$client_field = null;
if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
- $client_field = ", c.id as client_id, c.name as client";
+ $client_field = ', c.id as client_id, c.name as client';
+ $custom_field_1 = null;
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
+ $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id);
+ $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type'];
+ if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) {
+ $custom_field_1 = ', cfl.value as cf_1_value';
+ } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) {
+ $custom_field_1 = ', cfo.id as cf_1_id, cfo.value as cf_1_value';
+ }
+ }
$left_joins = " left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id = p.id)".
" left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id = t.id)";
if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
$left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id = c.id)";
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
+ if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
+ $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on (l.id = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = cfo.id) ';
+ elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN)
+ $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on (l.id = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = cfo.id) ';
+ }
$sql = "select l.id as id, l.date as date, TIME_FORMAT(l.start, $sql_time_format) as start,
TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), $sql_time_format) as finish,
TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration, p.id as project_id, p.name as project,
- t.id as task_id, t.name as task, l.comment, l.billable, l.invoice_id $client_field
+ t.id as task_id, t.name as task, l.comment, l.billable, l.invoice_id $client_field $custom_field_1
from tt_log l
where l.date >= '$start_date' and l.date <= '$end_date' and l.user_id = $user_id and l.status = 1
// getGroupedRecordsForInterval - returns time records for a user for a given interval of dates grouped in an array of dates.
// Example: for a week view we want one row representing the same attributes to have 7 values for each day of week.
// We identify simlar records by a combination of client, billable, project, task, and custom field values.
+ // This will allow us to extend the feature when more custom fields are added.
- // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
- // The above means client 546, billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field value: example text.
+ // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
+ // The above means client 546, billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field text "example text".
- // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
- // The above means client 546, not billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field option value 7623.
- // This will allow us to extend the feature when more custom fields are added.
+ // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
+ // The above means client 546, not billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field option id 7623.
static function getGroupedRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date) {
// Start by obtaining all records in interval.
// Then, iterate through them to build an array.
$records = ttTimeHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date);
+ $groupedRecords = array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
- $record_identifier = ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier($record);
+ $record_identifier_no_suffix = ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier($record);
+ // Handle potential multiple records with the same attributes by using a numerical suffix.
+ $suffix = 0;
+ $record_identifier = $record_identifier_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
+ while (!empty($groupedRecords[$record_identifier][$record['date']])) {
+ $suffix++;
+ $record_identifier = $record_identifier_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
+ }
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier][$record['date']] = array('id'=>$record['id'], 'duration'=>$record['duration']);
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier]['client'] = $record['client'];
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier]['cf_1_value'] = $record['cf_1_value'];
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier]['project'] = $record['project'];
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier]['task'] = $record['task'];
+ $groupedRecords[$record_identifier]['billable'] = $record['billable'];
- return null; // Work in progress, not implemented.
+ return $groupedRecords;
// makeRecordIdentifier - builds a string identifying a record for a grouped display (such as a week view).
static function makeRecordIdentifier($record) {
global $user;
// Start with client.
- if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) {
- $record_identifier = 'cl:';
- $record_identifier .= $record['client_id'] ? $record['client_id'] : '0';
- }
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
+ $record_identifier = $record['client_id'] ? 'cl'.$record['client_id'] : '';
// Add billable flag.
if (!empty($record_identifier)) $record_identifier .= ',';
$record_identifier .= 'bl:'.$record['billable'];
// Add project.
- $record_identifier .= ',pr:';
- $record_identifier .= $record['project_id'] ? $record['project_id'] : '0';
+ $record_identifier .= $record['project_id'] ? ',pr:'.$record['project_id'] : '';
// Add task.
- $record_identifier .= ',ts:';
- $record_identifier .= $record['task_id'] ? $record['task_id'] : '0';
+ $record_identifier .= $record['task_id'] ? ',ts:'.$record['task_id'] : '';
// Add custom field 1. This requires modifying the query to get the data we need.
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
+ if ($record['cf_1_id'])
+ $record_identifier .= ',cf_1:'.$record['cf_1_id'];
+ else if ($record['cf_1_value'])
+ $record_identifier .= ',cf_1:'.$record['cf_1_value'];
+ }
return $record_identifier;
<table width="720">
<td valign="top">
-{if $time_records}
+{if $grouped_records}
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
- {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
- <td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.project}</td>
+ {if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl') || ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode))}
+ <td class="tableHeader"></td>
- {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
- <td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.task}</td>
+ {if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf') || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
+ <td class="tableHeader"></td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$day_header_0}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$day_header_1}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$day_header_5}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$day_header_6}</td>
- {foreach $time_records as $record}
+ {foreach $grouped_records as $record}
<tr bgcolor="{cycle values="#f5f5f5,#ffffff"}" {if !$record.billable} class="not_billable" {/if}>
- {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
- <td valign="top">{$record.project|escape}</td>
+ {if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl') || ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode))}
+ <td valign="top">{$record.project|escape}<p>{$record.client|escape}</td>
- {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
- <td valign="top">{$record.task|escape}</td>
+ {if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf') || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
+ <td valign="top">{$record.task|escape}<p>{$record.cf_1_value|escape}</td>
- <td valign="top">{$record.date}</td>
- <td align="right" valign="top">{if ($record.duration == '0:00' && $record.start <> '')}<font color="#ff0000">{$i18n.form.time.uncompleted}</font>{else}{$record.duration}{/if}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_0.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_1.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_2.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_3.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_4.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_5.duration}</td>
+ <td valign="top">{$record.$day_header_6.duration}</td>