--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+namespace GtkUtil
+ public class MessageBox
+ {
+ public static void Show(string Msg)
+ {
+ MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Ok, Msg);
+ md.Run ();
+ md.Destroy();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+namespace mCloudGui
+ public partial class DirectorySelectionDialog : Gtk.Dialog
+ {
+ public DirectorySelectionDialog ()
+ {
+ this.Build ();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using mCloudAwk;
+namespace mCloudGui
+ public partial class DirectorySelectionWin : Gtk.Window
+ {
+ private IMCloudAwk MCA;
+ public DirectorySelectionWin () :
+ base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
+ {
+ this.Build ();
+ this.MCA = new MCloudMgr ();
+ }
+ protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
+ {
+ MCA.Dispose ();
+ Application.Quit ();
+ a.RetVal = true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Gtk;
+using mCloudAwk;
+namespace mCloudGui {
+ public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window
+ {
+ private const string new_text = "new ...";
+ private IMCloudAwk MCA;
+ public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
+ {
+ Build ();
+ this.MCA = new MCloudMgr ();
+ TConnection[] Conns = MCA.GetConnections ();
+ foreach (var Conn in Conns) {
+ this.ConnectionSelection.AppendText (Conn.Name);
+ }
+ this.ConnectionSelection.AppendText (new_text);
+ this.ConnectionSelection.Active = 0;
+ }
+ protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
+ {
+ MCA.Dispose ();
+ Application.Quit ();
+ a.RetVal = true;
+ }
+ protected void TestButtonPressed (object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ // extract connection name
+ string connection_name = this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText;
+ // TODO: implement ssh connection test
+ int r = this.MCA.TestConnection (connection_name);
+ if (r == MCloudMgr.SSH_NO_PW || r == MCloudMgr.SSH_WITH_PW) {
+ // everything fine
+ } else {
+ GtkUtil.MessageBox.Show("Keine ssh-Verbindung möglich");
+ return;
+ }
+ // if connection is new, add it to configuration
+ if (connection_name == new_text) {
+ // build connection object
+ connection_name = this.UserField.Text + "@" + this.ServerField.Text;
+ TConnection C = new TConnection {
+ Name = connection_name,
+ User = this.UserField.Text,
+ Server = this.ServerField.Text,
+ Password = this.PasswordField.Text
+ };
+ this.MCA.AddConnection (C);
+ }
+ // TODO: check login w/o password
+ bool login_without_password_possible = false;
+ if (!login_without_password_possible) {
+ // check existence of public key file
+ if (!System.IO.File.Exists ("/home/monodev/.ssh/id_dsa.pub")) {
+ // TODO: create public key file
+ using (System.IO.StreamWriter File = new System.IO.StreamWriter ("/home/monodev/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", false)) {
+ File.WriteLine ("Hallo");
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: scp file to target
+ // TODO: append it to .ssh/authorized_keys
+ // TODO: test login w/o password again
+ }
+ // TODO: next configution step
+ this.Destroy ();
+ MCA.Dispose ();
+ DirectorySelectionWin DirWin = new DirectorySelectionWin ();
+ DirWin.Show ();
+ }
+ protected void ConnectionSelectionChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (((Gtk.ComboBox)sender).ActiveText.IndexOf ('@') > 0) {
+ // grey input fields
+ this.ServerField.Sensitive = false;
+ this.PasswordField.Sensitive = false;
+ this.UserField.Sensitive = false;
+ // activate delete button
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Sensitive = true;
+ } else {
+ // activate input fields
+ this.ServerField.Sensitive = true;
+ this.PasswordField.Sensitive = true;
+ this.UserField.Sensitive = true;
+ // deactivate delete button
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Sensitive = false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void DeleteConnectionPressed (object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ string connection = this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText;
+ if (this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText.IndexOf ('@') == -1)
+ throw new Exception ("Cannot remove default entry");
+ int connPos = this.ConnectionSelection.Active;
+ this.ConnectionSelection.Active = connPos+1;
+ this.ConnectionSelection.RemoveText (connPos);
+ this.MCA.DeleteConnection (connection);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+namespace mCloudGui
+ class MainClass
+ {
+ public static void Main (string[] args)
+ {
+ Application.Init ();
+ MainWindow win = new MainWindow ();
+ win.Show ();
+ Application.Run ();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
+namespace mCloudGui
+ public partial class MainWindow
+ {
+ private global::Gtk.VBox vbox1;
+ private global::Gtk.Table table1;
+ private global::Gtk.ComboBox ConnectionSelection;
+ private global::Gtk.Label label10;
+ private global::Gtk.Label label11;
+ private global::Gtk.Label label12;
+ private global::Gtk.Label label9;
+ private global::Gtk.Entry PasswordField;
+ private global::Gtk.Entry ServerField;
+ private global::Gtk.Entry UserField;
+ private global::Gtk.HBox hbox2;
+ private global::Gtk.Button DeleteConnectionBtn;
+ private global::Gtk.Button button1;
+ protected virtual void Build ()
+ {
+ global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
+ // Widget mCloudGui.MainWindow
+ this.Name = "mCloudGui.MainWindow";
+ this.Title = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("mCloud Configuration Wizard");
+ this.WindowPosition = ((global::Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
+ this.BorderWidth = ((uint)(3));
+ // Container child mCloudGui.MainWindow.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+ this.vbox1 = new global::Gtk.VBox ();
+ this.vbox1.Name = "vbox1";
+ this.vbox1.Spacing = 6;
+ // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+ this.table1 = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(4)), ((uint)(2)), false);
+ this.table1.Name = "table1";
+ this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+ this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.ConnectionSelection = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
+ this.ConnectionSelection.Name = "ConnectionSelection";
+ this.table1.Add (this.ConnectionSelection);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w1 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.ConnectionSelection]));
+ w1.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w1.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w1.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w1.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.label10 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+ this.label10.Name = "label10";
+ this.label10.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Server");
+ this.table1.Add (this.label10);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.label10]));
+ w2.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w2.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w2.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w2.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.label11 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+ this.label11.Name = "label11";
+ this.label11.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("User");
+ this.table1.Add (this.label11);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w3 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.label11]));
+ w3.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w3.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+ w3.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w3.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.label12 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+ this.label12.Name = "label12";
+ this.label12.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Password");
+ this.table1.Add (this.label12);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w4 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.label12]));
+ w4.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+ w4.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+ w4.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w4.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.label9 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+ this.label9.Name = "label9";
+ this.label9.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Connection Selection");
+ this.table1.Add (this.label9);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w5 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.label9]));
+ w5.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w5.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.PasswordField = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
+ this.PasswordField.CanFocus = true;
+ this.PasswordField.Name = "PasswordField";
+ this.PasswordField.IsEditable = true;
+ this.PasswordField.InvisibleChar = '●';
+ this.table1.Add (this.PasswordField);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w6 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.PasswordField]));
+ w6.TopAttach = ((uint)(3));
+ w6.BottomAttach = ((uint)(4));
+ w6.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w6.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w6.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w6.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.ServerField = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
+ this.ServerField.CanFocus = true;
+ this.ServerField.Name = "ServerField";
+ this.ServerField.IsEditable = true;
+ this.ServerField.InvisibleChar = '●';
+ this.table1.Add (this.ServerField);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w7 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.ServerField]));
+ w7.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w7.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w7.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w7.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w7.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w7.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ // Container child table1.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+ this.UserField = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
+ this.UserField.CanFocus = true;
+ this.UserField.Name = "UserField";
+ this.UserField.IsEditable = true;
+ this.UserField.InvisibleChar = '●';
+ this.table1.Add (this.UserField);
+ global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w8 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table1 [this.UserField]));
+ w8.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w8.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+ w8.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+ w8.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+ w8.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ w8.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+ this.vbox1.Add (this.table1);
+ global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w9 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1 [this.table1]));
+ w9.Position = 0;
+ w9.Expand = false;
+ w9.Fill = false;
+ // Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+ this.hbox2 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
+ this.hbox2.Name = "hbox2";
+ this.hbox2.Spacing = 6;
+ // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn = new global::Gtk.Button ();
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.CanFocus = true;
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Name = "DeleteConnectionBtn";
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.UseUnderline = true;
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Label = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Delete Connection");
+ this.hbox2.Add (this.DeleteConnectionBtn);
+ global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w10 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2 [this.DeleteConnectionBtn]));
+ w10.Position = 0;
+ w10.Expand = false;
+ w10.Fill = false;
+ // Container child hbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+ this.button1 = new global::Gtk.Button ();
+ this.button1.CanFocus = true;
+ this.button1.Name = "button1";
+ this.button1.UseUnderline = true;
+ this.button1.Label = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Weiter");
+ this.hbox2.Add (this.button1);
+ global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w11 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox2 [this.button1]));
+ w11.Position = 1;
+ w11.Expand = false;
+ w11.Fill = false;
+ this.vbox1.Add (this.hbox2);
+ global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w12 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1 [this.hbox2]));
+ w12.Position = 1;
+ w12.Expand = false;
+ w12.Fill = false;
+ this.Add (this.vbox1);
+ if ((this.Child != null)) {
+ this.Child.ShowAll ();
+ }
+ this.DefaultWidth = 400;
+ this.DefaultHeight = 300;
+ this.Show ();
+ this.DeleteEvent += new global::Gtk.DeleteEventHandler (this.OnDeleteEvent);
+ this.ConnectionSelection.Changed += new global::System.EventHandler (this.ConnectionSelectionChanged);
+ this.button1.Pressed += new global::System.EventHandler (this.TestButtonPressed);
+ this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Pressed += new global::System.EventHandler (this.DeleteConnectionPressed);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+namespace util
+ internal class ConfigEntry
+ {
+ public string value;
+ public ISet<string> list;
+ public ConfigEntry(string v)
+ {
+ this.value = v;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Config
+ {
+ private static Dictionary<String,Dictionary<string,ConfigEntry>> Data;
+ private static bool ready = false;
+ private static string file_name;
+ // return values for Load
+ public const int LOAD_OK = 0;
+ public const int LOAD_NO_INPUT_FILE = 1;
+ public static int Load (String FileName)
+ {
+ Config.file_name = FileName;
+ Data = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string,ConfigEntry>>();
+ if (!System.IO.File.Exists (FileName)) {
+ ready = true;
+ }
+ using (StreamReader File = new StreamReader (FileName)) {
+ String Line;
+ string section = null;
+ string key = "no_key";
+ Dictionary<string,ConfigEntry> SectionDic = null;
+ bool listProcessing = false;
+ while (File.Peek() != -1) {
+ Line = File.ReadLine ();
+ if (listProcessing) {
+ if (Line == "LIST")
+ listProcessing = false;
+ else
+ SectionDic [key].list.Add (Line);
+ } else if (Line.Length == 0 || Line.Substring (0, 1) == "#") {
+ ; // this is a comment line
+ } else if (Line.Substring (0, 1) == "[") {
+ // new section
+ if (section != null) {
+ // append old section
+ Data [section] = SectionDic;
+ }
+ // start new section
+ section = Line.Substring (1, Line.IndexOf (']') - 1);
+ SectionDic = new Dictionary<string, ConfigEntry> ();
+ } else {
+ key = Line.Substring (0, Line.IndexOf (':'));
+ String Value = Line.Substring (Line.IndexOf (':') + 1);
+ var ce = new ConfigEntry (Value);
+ if (Value == "LIST") {
+ listProcessing = true;
+ ce.list = new SortedSet<string> ();
+ }
+ SectionDic [key] = ce;
+ }
+ }
+ if (listProcessing)
+ throw new ApplicationException ("Configuration list has no end");
+ if (SectionDic != null) Data [section] = SectionDic;
+ }
+ ready = true;
+ return LOAD_OK;
+ }
+ /*
+ public static Config GetInstance()
+ {
+ if (Config.Instance == null) Config.Instance = new Config ();
+ return Config.Instance;
+ }*/
+ public static String GetConfig(string section, string key){
+ Check ();
+ if (Data.ContainsKey(section)){
+ if (Data[section].ContainsKey(key)) return Data [section][key].value;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static ISet<string> GetList(string section, string key){
+ Check ();
+ if (!Data.ContainsKey (section))
+ return null;
+ if (!Data [section].ContainsKey (key))
+ return null;
+ if (Data [section] [key].value != "LIST")
+ throw new ApplicationException ("Required List-Config is not a list");
+ return Data [section] [key].list;
+ }
+ public static ISet<string> RequireList(string section, string key){
+ ISet<string> result = GetList (section, key);
+ if (result == null)
+ throw new ApplicationException ("Config missing:"+ section+ key);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static String RequireConfig(string section, string key){
+ string value = GetConfig (section, key);
+ if (value == null)
+ throw new ApplicationException ("No Config Entry for " + section + "/"+key);
+ return value;
+ }
+ public static void Set(string section, string key, string value){
+ Check ();
+ if (! Data.ContainsKey (section)) {
+ Data [section] = new Dictionary<string, ConfigEntry> ();
+ }
+ Data [section] [key] = new ConfigEntry(value);
+ }
+ public static void Set(string section, string key, ISet<string> value){
+ Set (section, key, "LIST");
+ Data [section] [key].list = value;
+ }
+ public static void Write(){
+ Check ();
+ StreamWriter File = new StreamWriter (Config.file_name, false);
+ foreach (var section in Data) {
+ File.WriteLine ();
+ File.WriteLine ("[" + section.Key + "]");
+ foreach (var elem in section.Value) {
+ File.WriteLine (elem.Key + ":" + elem.Value.value);
+ if (elem.Value.value == "LIST") {
+ foreach (string list_ele in elem.Value.list) {
+ File.WriteLine (list_ele);
+ }
+ File.WriteLine ("LIST");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ File.Close();
+ }
+ public static void Remove(string section)
+ {
+ Check ();
+ Data.Remove (section);
+ }
+ private static void Check()
+ {
+ if (!ready)
+ throw new ApplicationException ("Configuration data not loaded");
+ }
+ }