foreach my $h (@{ $h_aref }) {
my @names = (
keys %{ $self->profile->[$p_num]->{profile} || {} },
+ keys %{ $self->profile->[$p_num]->{mapping} || {} },
for my $name (@names) {
for my $i (0..$#$h) {
- profile => { ACCESSORS },
+ profile => { ACCESSORS+ },
class => $classname,
row_ident => $row_ident,
+ mapping => { MAPPINGS* },
- ACCESSORS := $field => $accessor, ACCESSORS*
+ ACCESSORS := $field => $accessor
+ MAPPINGS := $alias => $field
-The C<profile> is a HASHREF which may be used to map header fields to custom
+The C<ACCESSORS> may be used to map header fields to custom
accessors. Example:
- [
- {
- profile => {
- listprice => 'listprice_as_number',
- }
- }
- ]
+ profile => {
+ listprice => 'listprice_as_number',
+ }
In this case C<listprice_as_number> will be used to store the values from the
C<listprice> column.
C<row_ident> is used to determine the correct profile in multiplexed data and
must be given there. It's not used in non-multiplexed data.
+If C<mappings> is present, it must contain a hashref that maps strings to known
+fields. This can be used to add custom profiles for known sources, that don't
+comply with the expected header identities.
+Without strict profiles, mappings can also directly map header fields that
+should end up in the same accessor.
+Mappings can be identical to known fields and will be prefered during lookup,
+but will not replace the field, meaning that:
+ profile => {
+ name => 'name',
+ description => 'description',
+ }
+ mapping => {
+ name => 'description',
+ shortname => 'name',
+ }
+will work as expected, and shortname will not end up in description. This also
+works with the case insensitive option. Note however that the case insensitive
+option will not enable true unicode collating.
+Here's a full example:
class => 'SL::DB::Order',
class => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
row_ident => 'I',
- profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' }
+ profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
+ mapping => { 'Verkaufspreis' => 'sellprice' }
Note that the last entry can be off, but will give an estimate.
+Error handling is also known to break on new Perl versions and need to be
+adjusted from time to time due to changes in Text::CSV_XS.
=head1 CAVEATS
=over 4
my $i = 0;
foreach my $header (@{ $h_aref }) {
my $spec = $self->_parse_profile(profile => $csv_profile->[$i]->{profile},
+ mapping => $csv_profile->[$i]->{mapping},
class => $csv_profile->[$i]->{class},
header => $header);
push @specs, $spec;
my $profile = $params{profile};
my $class = $params{class};
my $header = $params{header};
+ my $mapping = $params{mapping};
my @specs;
for my $col (@$header) {
next unless $col;
- if ($self->_csv->strict_profile) {
- if (exists $profile->{$col}) {
- push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
- } else {
- $self->unknown_column($col, undef);
- }
+ if (exists $mapping->{$col} && $profile->{$mapping->{$col}}) {
+ push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$mapping->{$col}}, $class);
+ } elsif (exists $mapping->{$col}) {
+ push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $mapping->{$col}, $class);
+ } elsif (exists $profile->{$col}) {
+ push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
} else {
- if (exists $profile->{$col}) {
- push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $profile->{$col}, $class);
+ if ($self->_csv->strict_profile) {
+ $self->unknown_column($col, undef);
} else {
push @specs, $self->make_spec($col, $col, $class);
-use Test::More tests => 75;
+use Test::More tests => 84;
use lib 't';
use utf8;
+# Mappings
+# simple case
+$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
+ file => \<<EOL,
+ sep_char => ',',
+ quote_char => "'",
+ profile => [
+ {
+ profile => { listprice => 'listprice_as_number' },
+ mapping => { purchaseprice => 'listprice' },
+ class => 'SL::DB::Part',
+ }
+ ],
+ok $csv->parse, 'simple mapping parses';
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->listprice, 1.5234, 'simple mapping works';
+$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
+ file => \<<EOL,
+Kaffee;;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
+Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
+ numberformat => '1,000.00',
+ ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
+ strict_profile => 1,
+ profile => [{
+ profile => { lastcost => 'lastcost_as_number' },
+ mapping => { purchaseprice => 'lastcost' },
+ class => 'SL::DB::Part',
+ }]
+ok $csv->parse, 'strict mapping parses';
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->lastcost, 1221.52, 'strict mapping works';
+# swapping
+$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
+ file => \<<EOL,
+Kaffee;1;0.12;1,221.52;ja wiener
+Beer;1123245;0.12;1.5234;nein kein wieder
+ numberformat => '1,000.00',
+ ignore_unknown_columns => 1,
+ strict_profile => 1,
+ profile => [{
+ mapping => { partnumber => 'description', description => 'partnumber' },
+ class => 'SL::DB::Part',
+ }]
+ok $csv->parse, 'swapping parses';
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->partnumber, 'Kaffee', 'strict mapping works 1';
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, '1', 'strict mapping works 2';
+# case insensitive shit
+$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
+ file => \"Description\nKaffee", # " # make emacs happy
+ case_insensitive_header => 1,
+ profile => [{
+ mapping => { description => 'description' },
+ class => 'SL::DB::Part'
+ }],
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->description, 'Kaffee', 'case insensitive mapping without profile works';
+# case insensitive shit
+$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
+ file => \"Price\n4,99", # " # make emacs happy
+ case_insensitive_header => 1,
+ profile => [{
+ profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number' },
+ mapping => { price => 'sellprice' },
+ class => 'SL::DB::Part',
+ }],
+is $csv->get_objects->[0]->sellprice, 4.99, 'case insensitive mapping with profile works';
# vim: ft=perl
# set emacs to perl mode