- $config->{periodicity} = 'm' if none { $_ eq $config->{periodicity} } qw(m q y);
+ $config->{periodicity} = 'm' if none { $_ eq $config->{periodicity} } qw(m q b y);
$::form->get_lists(printers => "ALL_PRINTERS",
charts => { key => 'ALL_CHARTS',
my $config = { active => $::form->{active} ? 1 : 0,
terminated => $::form->{terminated} ? 1 : 0,
- periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{periodicity} } qw(m q y)) ? $::form->{periodicity} : 'm',
+ periodicity => (any { $_ eq $::form->{periodicity} } qw(m q b y)) ? $::form->{periodicity} : 'm',
start_date_as_date => $::form->{start_date_as_date},
end_date_as_date => $::form->{end_date_as_date},
print => $::form->{print} ? 1 : 0,
'Duplicate in CSV file' => 'Duplikat in CSV-Datei',
'Duplicate in database' => 'Duplikat in Datenbank',
'During the next update a taxkey 0 with tax rate of 0 will automatically created.' => 'Beim nächsten Ausführen des Updates wird ein Steuerschlüssel 0 mit einem Steuersatz von 0% automatisch erzeugt.',
+ 'E-Mail' => '',
'E-mail' => 'E-Mail',
'E-mail Statement to' => 'Fälligkeitsabrechnung als E-Mail an',
'E-mail address missing!' => 'E-Mail-Adresse fehlt!',
'Printer management' => 'Druckerverwaltung',
'Printing ... ' => 'Es wird gedruckt.',
'Prior year' => 'Vorheriges Jahr',
+ 'Private E-Mail' => '',
'Private E-mail' => 'Private E-Mail',
'Private Phone' => 'Privates Tel.',
'Problem' => 'Problem',
'saved' => 'gespeichert',
'saved!' => 'gespeichert',
'saving data' => 'Speichere Daten',
+ 'semiannually' => 'halbjährlich',
'sent' => 'gesendet',
'sent to printer' => 'an Drucker geschickt',
'service' => 'Dienstleistung',
[% L.radio_button_tag("periodicity", value => "q", label => LxERP.t8("every third month"), checked => periodicity == 'q') %]
+ [% L.radio_button_tag("periodicity", value => "b", label => LxERP.t8("semiannually"), checked => periodicity == 'b') %]
+ <br>
[% L.radio_button_tag("periodicity", value => "y", label => LxERP.t8("yearly"), checked => periodicity == 'y') %]