From 10478553c500772a988036a69947a7e6d19d404e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?utf8?q?Sven=20Sch=C3=B6ling?= <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 12:10:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Form::format_amount - suabere trennung zwischen String und
 Numerischen Kontexten

behebt #1982 (unter anderem)
 SL/             | 46 ++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 t/form/format_amount.t | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SL/ b/SL/
index 55ee46d4c..ff7d0efa0 100644
--- a/SL/
+++ b/SL/
@@ -866,41 +866,30 @@ sub format_amount {
   my ($self, $myconfig, $amount, $places, $dash) = @_;
-  $dash ||= '';
+  $amount ||= 0;
+  $dash   ||= '';
+  my $neg = $amount < 0;
+  my $force_places = defined $places && $places >= 0;
-  if ($amount eq "") {
-    $amount = 0;
-  }
-  $amount *= 1;
-  # Hey watch out! The amount can be an exponential term like 1.13686837721616e-13
+  $amount = $self->round_amount($amount, abs $places) if $force_places;
+  $amount = sprintf "%.*f", ($force_places ? $places : 10), abs $amount; # 6 is default for %fa
-  my $neg = ($amount =~ s/^-//);
-  my $exp = ($amount =~ m/[e]/) ? 1 : 0;
+  # before the sprintf amount was a number, afterwards it's a string. because of the dynamic nature of perl
+  # this is easy to confuse, so keep in mind: before this comment no s///, m//, concat or other strong ops on
+  # $amount. after this comment no +,-,*,/,abs. it will only introduce subtle bugs.
-  if (defined($places) && ($places ne '')) {
-    if (not $exp) {
-      if ($places < 0) {
-        $amount *= 1;
-        $places *= -1;
-        if ($amount =~ /\.(\d+)/) {
-          my $actual_places = length $1;
-          $places = $actual_places if $actual_places > $places;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $amount = $self->round_amount($amount, $places);
-  }
+  $amount =~ s/0*$//;                                                    # cull trailing 0s
   my @d = map { s/\d//g; reverse split // } my $tmp = $myconfig->{numberformat}; # get delim chars
-  my @p = split(/\./, $amount); # split amount at decimal point
-  $p[0] =~ s/\B(?=(...)*$)/$d[1]/g if $d[1]; # add 1,000 delimiters
+  my @p = split(/\./, $amount);                                          # split amount at decimal point
+  $p[0] =~ s/\B(?=(...)*$)/$d[1]/g if $d[1];                             # add 1,000 delimiters
   $amount = $p[0];
-  $amount .= $d[0].($p[1]||'').(0 x ($places - length ($p[1]||''))) if ($places || $p[1] ne '');
+  if ($places || $p[1]) {
+    $amount .= $d[0]
+            .  ( $p[1] || '' )
+            .  (0 x (abs($places || 0) - length ($p[1]||'')));           # pad the fraction
+  }
   $amount = do {
     ($dash =~ /-/)    ? ($neg ? "($amount)"                            : "$amount" )                              :
@@ -908,7 +897,6 @@ sub format_amount {
                         ($neg ? "-$amount"                             : "$amount" )                              ;
   return $amount;
diff --git a/t/form/format_amount.t b/t/form/format_amount.t
index a88238ee8..58a7c17c8 100644
--- a/t/form/format_amount.t
+++ b/t/form/format_amount.t
@@ -25,6 +25,33 @@ is($::form->format_amount($config, 1000.1234, 2), '1,000.12', 'format 1000.1234
 is($::form->format_amount($config, 1000000000.1234, 2), '1,000,000,000.12', 'format 1000000000.1234 (numberformat: 1,000.00)');
 is($::form->format_amount($config, -1000000000.1234, 2), '-1,000,000,000.12', 'format -1000000000.1234 (numberformat: 1,000.00)');
+# negative places
+is($::form->format_amount($config, 1.00045, -2), '1.00045', 'negative places');
+is($::form->format_amount($config, 1.00045, -5), '1.00045', 'negative places 2');
+is($::form->format_amount($config, 1, -2), '1.00', 'negative places 3');
+# bugs amd edge cases
+is($::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1.000,00' }, 0.00005), '0,00005', 'messing with small numbers and no precision');
+is($::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1.000,00' }, undef), '0', 'undef');
+is($::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1.000,00' }, ''), '0', 'empty string');
+is($::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1.000,00' }, undef, 2), '0,00', 'undef with precision');
+is($::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1.000,00' }, '', 2), '0,00', 'empty string with prcesion');
+is($::form->format_amount($config, 0.545, 0), '1', 'rounding up with precision 0');
+is($::form->format_amount($config, -0.545, 0), '-1', 'neg rounding up with precision 0');
+is($::form->format_amount($config, 1.00), '1', 'autotrim to 0 places');
+# dash stuff
+$config->{numberformat} = '1.000,00';
+is($::form->format_amount($config, -350, 2, '-'), '(350,00)', 'dash -');