using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Gtk; using mCloudAwk; namespace mCloudGui { public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window { private const string new_text = "new ..."; private IMCloudAwk MCA; public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build (); this.MCA = new MCloudMgr (); TConnection[] Conns = MCA.GetConnections (); foreach (var Conn in Conns) { this.ConnectionSelection.AppendText (Conn.Name); } this.ConnectionSelection.AppendText (new_text); this.ConnectionSelection.Active = 0; } protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { MCA.Dispose (); Application.Quit (); a.RetVal = true; } protected void TestButtonPressed (object sender, EventArgs e) { // extract connection name string connection_name = this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText; // TODO: implement ssh connection test int r = this.MCA.TestConnection (connection_name); if (r == MCloudMgr.SSH_NO_PW || r == MCloudMgr.SSH_WITH_PW) { // everything fine } else { GtkUtil.MessageBox.Show("Keine ssh-Verbindung möglich"); return; } // if connection is new, add it to configuration if (connection_name == new_text) { // build connection object connection_name = this.UserField.Text + "@" + this.ServerField.Text; TConnection C = new TConnection { Name = connection_name, User = this.UserField.Text, Server = this.ServerField.Text, Password = this.PasswordField.Text }; this.MCA.AddConnection (C); } // TODO: check login w/o password bool login_without_password_possible = false; if (!login_without_password_possible) { // check existence of public key file if (!System.IO.File.Exists ("/home/monodev/.ssh/")) { // TODO: create public key file using (System.IO.StreamWriter File = new System.IO.StreamWriter ("/home/monodev/.ssh/", false)) { File.WriteLine ("Hallo"); } } // TODO: scp file to target // TODO: append it to .ssh/authorized_keys // TODO: test login w/o password again } // TODO: next configution step this.Destroy (); MCA.Dispose (); DirectorySelectionWin DirWin = new DirectorySelectionWin (); DirWin.Show (); } protected void ConnectionSelectionChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (((Gtk.ComboBox)sender).ActiveText.IndexOf ('@') > 0) { // grey input fields this.ServerField.Sensitive = false; this.PasswordField.Sensitive = false; this.UserField.Sensitive = false; // activate delete button this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Sensitive = true; } else { // activate input fields this.ServerField.Sensitive = true; this.PasswordField.Sensitive = true; this.UserField.Sensitive = true; // deactivate delete button this.DeleteConnectionBtn.Sensitive = false; } } protected void DeleteConnectionPressed (object sender, EventArgs e) { string connection = this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText; if (this.ConnectionSelection.ActiveText.IndexOf ('@') == -1) throw new Exception ("Cannot remove default entry"); int connPos = this.ConnectionSelection.Active; this.ConnectionSelection.Active = connPos+1; this.ConnectionSelection.RemoveText (connPos); this.MCA.DeleteConnection (connection); } } }