getParameter('id'); $file = ttFileHelper::get($cl_file_id); if (!$file) { header('Location: access_denied.php'); exit(); } // Entity-specific checks. if ($file['entity_type'] == 'project') { if (!ttAccessAllowed('manage_projects') || !ttProjectHelper::get($file['entity_id'])) { header('Location: access_denied.php'); exit(); } } if ($file['entity_type'] != 'project') { // Currently, files are only associated with projects. // Improve access checks when the feature evolves. header('Location: access_denied.php'); exit(); } // End of access checks. $fileHelper = new ttFileHelper($err); $filename = $file['file_name']; $mime_type = 'image/jpeg'; // Hardcoded type for now. TODO: fix this. if ($fileHelper->getFile($file)) { header('Pragma: public'); // This is needed for IE8 to download files over https. header('Content-Type: '.$mime_type); header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); echo $fileHelper->getFileData(); exit; } $smarty->assign('title', $i18n->get('title.download_file')); $smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'file_download.tpl'); $smarty->display('index.tpl');