sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $context = shift;
+ my ($class, $context, @args) = @_;
- return bless { }, $class;
+ return bless {
+ CONTEXT => $context,
+ }, $class;
+sub _context {
+ die 'not an accessor' if @_ > 1;
+ return $_[0]->{CONTEXT};
sub name_to_id {
sub input_tag {
- my $self = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- my $value = shift;
- my %attributes = _hashify(@_);
+ my ($self, $name, $value, @slurp) = @_;
+ my %attributes = _hashify(@slurp);
$attributes{id} ||= $self->name_to_id($name);
$attributes{type} ||= 'text';
return shift->input_tag(@_, type => 'hidden');
+sub div_tag {
+ my ($self, $content, @slurp) = @_;
+ return $self->html_tag('div', $content, @slurp);
+sub ul_tag {
+ my ($self, $content, @slurp) = @_;
+ return $self->html_tag('ul', $content, @slurp);
+sub li_tag {
+ my ($self, $content, @slurp) = @_;
+ return $self->html_tag('li', $content, @slurp);
+sub link {
+ my ($self, $href, $content, @slurp) = @_;
+ my %params = _hashify(@slurp);
+ $href ||= '#';
+ return $self->html_tag('a', $content, %params, href => $href);
sub submit_tag {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
) .
- "Calendar.setup({ inputField: '$name_e', ifFormat: '$datefmt', align: '$params{cal_align}', button: 'trigger$seq' });"
+ "Calendar.setup({ inputField: '$name_e', ifFormat: '$datefmt', align: '$params{cal_align}', button: 'trigger$seq' });"
) : '');
sub javascript_tag {
return $code;
+sub tabbed {
+ my ($self, $tabs, @slurp) = @_;
+ my %params = _hashify(@slurp);
+ my $id = 'tab_' . _tag_id();
+ $params{selected} *= 1;
+ die 'L.tabbed needs an arrayred of tabs for first argument'
+ unless ref $tabs eq 'ARRAY';
+ my (@header, @blocks);
+ for my $i (0..$#$tabs) {
+ my $tab = $tabs->[$i];
+ next if $tab eq '';
+ my $selected = $params{selected} == $i;
+ my $tab_id = _tag_id();
+ push @header, $self->li_tag(
+ $self->link('', $tab->{name}, rel => $tab_id),
+ ($selected ? (class => 'selected') : ())
+ );
+ push @blocks, $self->div_tag($tab->{data},
+ id => $tab_id, class => 'tabcontent');
+ }
+ return '' unless @header;
+ return $self->ul_tag(
+ join('', @header), id => $id, class => 'shadetabs'
+ ) .
+ $self->div_tag(
+ join('', @blocks), class => 'tabcontentstyle'
+ ) .
+ $self->javascript(
+ qq|var $id = new ddtabcontent("$id");$id.setpersist(true);| .
+ qq|$id.setselectedClassTarget("link");$id.init();|
+ );
+sub tab {
+ my ($self, $name, $src, @slurp) = @_;
+ my %params = _hashify(@slurp);
+ $params{method} ||= 'process';
+ return () if defined $params{if} && !$params{if};
+ my $data;
+ if ($params{method} eq 'raw') {
+ $data = $src;
+ } elsif ($params{method} eq 'process') {
+ $data = $self->_context->process($src, %{ $params{args} || {} });
+ } else {
+ die "unknown tag method '$params{method}'";
+ }
+ return () unless $data;
+ return +{ name => $name, data => $data };
postfixed with '.js' if it isn't already and prefixed with 'js/' if it
doesn't contain a slash.
+=item C<date_tag $name, $value, cal_align =E<gt> $align_code, %attributes>
+Creates a date input field, with an attached javascript that will open a
+calendar on click. The javascript ist by default anchoered at the bottom right
+sight. This can be overridden with C<cal_align>, see Calendar documentation for
+the details, usually you'll want a two letter abbreviation of the alignment.
+Right + Bottom becomes C<BL>.
+=item C<tabbed \@tab, %attributes>
+Will create a tabbed area. The tabs should be created with the helper function