'something goes here too', // Row ideentifier. 'label' => 'This is a label for row 0', 'day_0' => array('id' => '0_0', 'duration' => '00:00'), 'day_1' => array('id' => '0_1', 'duration' => '01:00'), 'day_2' => array('id' => '0_2', 'duration' => '02:00'), 'day_3' => array('id' => '0_3', 'duration' => null), 'day_4' => array('id' => '0_4', 'duration' => '04:00') ), array( // Row 1. 'label' => 'This is a label for row 1', 'day_0' => array('id' => '1_0', 'duration' => '00:30'), 'day_1' => array('id' => '1_1', 'duration' => '01:30'), 'day_2' => array('id' => '1_2', 'duration' => '02:30'), ) ); $totals = array( 'label' => 'Total:', 'day_0' => '00:30', 'day_1' => '02:30', 'day_2' => '04:30', 'day_3' => null, 'day_4' => '04:00', 'day_5' => null, 'day_6' => null ); // Define rendering class for a label field to the left of durations. class LabelCellRenderer extends DefaultCellRenderer { function render(&$table, $value, $row, $column, $selected = false) { $this->setOptions(array('width'=>200,'valign'=>'middle')); $this->setValue(htmlspecialchars($value)); return $this->toString(); } } // Define rendering class for a single cell for time entry in week view table. class TimeCellRenderer extends DefaultCellRenderer { function render(&$table, $value, $row, $column, $selected = false) { $field_name = $table->getValueAt($row,$column)['id']; // Our text field names (and ids) are like x_y (row_column). $field = new TextField($field_name); $field->setFormName($table->getFormName()); $field->setSize(2); $field->setValue($table->getValueAt($row,$column)['duration']); $this->setValue($field->getHtml()); return $this->toString(); } } // Elements of weekTimeForm. $form = new Form('weekTimeForm'); // Create week_durations table. $table = new Table('week_durations'); // $table->setIAScript('markModified'); // TODO: write a script to mark table or particular cells as modified. $table->setTableOptions(array('width'=>'100%','cellspacing'=>'1','cellpadding'=>'3','border'=>'0')); $table->setRowOptions(array('valign'=>'top','class'=>'tableHeader')); $table->setData($durations_with_labels); // Add columns to table. $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('label', '', new LabelCellRenderer(), $totals['label'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_0', 'day 0', new TimeCellRenderer(), $totals['day_0'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_1', 'day 1', new TimeCellRenderer(), $totals['day_1'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_2', 'day 2', new TimeCellRenderer(), $totals['day_2'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_3', 'day 3', new TimeCellRenderer(), $totals['day_3'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_4', 'day 4', new TimeCellRenderer(), $totals['day_4'])); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_5', 'day 5', new TimeCellRenderer())); $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('day_6', 'day 6', new TimeCellRenderer())); $table->setInteractive(false); $form->addInputElement($table); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'submit','name'=>'btn_submit','value'=>$i18n->get('button.submit'))); // Submit. if ($request->isPost()) { if ($request->getParameter('btn_submit')) { } } $smarty->assign('forms', array($form->getName()=>$form->toArray())); $smarty->assign('title', $i18n->get('title.time')); $smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'table_test.tpl'); $smarty->display('index.tpl');