var $org_id = null; // Organization id (same as top group_id).
var $current_parent_group_id = null; // Current parent group id as we parse the file.
// Set when we create a new group.
+ // Entities for current group.
+ var $currentGroupRoles = array(); // Array of arrays of role properties.
+ // var $currentGroupUsers = array(); // Array of arrays of user properties.
+ // Entity maps for current group. They map XML ids with database ids.
+ var $currentGroupRoleMap = array(); // Maps role ids from XML to their database ids.
+ //var $userMap = array(); // User ids.
+ //var $projectMap = array(); // Project ids.
+ //var $taskMap = array(); // Task ids.
+ //var $clientMap = array(); // Client ids.
+ //var $invoiceMap = array(); // Invoice ids.
// Constructor.
function __construct(&$errors) {
// startElement - callback handler for opening tag of an XML element.
// In this function we assign passed in attributes to currentElement.
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
if ($name == 'GROUP'
|| $name == 'USER') {
$this->currentElement = $attrs;
$this->currentTag = $name;
+ // First pass. We only check user logins for potential collisions with existing.
+ if ($this->firstPass) {
+ if ($name == 'USER' && $this->canImport) {
+ if ('' != $attrs['STATUS'] && ttUserHelper::getUserByLogin($attrs['LOGIN'])) {
+ // We have a login collision, cannot import any data.
+ $this->canImport = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //$this->currentTag = '';
+ }
+ // Second pass processing. We import data here, one tag at a time.
if (!$this->firstPass && $this->canImport) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
// Set current parent group.
$this->current_parent_group_id = $group_id;
+ if ($name == 'ROLES') {
+ // If we get here, we have to recycle both $currentGroupRoles and $currentGroupRoleMap.
+ unset($this->currentGroupRoles);
+ unset($this->currentGroupRoleMap);
+ $this->currentGroupRoles = array();
+ $this->currentGroupRoleMap = array();
+ // Both arrays are now empty.
+ // They will get reconstructed after processing of <role> elements in XML. See below.
+ }
+ if ($name == 'ROLE') {
+ // We get here when processing a <role> tag for the current group.
+ // Add new role to $this->currentGroupRoles and a mapping to $this->currentGroupRoleMap.
+ $this->currentGroupRoles[$this->currentElement['ID']] = $this->currentElement;
+ $this->currentElement = array();
+ }
// When we are here, currentElement is an array of the element attributes (as set in startElement).
// Here we do the actual import of data into the database.
function endElement($parser, $name) {
+ // Do nothing here. Everything is done in startElement to keep things simple.
+ /*
// During first pass we only check user logins.
if ($this->firstPass) {
if ($name == 'USER' && $this->canImport) {
// During second pass we import data.
if (!$this->firstPass && $this->canImport) {
// Nothing is done here, see startElement for second pass.
- }
+ }*/
// dataElement - callback handler for text data fragments. It builds up currentElement array with text pieces from XML.
function dataElement($parser, $data) {
+ // New approach is to do nothing here. Everything is now done when processing start tag (startElement).
+ /*
if ($this->currentTag == 'NAME'
|| $this->currentTag == 'DESCRIPTION'
|| $this->currentTag == 'LABEL'
$this->currentElement[$this->currentTag] = trim($data);
+ * */
// importXml - uncompresses the file, reads and parses its content. During parsing,