'title.profile' => 'Perfil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Brugerdefineret Felt',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Tilføj Brugerdefineret Felt',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Redigér Brugerdefineret Felt',
'title.options' => 'Optionen',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
'title.group' => 'Gruppeneinstellungen',
+// TODO: translate the followwing.
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Benutzerfelder',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Benutzerfeld hinzufügen',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Benutzerfeld bearbeiten',
'title.options' => 'Options',
'title.profile' => 'Profile',
'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Perfil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profiili',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'پروفایل',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'فیلدهای سفارشی',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'درج فیلد سفارشی',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'ویرایش فیلد سفارشی',
'title.profile' => 'Profiili',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Omat kentät',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Oman kentän lisäys',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Oman kentän muokkaus',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Champs personalisés',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Ajout d\\\'un champ',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Édition d\\\'un champ',
'title.profile' => 'Προφίλ',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Προσαρμοσμένα πεδία',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Προσθήκη προσαρμοσμένου πεδίου',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Επεξεργασία προσαρμοσμένου πεδίου',
'title.profile' => 'פרופיל',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'שדות אישיים',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'הוספת שדה אישי',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'עריכת שדה אישי',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profilo',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Campi personalizzati',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Aggiunta campo personalizzato',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Modifica campo personalizzato',
'title.profile' => 'プロファイル',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => '프로필',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.options' => 'Opties',
'title.profile' => 'Profiel',
'title.group' => 'Groep instelling',
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Eigen velden',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Eigen veld toevoegen',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Eigen veld bewerken',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Pola niestandardowe',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Dodawanie pola niestandardowego',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Edytowanie pola niestandardowego',
'title.profile' => 'Perfil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Campos personalizados',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adicionando campo personalizado',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editando campo personalizado',
'title.profile' => 'Perfil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.options' => 'Опции',
'title.profile' => 'Профиль',
'title.group' => 'Настройки группы',
+'title.plugins' => 'Плагины',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Дополнительные поля',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Добавление поля',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Редактирование поля',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Vlastné polia',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Pridávanie vlastného poľa',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Upravovanie vlastného poľa',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Dodatna polja',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Dodavanje dodatnih polja',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Izmena dodatnih polja',
'title.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Egna fält',
'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Lägg till fält',
'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Redigera fält',
'title.profile' => 'Profili',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
'title.profile' => '简介',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.profile' => 'Profile',
// 'title.group' => 'Group Settings',
+// 'title.plugins' => 'Plugins',
// 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields',
// 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field',
// 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field',