as_percent _ '\')', LxERP.t8('Select')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSIF * 1 != * 100 %]
+ <td>[% L.button_tag('update_discount_source(\'' _ FORM.item_id _ '\', \'' _ price.source _ '\', \'' _ price.discount_as_percent _ '\')', LxERP.t8('Update Discount')) %]</td>
+[%- ELSE %]
+ <td><b>[% 'Selected' | $T8 %]</b></td>
+[% END %]
+ <td>[% price.source_description | html %]</td>
+ <td>[% price.discount_as_percent %] %</td>
+[% IF price.source == best_discount.source %]
+ <td align='center'>•</td>
+[% ELSE %]
+ <td></td>
+[% END %]
+ <td>[% price.description | html %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [%- END %]
+ </table>
<tr class="listrow0">
<td style='display:none'>
+ [% L.hidden_tag("orderitem_ids[+]", ID) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[+].id",, id='item_' _ ID) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].parts_id", ITEM.parts_id) %]
class="recalc") %]
- [%- L.input_tag("order.orderitems[].sellprice_as_number",
- ITEM.sellprice_as_number,
- size = 10,
- style='text-align:right',
- class="recalc") %]
+ [%- SET EDIT_PRICES = 1 %]
+ [%- L.button_tag("price_chooser_item_row(this)", ITEM.active_price_source.source_description, name = "price_chooser_button") %]
+ [%- END %]
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ [%- L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].active_price_source", ITEM.active_price_source.source) %]
+ [%- L.input_tag("order.orderitems[].sellprice_as_number",
+ ITEM.sellprice_as_number,
+ size = 10,
+ style='text-align:right',
+ class="recalc") %]
+ [%- ELSE %]
+ [%- ITEM.sellprice_as_number %]
+ [%- L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].sellprice_as_number", ITEM.sellprice_as_number) %]
+ [%- END %]
+ [%- L.hidden_tag("order.orderitems[].active_discount_source", ITEM.active_discount_source) %]
[%- L.input_tag("order.orderitems[].discount_as_percent",
size = 5,
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Qty' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Price Factor' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Unit' | $T8 %] </th>
+ <th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Price Source' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="15">[%- 'Price' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="5" >[%- 'Discount' | $T8 %] </th>
<th class="listheading" nowrap width="10">[%- 'Extended' | $T8 %] </th>
+function price_chooser_item_row(clicked) {
+ var row = $(clicked).parents("tbody").first();
+ var item_id_dom = $(row).find('[name="orderitem_ids[+]"]');
+ var data = $('#order_form').serialize();
+ data += '&action=Order/price_popup';
+ data += '&item_id=' + item_id_dom.val();
+ $.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
+function update_price_source(item_id, source, descr, price_str) {
+ var row = $('#item_' + item_id).parents("tbody").first();
+ var source_elt = $(row).find('[name="order.orderitems[].active_price_source"]');
+ var price_elt = $(row).find('[name="order.orderitems[].sellprice_as_number"]');
+ var button_elt = $(row).find('[name="price_chooser_button"]');
+ button_elt.val(descr);
+ source_elt.val(source);
+ if (price_str) price_elt.val(price_str);
+ recalc_amounts_and_taxes();
+function update_discount_source(item_id, source, discount_str) {
+ var row = $('#item_' + item_id).parents("tbody").first();
+ var source_elt = $(row).find('[name="order.orderitems[].active_discount_source"]');
+ var discount_elt = $(row).find('[name="order.orderitems[].discount_as_percent"]');
+ source_elt.val(source);
+ if (discount_str) discount_elt.val(discount_str);
+ recalc_amounts_and_taxes();
function recalc_amounts_and_taxes() {
var data = $('#order_form').serialize();
data += '&action=Order/recalc_amounts_and_taxes';
$('#order_[%- cv_id %]').change(reload_cv_dependend_selections);
- $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_sellprice_as_number').val(kivi.format_amount(o.sellprice, -2)) });
+ [%- IF == 'customer' %]
+ $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_sellprice_as_number').val(kivi.format_amount(o.sellprice, -2)) });
+ [%- ELSE %]
+ $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_sellprice_as_number').val(kivi.format_amount(o.lastcost, -2)) });
+ [%- END %]
$('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_description').val(o.description) });
+ $('#add_item_parts_id').on('set_item:PartPicker', function(e,o) { $('#add_item_unit').val(o.unit) });
$('.add_item_input').keydown(function(event) {
if(event.keyCode == 13) {