isPluginEnabled('ch')) { header('Location: access_denied.php'); exit(); } // Initialize and store date in session. $cl_date = $request->getParameter('date', @$_SESSION['date']); if(!$cl_date) { $now = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT); $cl_date = $now->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT); } $_SESSION['date'] = $cl_date; // Initialize chart interval. $cl_interval = $_SESSION['chart_interval']; if (!$cl_interval) { $sc = new ttSysConfig($user->id); $cl_interval = $sc->getValue(SYSC_CHART_INTERVAL); } if (!$cl_interval) $cl_interval = INTERVAL_THIS_MONTH; $_SESSION['chart_interval'] = $cl_interval; // Initialize chart type. $cl_type = $_SESSION['chart_type']; if (!$cl_type) { $sc = new ttSysConfig($user->id); $cl_type = $sc->getValue(SYSC_CHART_TYPE); } if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) { if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) $cl_type = CHART_CLIENTS; } else { if ($cl_type == CHART_CLIENTS) { if (!$user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) $cl_type = CHART_PROJECTS; } elseif ($cl_type == CHART_TASKS) { if (MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS != $user->tracking_mode) $cl_type = CHART_PROJECTS; } } if (!$cl_type) $cl_type = CHART_PROJECTS; $_SESSION['chart_type'] = $cl_type; // Who do we draw charts for? $on_behalf_id = $request->getParameter('onBehalfUser', (isset($_SESSION['behalf_id'])? $_SESSION['behalf_id'] : $user->id)); if ($request->isPost()) { // If chart interval changed - save it. $cl_interval = $request->getParameter('interval'); if ($cl_interval) { // Save in the session $_SESSION['chart_interval'] = $cl_interval; // and permanently. $sc = new ttSysConfig($user->id); $sc->setValue(SYSC_CHART_INTERVAL, $cl_interval); } // If chart type changed - save it. $cl_type = $request->getParameter('type'); if ($cl_type) { // Save in the session $_SESSION['chart_type'] = $cl_type; // and permanently. $sc = new ttSysConfig($user->id); $sc->setValue(SYSC_CHART_TYPE, $cl_type); } // If user has changed - set behalf_id accordingly in the session. if ($request->getParameter('onBehalfUser')) { if($user->canManageTeam()) { unset($_SESSION['behalf_id']); unset($_SESSION['behalf_name']); if($on_behalf_id != $user->id) { $_SESSION['behalf_id'] = $on_behalf_id; $_SESSION['behalf_name'] = ttUserHelper::getUserName($on_behalf_id); } header('Location: charts.php'); exit(); } } } // isPost // Elements of chartForm. $chart_form = new Form('chartForm'); // User dropdown. Changes the user "on behalf" of whom we are working. if ($user->canManageTeam()) { $user_list = ttTeamHelper::getActiveUsers(array('putSelfFirst'=>true)); if (count($user_list) > 1) { $chart_form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'onchange'=>'this.form.submit();', 'name'=>'onBehalfUser', 'value'=>$on_behalf_id, 'data'=>$user_list, 'datakeys'=>array('id','name'), )); $smarty->assign('on_behalf_control', 1); } } // Chart interval options. $intervals = array(); $intervals[INTERVAL_THIS_DAY] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.selected_day'); $intervals[INTERVAL_THIS_WEEK] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.selected_week'); $intervals[INTERVAL_THIS_MONTH] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.selected_month'); $intervals[INTERVAL_THIS_YEAR] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.selected_year'); $intervals[INTERVAL_ALL_TIME] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.all_time'); // Chart interval dropdown. $chart_form->addInput(array('type' => 'combobox', 'onchange' => 'if(this.form) this.form.submit();', 'name' => 'interval', 'value' => $cl_interval, 'data' => $intervals )); // Chart type options. $chart_selector = (MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode || $user->isPluginEnabled('cl')); if ($chart_selector) { $types = array(); if (MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode) $types[CHART_PROJECTS] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.projects'); if (MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode) $types[CHART_TASKS] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.tasks'); if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) $types[CHART_CLIENTS] = $i18n->getKey('dropdown.clients'); // Add chart type dropdown. $chart_form->addInput(array('type' => 'combobox', 'onchange' => 'if(this.form) this.form.submit();', 'name' => 'type', 'value' => $cl_type, 'data' => $types )); } // Calendar. $chart_form->addInput(array('type'=>'calendar','name'=>'date','value'=>$cl_date)); // calendar // Get data for our chart. $totals = ttChartHelper::getTotals($on_behalf_id, $cl_type, $cl_date, $cl_interval); $smarty->assign('totals', $totals); // Prepare chart for drawing. /* * We use libchart.php library to draw chart images. It can draw chart labels, too (embed in the image). * But quality of such auto-scaled text is not good. Therefore, we only use libchart to draw a pie-chart picture with * auto-calculated percentage markers around it. We print labels (to the side of the picture) ourselves, * using the same colors libchart is using. For labels printout, the $totals array (which is used for picture points) * is also passed to charts.tpl Smarty template. * * To make all of the above possible with only one database call to obtain $totals we have to print the chart image * to a file here (see code below). Once the image is available as a .png file, the charts.tpl can render it. * * PieChartEx class is a little extension to libchart-provided PieChart class. It allows us to print the chart * without title, logo, and labels. */ $chart = new PieChartEx(300, 300); $data_set = new XYDataSet(); foreach($totals as $total) { $data_set->addPoint(new Point( $total['name'], $total['time'])); } $chart->setDataSet($data_set); // Prepare a file name. $img_dir = TEMPLATE_DIR.'_c/'; // Directory. $file_name = uniqid('chart_').'.png'; // Short file name. Unique ID here is to avoid problems with browser caching. $img_ref = 'WEB-INF/templates_c/'.$file_name; // Image reference for html. $file_name = $img_dir.$file_name; // Full file name. // Clean up the file system from older images. $img_files = glob($img_dir.'chart_*.png'); foreach($img_files as $file) { // If the create time of file is older than 1 minute, delete it. if (filemtime($file) < (time() - 60)) { unlink($file); } } // Write chart image to file system. $chart->renderEx(array('fileName'=>$file_name,'hideLogo'=>true,'hideTitle'=>true,'hideLabel'=>true)); // At this point libchart usage is complete and we have chart image on disk. $smarty->assign('img_file_name', $img_ref); $smarty->assign('chart_selector', $chart_selector); $smarty->assign('forms', array($chart_form->getName() => $chart_form->toArray())); $smarty->assign('title', $i18n->getKey('title.charts')); $smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'charts.tpl'); $smarty->display('index.tpl');