use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT = qw(get_callback get_models);
+our @EXPORT = qw(get_models_url_params get_callback get_models);
use constant PRIV => '__getmodelshelperpriv';
map { push @{ $registered_handlers{$_} }, $additional_handlers{$_} if $additional_handlers{$_} } keys %registered_handlers;
+sub get_models_url_params {
+ my ($class, $sub_name_or_code) = @_;
+ my $code = (ref($sub_name_or_code) || '') eq 'CODE' ? $sub_name_or_code : sub { shift->$sub_name_or_code(@_) };
+ my $callback = sub {
+ my ($self, %params) = @_;
+ my @additional_params = $code->($self);
+ return (
+ %params,
+ (scalar(@additional_params) == 1) && (ref($additional_params[0]) eq 'HASH') ? %{ $additional_params[0] } : @additional_params,
+ );
+ };
+ push @{ $registered_handlers{callback} }, $callback;
sub get_callback {
my ($self, %override_params) = @_;
=over 4
+=item C<get_models_url_params $class, $sub>
+Register one of the controller's subs to be called whenever an URL has
+to be generated (e.g. for sort and pagination links). This is a way
+for the controller to add additional parameters to the URL (e.g. for
+filter parameters).
+The C<$sub> parameter can be either a code reference or the name of
+one of the controller's functions.
+The value returned by this C<$sub> must be either a single hash
+reference or a hash of key/value pairs to add to the URL.
=item C<register_get_models_handlers $class, %handlers>
This function should only be called from other controller helpers like