isPluginEnabled('mq')) { header('Location: access_denied.php'); exit(); } // Start and end fallback values for the Year dropdown. $yearStart = 2015; $yearEnd = 2030; // If values are defined in config - use them. if (defined('MONTHLY_QUOTA_YEAR_START')){ $yearStart = (int)MONTHLY_QUOTA_YEAR_START; } if (defined('MONTHLY_QUOTA_YEAR_END')){ $yearEnd = (int)MONTHLY_QUOTA_YEAR_END; } // Create values for the Year dropdown. $years = array(); for ($i = $yearStart; $i <= $yearEnd; $i++) { array_push($years, array('id'=>$i,'name'=>$i)); } // Get selected year from url parameter. $selectedYear = $request->getParameter('year'); if (!$selectedYear or !ttValidInteger($selectedYear)){ $selectedYear = date('Y'); } else { $selectedYear = intval($selectedYear); } // Months are zero indexed. $months = $i18n->monthNames; $quota = new MonthlyQuota(); if ($request->isPost()){ // TODO: Add parameter validation. $res = false; if ($_POST['btn_hours']){ // User changed workday hours for team. $hours = (int)$request->getParameter('workdayHours'); $res = ttTeamHelper::update($user->team_id, array('name'=>$user->team,'workday_hours'=>$hours)); } if ($_POST['btn_submit']){ // User pressed the Save button under monthly quotas table. $postedYear = $request->getParameter('year'); $selectedYear = intval($postedYear); for ($i = 0; $i < count($months); $i++){ $res = $quota->update($postedYear, $i+1, $request->getParameter($months[$i])); } } if ($res) { header('Location: profile_edit.php'); exit(); } else { $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.db')); } } // Get monthly quotas where for the entire year. $monthsData = $quota->get($selectedYear); $form = new Form('monthlyQuotasForm'); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'text', 'name'=>'workdayHours', 'value'=>$user->workday_hours, 'style'=>'width:50px')); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox','name'=>'year','data'=>$years,'datakeys'=>array('id','name'),'value'=>$selectedYear,'onchange'=>'yearChange(this.value);')); for ($i=0; $i < count($months); $i++) { $value = ""; if (array_key_exists($i+1, $monthsData)){ $value = $monthsData[$i+1]; } $name = $months[$i]; $form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','name'=>$name,'maxlength'=>3,'value'=> $value,'style'=>'width:50px')); } $smarty->assign('months', $months); $smarty->assign('forms', array($form->getName()=>$form->toArray())); $smarty->assign('title', $i18n->getKey('title.monthly_quotas')); $smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'quotas.tpl'); $smarty->display('index.tpl');