--- /dev/null
+# @tag: delete_wrong_charts_for_taxkeys
+# @description: Uralte falsch angelegte Automatikkonten raus -> Chance auf tax.chart_id unique setzen
+# @depends: release_3_6_0
+# @ignore: 0
+package SL::DBUpgrade2::delete_wrong_charts_for_taxkeys;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use parent qw(SL::DBUpgrade2::Base);
+sub delete_chart_id_tax {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $q_fetch = <<SQL;
+ SELECT chart_id
+ FROM tax where chart_id is not null
+ GROUP BY chart_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
+ # skr03
+ my $q_update = <<SQL;
+ UPDATE tax
+ SET chart_id = NULL
+ WHERE chart_id = ?
+ AND rate = 0.16
+ AND (taxkey = 19 OR taxkey = 13)
+ AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM defaults WHERE coa = 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU')
+ my $h_fetch = $self->dbh->prepare($q_fetch);
+ $h_fetch->execute || $::form->dberror($q_fetch);
+ my $h_update_03 = $self->dbh->prepare($q_update);
+ while (my $entry = $h_fetch->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ $h_update_03->execute($entry->{chart_id}) || $::form->dberror($q_update);
+ }
+ # might be unique now
+ $h_fetch->execute || $::form->dberror($q_fetch);
+ if (!$h_fetch->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ my $q_unique = <<SQL;
+ alter table tax
+ ADD CONSTRAINT chart_id_unique_tax UNIQUE (chart_id)
+ my $q_unique_p = $self->dbh->prepare($q_unique);
+ $q_unique_p->execute || $::form->dberror($q_unique_p);
+ }
+sub run {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return 1 unless $self->check_coa('Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU');
+ $self->delete_chart_id_tax;
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+# @tag: delete_wrong_charts_for_taxkeys_04
+# @description: SKR04: Uralte falsch angelegte Automatikkonten raus -> Chance auf tax.chart_id unique setzen
+# @depends: release_3_6_0
+# @ignore: 0
+package SL::DBUpgrade2::delete_wrong_charts_for_taxkeys_04;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use parent qw(SL::DBUpgrade2::Base);
+sub delete_chart_id_tax {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $q_fetch = <<SQL;
+ SELECT chart_id
+ FROM tax where chart_id is not null
+ GROUP BY chart_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
+ # SKR04
+ my $q_update_04 = <<SQL;
+ UPDATE tax
+ SET chart_id = NULL
+ WHERE chart_id = ?
+ AND rate = 0.16
+ AND (taxkey = 3 OR taxkey = 9)
+ AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM defaults WHERE coa = 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU')
+ my $h_fetch = $self->dbh->prepare($q_fetch);
+ $h_fetch->execute || $::form->dberror($q_fetch);
+ my $h_update_04 = $self->dbh->prepare($q_update_04);
+ while (my $entry = $h_fetch->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ $h_update_04->execute($entry->{chart_id}) || $::form->dberror($q_update_04);
+ }
+ # might be unique now
+ $h_fetch->execute || $::form->dberror($q_fetch);
+ if (!$h_fetch->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ my $q_unique = <<SQL;
+ alter table tax
+ ADD CONSTRAINT chart_id_unique_tax UNIQUE (chart_id)
+ my $q_unique_p = $self->dbh->prepare($q_unique);
+ $q_unique_p->execute || $::form->dberror($q_unique_p);
+ }
+sub run {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return 1 unless $self->check_coa('Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU');
+ $self->delete_chart_id_tax;
+ return 1;