use_sub_dirs = false; $smarty->template_dir = TEMPLATE_DIR; $smarty->compile_dir = TEMPLATE_DIR.'_c'; // Note: these 3 settings below used to be in .htaccess file. Moved them here to eliminate "error 500" problems // with some shared hostings that do not have AllowOverride Options or AllowOverride All in their apache configurations. // Change http cache expiration time to 1 minute. session_cache_expire(1); $phpsessid_ttl = defined('PHPSESSID_TTL') ? PHPSESSID_TTL : 60*60*24; // Set lifetime for garbage collection. ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $phpsessid_ttl); // Set PHP session path, if defined to avoid garbage collection interference from other scripts. if (defined('PHP_SESSION_PATH')) { ini_set('session.save_path', PHP_SESSION_PATH); ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); } // Set session cookie lifetime. session_set_cookie_params($phpsessid_ttl); if (isset($_COOKIE['tt_PHPSESSID'])) { // Extend PHP session cookie lifetime by PHPSESSID_TTL (if defined, otherwise 24 hours) // so that users don't have to re-login during this period from now. setcookie('tt_PHPSESSID', $_COOKIE['tt_PHPSESSID'], time() + $phpsessid_ttl, '/'); } // Start or resume PHP session. session_name('tt_PHPSESSID'); // "tt_" prefix is to avoid sharing session with other PHP apps that do not name session. @session_start(); // Authorization. import('Auth'); $auth = Auth::factory(AUTH_MODULE, $GLOBALS['AUTH_MODULE_PARAMS']); // Some defines we'll need. // define('RESOURCE_DIR', APP_DIR.'/WEB-INF/resources'); define('COOKIE_EXPIRE', 60*60*24*30); // Cookies expire in 30 days. // Status values for projects, users, etc. define('ACTIVE', 1); define('INACTIVE', 0); // define('DELETED', -1); // DELETED items should have a NULL status. This allows us to have duplicate NULL status entries with existing indexes. // Definitions for tracking mode types. define('MODE_TIME', 0); // Tracking time only. There are no projects or tasks. define('MODE_PROJECTS', 1); // Tracking time per projects. There are no tasks. define('MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS', 2); // Tracking time for projects and tasks. // Definitions of types for time records. define('TYPE_ALL', 0); // Time record can be specified with either duration or start and finish times. define('TYPE_START_FINISH', 1); // Time record has start and finish times. define('TYPE_DURATION', 2); // Time record has only duration, no start and finish times. // TODO: redesign of user rights and roles is currently ongoing. // As we run our of bits for sure at some point, rights should be strings instead, // for example: "data_entry". // Also, we need rights editor page and team-customized roles. // Move this stuff from here to ttUser class. // // User access rights - bits that collectively define an access mask to the system (a role). // We'll have some bits here (1,2, etc...) reserved for future use. define('right_data_entry', 4); // Right to enter work hours and expenses. define('right_view_charts', 8); // Right to view charts. define('right_view_reports', 16); // Right to view reports. define('right_view_invoices', 32); // Right to view invoices. define('right_manage_team', 64); // Right to manage team. Note that this is not full access to team. define('right_assign_roles', 128); // Right to assign user roles. define('right_export_team', 256); // Right to export team data to a file. define('right_administer_site', 1024); // Admin account right to manage the application as a whole. // User roles. define('ROLE_USER', 4); // Regular user. define('ROLE_CLIENT', 16); // Client (to view reports and invoices). define('ROLE_COMANAGER', 68); // Team co-manager. Can do many things but not as much as team manager. define('ROLE_MANAGER', 324); // Team manager. Can do everything for a team. define('ROLE_SITE_ADMIN', 1024); // Site administrator. define('CHARSET', 'utf-8'); date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); // Strip auto-inserted extra slashes when magic_quotes ON for PHP versions prior to 5.4.0. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) magic_quotes_off(); // Initialize global objects that are needed for the application. import('html.HttpRequest'); $request = new ttHttpRequest(); import('form.ActionErrors'); $err = new ActionErrors(); // Error messages for user. $msg = new ActionErrors(); // Notification messages (not errrors) for user. // Create an instance of ttUser class. This gets us most of user details. import('ttUser'); $user = new ttUser(null, $auth->getUserId()); if ($user->custom_logo) { $smarty->assign('custom_logo', 'images/'.$user->group_id.'.png'); $smarty->assign('mobile_custom_logo', '../images/'.$user->group_id.'.png'); } $smarty->assign('user', $user); // Localization. import('I18n'); $i18n = new I18n(); // Determine the language to use. $lang = $user->lang; if (!$lang) { if (defined('LANG_DEFAULT')) $lang = LANG_DEFAULT; // If we still do not have the language get it from the browser. if (!$lang) { $lang = $i18n->getBrowserLanguage(); // Finally - English is the default. if (!$lang) { $lang = 'en'; } } } // Load i18n file. $i18n->load($lang); // Assign things for smarty to use in template files. $smarty->assign('i18n', $i18n->keys); $smarty->assign('err', $err); $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); // TODO: move this code out of here to the files that use it. // We use js/strftime.js to print dates in JavaScript (in DateField controls). // One of our date formats (%d.%m.%Y %a) prints a localized short weekday name (%a). // The init_js_date_locale function iniitializes Date.ext.locales array in js/strftime.js for our language // so that we could print localized short weekday names. // // JavaScript usage (see // // var d = new Date(); // d.locale = "fr"; // Remember to initialize locale. // d.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %a"); // This will output a localized %a as in "31.05.2013 Ven" // Initialize date locale for JavaScript. init_js_date_locale(); function init_js_date_locale() { global $i18n, $smarty; $lang = $i18n->lang; $days = $i18n->weekdayNames; $short_day_names = array(); foreach($days as $k => $v) { $short_day_names[$k] = mb_substr($v, 0, 3, 'utf-8'); } /* $months = $i18n->monthNames; $short_month_names = array(); foreach ($months as $k => $v) { $short_month_names[$k] = mb_substr($v, 0, 3, 'utf-8'); } $js = "Date.ext.locales['$lang'] = { a: ['" . join("', '", $short_day_names) . "'], A: ['" . join("', '", $days) . "'], b: ['" . join("', '", $short_month_names) . "'], B: ['" . join("', '", $months) . "'], c: '%a %d %b %Y %T %Z', p: ['', ''], P: ['', ''], x: '%Y-%m-%d', X: '%T' };"; */ // We use %a in one of date formats. Therefore, simplified code here (instead of the above block). // %p is also used on the Profile page in 12-hour time format example. Note that %p is not localized. $js = "Date.ext.locales['$lang'] = { a: ['" . join("', '", $short_day_names) . "'], p: ['AM', 'PM'] };"; $smarty->assign('js_date_locale', $js); }