= next and status = 1 and report_id is not null and email is not null"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) exit(); while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { // We have jobs to execute in user language. // Get favorite report details. $report = ttFavReportHelper::getReport($val['report_id']); if (!$report) continue; // Recycle global $user and $i18n objects, as user settings and language are specific for each report. $user = new ttUser(null, $report['user_id']); $i18n->load($user->lang); // Email report. if (ttReportHelper::sendFavReport($report, $val['email'])) echo "Report ".$val['report_id']. " sent to ".$val['email']."
"; else echo "Error while emailing report...
"; // Calculate next execution time. $next = tdCron::getNextOccurrence($val['cron_spec'], $now); // Update last and next values in tt_cron. $sql = "update tt_cron set last = $now, next = $next where id = ".$val['id']; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) continue; } echo "Done!";